
Have not seen one, BUT best ( even if just on axis ) to measure on the chosen Baffle. If you are simply wanting to try out to see what happens, you can get the image from the manufacturers site ( SB generally has 0,30 and 60 degrees) and convert it within Vituix toolkit.

In a nutshell, even if you find one, unless you know the measurement details the amount of information you will get is purely informative before you crank up the measurement equipment
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When i adjust the Z-axis of a driver in vituixCad, does positive numbers move it closer to the "mic"?

Read the xyz explanation in the manual and draw yourself a picture of your system and mix postion / listening position. Also a previois post of me shows such a drawing.
It is important to really understand the geometric basics of vituixcad, else you will simply fail.
Thats a bit harsh? But fair i guess, could have figured it out myself. Thank you for your suggestion, I'll do some more reading.
Well it may come across harsh, but the geometric coordinate convention is a core aspect of vituixcad. Making a drawing helps you in understanding it.
Without understanding you will make mistakes and do simulations that may look pretty nice, but do not correlate with the reality.
Pls see below (from the V2 measuring manual)


  • V2 z.png
    V2 z.png
    14.9 KB · Views: 73
  • V2 zz.png
    V2 zz.png
    8.9 KB · Views: 73
Well it may come across harsh, but the geometric coordinate convention is a core aspect of vituixcad. Making a drawing helps you in understanding it.
Without understanding you will make mistakes and do simulations that may look pretty nice, but do not correlate with the reality.
I meant the message from kimmosto, about asking stupid questions. I appreciate the advice, so thanks!
Thats a bit harsh?
Maybe, but usually questioner himself suspects that question could be stupid, and no one else have to say it :) Anyway, it's not very motivating to repeat the same basic things for numerous (usually new) users. Program will not stay as freeware if continuous support is required from me on discussion forums and e-mail while documentation covers the questions. For example coordinate system is explained in all four measurement instructions and user manual.
Program has thousands of users so please focus to questions which are not explained clearly enough or at all in documentation.
Program will not stay as freeware if continuous support is required from me on discussion forums and e-mail while documentation covers the questions. For example coordinate system is explained in all four measurement instructions and user manual.
An alternative to simply ending the freeware option would be to provide the software for free with a paid support tier, similar idea to say installing Linux for free or purchasing an enterprise version. This would force the DIY community to support each other and allow developer support to focus on customers that are providing you some revenue.
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An alternative to simply ending the freeware option would be to provide the software for free with a paid support tier, similar idea to say installing Linux for free or purchasing an enterprise version. This would force the DIY community to support each other and allow developer support to focus on customers that are providing you some revenue.
That's what most companies/developers do incl a Q&A database, next is to provide a community that can help each other.
Otherwise a paid tier to be able to ask direct questions.

Maybe a different tier for hobbyists, but it depends how much time you want to spend on these kind of things.

In general I would advice not to get so involved into the questions part, but only the deeper tech stuff.
There are now more than enough users who can answer those questions for you.
An alternative to simply ending the freeware option would be to provide the software for free with a paid support tier,
... allow developer support to focus on customers that are providing you some revenue.
Paying customers don't usually need or ask help. They are professionals who read instructions and are able to investigate functions if documentation is not clear or adequate. For example sign of Z coordinate is ridiculously easy to verify with delay parameter and phase response. Professionals just ask new features more often than freeware users.

Anyway, money is not the problem or motivation for me. I just hope that users wouldn't be so lazy and "force" anybody to repeat already documented things. Quick answer on the forum might offer first aid, but it's not wise long term solution providing deeper/wider understanding.
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I think a simple question...for measuring in ARTA per document "Elevation of mic is at the center point of driver under test...Exception: Mid and tweeter can be measured at common mic elevation = average Y of center points if drivers are small and close to each other, baffle is straight (non-stepped) and vertical plane is not measured..."

I measured a small 2-way with a 4-inch (really closer to 3 inch) midwoofer, center-to-center distance about 4 inches, baffle width 6 inches, at 1 meter, without adjusting the mic height. When simulating in VituixCAD would I just keep x,y,z at 0,0,0?