Using the HYPNOTIZE as a general shunt reg PCB

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And tonight I built the last of the supplies for my buffalo DAC/counterpoint. If I had enough parts I would have done another one for another + supply - but right now thats running through a teddyreg so at least it has decent supply anyway.

So I have the bipolar board for +/- 8.6V for the coutnerpoints, the cutdown hypnotise for digital supply (VD) and then the teddyreg for the analogue supply to the buffalo itself.

I know some might think the hypnotize/shunt reg set up is a bit pricey, but if you add up what it costs for the standard twisted pear supplies + some extra fancy regulation, the hypnotize is well worth it. I bought 10 hypnotize boards in the group buy and I've used 3 already, have another project planned for another one!! And, if they prove a hit in the buffalo, a friend of mine is going to want 2 more built for him.... another group buy anyone???:):)

So heres a pic (sorry for the rubbish pic)- you can see the cut down hypnotize board for the single supply only. Case space is fairly tight where these are going (30mm high case) so the main caps are lying flat and the mosfets are also the standoffs. Sinking will be to bottom of the case.



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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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:D Nice company. Pins for Rref are cool so to set Vout easy or change. Film caps can't work well when with resistor though. Its not full Led as in DCB1. Up to 10V it can work with film caps across Vref if supported only by Leds. There are enough Led positions. 4 could do 8.6V or about.
Ah, thats interesting!

I might do some experiments with a few extra LEDs. The voltage targets are 8-9V for the counterpoints and around 7ish for the VD supply. So yes, I could probably get there handy enough with just LEDs. Didn;t think of that!! The first supply I made was a 30V one so there was no way I could use LEDs and just didn't think of it after that!

Will experiment a bit more and see how it goes.


PS: Why not go all the way and just use a 5K trim pot instead of the resistor? That way it would be easily tweakable....
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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PS: Why not go all the way and just use a 5K trim pot instead of the resistor? That way it would be easily tweakable....

Trimmer can be OK but not for voltages that the dissipation across it will make it unreliable or noisy in the long term. A low ppm resistor is even detectable as cleaner on top of not giving wiper issues.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Same as mine was before the new supplies:

Buffalo VA supplied via teddyreg
Buffalo VD supplied from TP LCDPS

Counterpoints supplied from TP LCDPS


all using hypnotize except VA which still has teddyreg supply.


Teddyreg is famous. Let us know how it will do over that too if you will test to substitute also. Is it an easily perceptible subjective upgrade on the other occasions with the Hypno? How is it manifesting in more words?
Hi Salas,

I didn't compare the hypnotize to the shunt because I was a) out of parts and b) it was my least worst supply. FWIW, I couldn't use the teddyreg on the digital supplies becuase its slow to come up to full voltage -= which the buffalo didn't like, and I didn't have them on teh coutnerpoints becuase of current draw and the need for heatsinking etc

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