Ultimate Open Baffle Gallery

See this: Open Baffle woofer what is important?

You will not reach a conclusion, I warn you.

And see the projects of Troels Gravesen with low Q woofers here: DIY Loudspeaker Projects Troels Gravesen

After about 6 years using the Alpha-15A in my narrow baffle OB project (with Fostex Fe206En FR), with only a 1st order low pass (800 Hz) for the woofer, I decided to try a low Q high sensitivity woofer (Faital 15PR400). Still waiting for it because it is sold out here in Europe.

In my small room and with a 300b SET amp (6 W), the Alphas, although pleasant, are a bit shy (I'm not bass dependent).

I look forward to your report on the difference
can you give details? design, crossover point etc...

I recently replaced a Eminence Kappa 15LFA with a Faital 15PR400. On paper they look very similair. But it was a really good sound improving upgrade, the Faital goes about 5Hz deeper and augments the mid/low with more of a throaty presents. I like it a lot.

It's filtered low pass/second order with 12mH and 100Uf. I estimate overall system efficiency around 97dB

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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Active crossover 4th order BW low pass.


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I recently replaced a Eminence Kappa 15LFA with a Faital 15PR400. On paper they look very similair. But it was a really good sound improving upgrade, the Faital goes about 5Hz deeper and augments the mid/low with more of a throaty presents. I like it a lot.

It's filtered low pass/second order with 12mH and 100Uf. I estimate overall system efficiency around 97dB

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

crossover point?
What voltage do you run the EMS?

I played around with various voltages, my PSU is variable so makes this easy, and settled on 10,5V. Two friends of mine prefer there abouts as well. I do love them, but they take months to break in and a lot of patience to dial in. My openbaffle is in it's 4th iteration and I doubt will ever be finished.

If you decide on buying them I can give you some more suggestions.
In my old OB I had XO point at 250-260hz and integration was seamless (with to SS amps of different nature), but they went down to like 60hz @-3db.
I also have appreciated projects similar to stijn001 (google Bastanis for some) with the caveat that the sealed sub was crossed too high. Idk how the EMS driver compares to the modified eminence, but I'm pretty sure the sound quality is better.
.. with the caveat that the sealed sub was crossed too high. Idk how the EMS driver compares to the modified eminence...

One of the benefits of the the LB12EX is that they already play very low. With the right enclosure or OBB size/placement they can be made to provide impressive bass into the 40Hz -3dB region. In my listening space with an modest OBB this wasn't happening. By using a narrowed baffle and without filtering (idd similair to Bastanis), the LB12EX rolls-off earlier, so I could cross-over at around 150Hz (maybe a little higher) to the woofers below. I like a nice low cross-over point. The cross-over point was derived by ear, over months of tweaking.

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