Ultimate Open Baffle Gallery

it´s really nice looking anyway
steel has it´s flaws, conducts sound so fast, damping can be difficult

there is allways panzerholz

18" has so much force that 50kg is not enough to keep it steady, there is spikes though :D

plate amp direct on steel baffle, microphonic pickups to components and vibrating parts of from pcb?
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ok theres allways some measurements that we can do.

here is mic interface to usb audio and let´s see what vibration during calibration do.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

and thats only slightly tapping steinberg CI1 to floor, not high pitch up to 2k what your ob speaker can do.

you can fix these resonances just taking amp away from vibrating steel baffle
What I meant was that in these speakers there are no plate amplifiers as such, and that both passive and active crossovers, class D-modules and power supplies that do exist, are placed in a completely separate aluminium box resting on elastic feet. This box can be resting on the integrated stand of the speaker, or be placed somewhere else entirely. //oido
What I meant was that in these speakers there are no plate amplifiers as such, and that both passive and active crossovers, class D-modules and power supplies that do exist, are placed in a completely separate aluminium box resting on elastic feet. This box can be resting on the integrated stand of the speaker, or be placed somewhere else entirely. //oido

nice speakers!!!!
I've build a lot of OB's, always with the Saba Green cones.
Always the same setup.
In MDF, oak, pine, bambou, walnut, STEEL, GLASS.
The speakers, all the same size but in different materials (and colors) were set up in our Audio Lounge next to each other.
I (nor my customers) have ever been able to hear anything like what Manninen decribes. Of course he's right theoretically.
I'd like to try out your design with Saba's.... In steel
Hi nicoch58
That's the funny thing!
nothing at all.
I thought (was convinced, I even heard it) the glass and the steel ones sounded better.
But that must have been subconciously because they are so much heavier and much more expensive to build.
But with blind listening tests, they all sound very much the same.
we can switch between 6 pairs of loudspeaker, 6 amps and 6 sources.
after 3 or 4 switches, no one could tell the difference anymore!


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The wheels were only required to find the optimum point when placing the system in a room. They are very heavy, difficult to carry on his hands. No, this is not a closed box or the OB, this reflex with a slit at the bottom .It has two sets of MF and HF at front and rear of speaker.

Yep, using the casters for placement and moving only makes sense. When I say enclosed cabinet I am generalizing, whether sealed or vented. So, it is an enclosed speaker not an OB. Though very beautiful and a very interesting design, they belong in another gallery. Feel free to do a thread about them, they are worthy of theirown thread.

So that's not the ultimate OB ..

Exactly my point...
My implementation of the PAP Trio15 & Lowther DX3 & Leonidas XO.

Now playing for 4 months without changing. (exeptional for me !!)

Also pics of Mundorf boards : Leonidas XO

Last pics prove the XO is good for tweaking : the room , personal taste & different FullRange units.

Ze'ev voiced a difficult room : all concrete steel glass , with the Voxativ 1.6 with very good results !!

This is what I designed it for. Satisfied !!

sinc. Leon.


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