Using the HYPNOTIZE as a general shunt reg PCB

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Don't lit, isn't powered, it's an effect camera flash.

Yes are isolated from chassis, you can't see because is transparent isulation.

Not, the problem is in minus rail, the 5 leds between mosfets don't lit & the 2 resistors 33 ohms 1W in parallel starting smoke, as you can see his colour is different of positive rail.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
I should mention I've done neither to these boards. But I did both to a couple of F5 boards. Have a hard time reading P vs N. Oh ya, and no ground reference for baby shunt killed that. Can't win or lose if you don't play. It's called experience right?

We need one of those magnifiers with white leds on the rim. Simple tools that can help a lot. I got a 3Euro thing with pivoted braces, a couple of crocodiles at their ends and a magnifier on another brace that can be positioned around. Its very Metropolis. Can hold for you a small board to assemble. Only 3 Euro and it can save a lot of nerves.
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