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Universal Buffer achieving -140 dBc (0.00001 %) THD

Sorry for the OT but this kind of bugs me.

I might be wrong but... I was looking at that adapter board and I think there's an error on it. The fuse on it is obviously attached to pin1 of the RAC10-15-20. The pcb datasheet says it is the Live input but the converters datasheets say it is actually the Neutral.

You are correct. I have the actual hardware in my hands, and clearly the external fuse goes to the Neutral pin on the converter when mounted on the adapter. Good catch.

IMG_5145.jpg - Google Drive
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closed account
Joined 2007
Cardas silver solder £25 ( would be enough for lots of units!)

Cardas is the guy that speaks of employing the golden ratio in everything he does, including cable design. This pseudo science disqualifies the company in my view and FWIW I consider everything they do as snake oil. Just take any solder with 3% Ag and 0.5-1% Cu and you are fine. And save 23£.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
How good next power supplies like "MPM-05-15" or "IRM-02-5" (Mean Well) for the Universal Buffer?

The 15 V IRM or MPM series SMPSes from Mean Well would be excellent for powering the Universal Buffer. I'd go with a MPM-05-15 or IRM-05-15. Add 47 uF on the output.

Any additional components needed to support any from them of just enough "plug and play" to be happy? Thanks

They're quite plug-n-play compatible. You'll want the usual safety precautions on the mains: 6.3 mm minimum clearance to other metal parts, fuse, etc.

In the Spec I see additional gain configuration for Hypex NC500 and Purifi 1ET400A amplifiers. Does it work only for particular modules or just for any similar.

There's nothing special about the Hypex/Purifi gain setting. I chose a resistor value that would give 26 dB overall gain for the Universal Buffer + Hypex NC500/Purifi 1ET400A.

According to the NC252MP Datasheet, it has 26 dB gain already, so I'd configure the Universal Buffer for unity gain (i.e. use it straight out of the box) with that amp.

Very new to this forum. So I’m new to the vibe and culture of the community.

But I’m a bit confused about this entire thread... I just read through 24 pages that spanned over a couple months.. with no real resolution? When there easily could have been one?

Are we not all grown educated people?

tomchr you are you really not providing measurements based on perceived ‘tone’ of a typed post? Seems a bit petty.

I say ‘seems’ because I don’t know your history or Class D’s history but even if a tone was not to your liking, and you feel someone is trolling your product, wouldn’t taking the higher road by posting the data shut it all down and be a win for your product?

Where is the loss in doing so? The requested measurements are obviously a potentially strong selling point for your product to serve as a viable buffer for the NC500 and 1ET400A. Many people are interested in that specific combination. Not just Class D.

Simply say it’s not the best fit (if it isn’t). If it is, why not make it a priority to showcase its performance with those modules or similar? I don’t think it’s as narrow a market as you say (especially on this forum).

Promote your buffer via your platform of measured data for the different levels and shut everyone up.
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Yes. We are here again. Why?

Before anyone calls me a troll.. I am a real person. Benjamin Lacombe. I’ll verify any which way you like to cut that excuse.

Universal buffer? Show it with different measurement points to showcase that. Is that really a crazy notion?
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I don't understand why you think Tom is refusing to provide measurements. I believe if you read back, he said he'd make more measurements. But he's trying to make a living and can't drop everything just because someone asks for a particular set of measurements. I know people who are applications engineers for a large semiconductor company and they are always inundated with more customer data requests than they can handle. Even in a multi-billion dollar company you have to make daily decisions on which request gets priority.

What's the point of your request? Do you sincerely want the information to make a purchase decision or are you just trying to stir the pot that feeds the trolls?
Drop everything? Who said that? Based on his website, it looks like he has or has access to the tools and resources necessary to provide such measurements without severely inconveniencing himself. Maybe I’m wrong.

I’m not trying to troll or take a stab at Tom. Heck I’m am interested in his buffer. So are many others. Taking these measurements could easily boost his means of living than detract from it.

The point of my request is the same as many other users on this specific thread as well as other threads. Seems like a popular request of many users interested in purchasing than just a one off request. All those potential purchases don’t somewhat merit some sort of prioritizing?

Why is this considered trolling? Like I said, I’m new to the community.
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
tomchr you are you really not providing measurements based on perceived ‘tone’ of a typed post? Seems a bit petty.

If you've actually read the entire thread, you should have come across Post #116, where I say specifically that I will provide the measurements requested. You should also have come across the updated list of measurements I've committed to in Post #217. Further you should have noticed my expectations for the measured performance in Post #199. In addition, you would have come across BrianL's post (Post #129) where he questions the validity of the requested measurements, and notes that requesting that I provide customized measurements at the drop of a hat is a rather unreasonable ask. It's not like I sit around and wait for these requests to come in. I have to fit them in with my other priorities.

I'm more than happy to provide measurements. As it is, I already provide more measurements than just about anyone in the industry, and certainly more than anyone in the DIY community.

I say ‘seems’ because I don’t know your history or Class D’s history

His history was brief. He was banned with ~36 hours of account creation.

You can see my history in my resume: About – Neurochrome
You're also free to read any of my 8200 posts on this forum. I've been here since February of 2009.

Where is the loss in doing so?

Time. Opportunity cost. Right now I'm preparing marketing materials for my attendance at the Florida Audio Expo this weekend. There's only one of me and only 24 hours in one day.

Joined 2009
Paid Member
Drop everything? Who said that?

You, with your repeated requests.

What do you intend to accomplish with your repeated requests? They seem pretty obviously intended to provoke an emotional reaction (which is trolling according to the DIY Audio rules) and/or to discredit my business (which is shameful to say the least - especially in a vendor thread).

If your requests were genuine, you would back off now. I've already committed to taking more measurements. I will provide them on my website when they become available.

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Hey I thought I was Mike Davis? Who's this imposter? Someone else asks a good question and it must be Mike Davis? I think the measurements he was referring to is what you didn't previously commit to. Such as the full suite of measurements you share of the buffer with the 2v output and 100k load. But with 10v output and 4k load. And with both single ended, and balanced input connections. Reflecting what it will need to handle in the role of a buffer for the Purifi amps. Let's make this vividly clear so there's no confusion.
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Well I’ll stay posted for the measurements. If they are awesome like your other measurements, I have a strong feeling you will see an uptick in sales that will justify the opportunity cost you mention. My single request comes as a potential buyer, supporting you and your product. I do not post to discredit in any manner.

Your an OG on this site I can respect that. My name is Ben Lacombe, I live in San Diego, California. I am not Mike of Mivera Audio. I do not own an audio company. I own an AFC Urgent Care in Riverside, California and am a practicing radiation therapist for California Protons Cancer Therapy Center.

I’m simply an audiophile hobbyist very interested in your input buffer for the 1ET400A tis all. I know 1st hand running a business isn’t an easy gig by any means.

But if you think I’m somebody else, like I mentioned in post #236, I will verify however you like that I am who I say I am. Not a problem for me.
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