
What drawbacks do you see?

Will your auto update process now update the public driver database too? If yes, will it retain the entries created locally, and update only those which have been updated globally but not modified or created locally?

Few risks related to local driver database. After installation of 2.0.18 there will be two local driver database files: one file in \Users\username\Documents\VituixCAD\Enclosure and the other one in \Users\Public\VituixCAD\Enclosure folder. Content of installed database file in Public is equal to online database. Version 2.0.18+ will use only the last one (in Public folder). Older versions including obsolete 1.1 use the first one (though file path can be changed in user.config).

Problems are not expected if user has never added drivers to local database or modifications are not valuable. Available options if user wants to save added drivers and other modifications in local:

A) Copy (or move) old database file in \Users\username\Documents\VituixCAD\Enclosure to \Users\Public\VituixCAD\Enclosure right after installation of 2.0.18 - before running the program. Overwrite the file installed with 2.0.18. Start program, open Enclosure tool and update local database with online database. Save drivers.
This could be done automatically when ver. 2.0.18+ is started, but things will go wrong if user decides to install some old version e.g. 1.1.

B) Start program after installation and open Enclosure tool. Enclosure tool asks user to update with database file in user's folder if the file is newer (modified after 2018-11-04) than file installed with 2.0.18. BUT this question will not be asked if local database was modified before 2018-11-04 by user. User does not necessarily notice that Enclosure tool is using different file than before.
Users don't usually read changelog or manual so nothing what I try to write before e-mail flood does not help.

C) Same as previous but database file installed with 2.0.18 is updated manually with 'Update database...' command in context menu of drivers table. This works any time as long as database file in user's folder is not deleted.

Another drawback is that \Users\Public\Documents folder is initially not so visible via File Explorer. User have to search that directory and create shortcut or pin to Quick access menu to find it easily (in case it's needed to see).
^Listening window average to IR will have some technical issues. It is typically just an average of pressure magnitudes. Magnitude result will reduce due to delay/phase differences if we sum multiple pressures with phase information.
If we sum magnitudes without phase and use phase of calculated average or axial response, the result will not be necessarily minimum phase though reality would be. One method is calculating minimum phase for average and then adding excess phase of reference (axial) response, but it's too complex for this purpose imo, and axial could be set outside listening window. Cheaper trick would be selecting phase of some average off-axis angle.

Hmm, I am trying to see what might go wrong with the vector averaging, I have tried it with 2 datasets but is seems to work fine.
But my datasets are good with a well defined rotation, is that the problem perhaps?
Hmm, I am trying to see what might go wrong with the vector averaging, I have tried it with 2 datasets but is seems to work fine.
But my datasets are good with a well defined rotation, is that the problem perhaps?

My test data gives also very close to equal result. So this might be just a risk in practice which is realized if rotation while measurement sequence is not properly centered or radiator is not ordinary.
Anyway, program calculates average magnitude without phase, but uses phase of vector sum for export and IR calculation. Looks okay to me but could be changed if some problems.

One detail to be aware of is that vertical 0 deg response is included in average together with horizontal 0 deg though they are the same. This is intentional to avoid over-weighting of off-axis responses due to horizontal symmetry which common in practice. VituixCAD user here. I use DATS to generate .ZMA files and Omnimic to generate .FRD files. In V2, those file don't seem to work. They did in V1.1. Are they supported in V2?

V2 reads and writes "standard" txt/frd/zma files so there's nothing specially for DATS and OmniMic. Only formats having something unique are LMS short ascii and Klippel.
Could you send few example files? VituixCAD user here. I use DATS to generate .ZMA files and Omnimic to generate .FRD files. In V2, those file don't seem to work. They did in V1.1. Are they supported in V2?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the thread.

One could image real problem is you can't see them in browse window, if that's the case then shift button down in lower right corner to same format as expected : )



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Last edited: VituixCAD user here. I use DATS to generate .ZMA files and Omnimic to generate .FRD files. In V2, those file don't seem to work. They did in V1.1. Are they supported in V2?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the thread.

Just in case you missed these bits:

- To generate any signal, you must first connect the source with the driver in the crossover tab. The connecting line will go green;

- The frequency response files must be saved as "XXbass_hor_deg_00.txt" in Omni. This is in case of on-axis measurement, for other angles you will replace the 00 with the appropriate angle value.

- The impedance file should be good as it is (once the driver is activated...)
Hope this helps.
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^Yes, missing XO was the problem already solved via e-mail.

First steps with ver 2.0 start here: How to start working with VituixCAD

P.S. "deg" in frequency response filename is not required. It's just naming system of ARTA. For example "Driver123 hor 0.txt/frd" (with spaces) is perfect for axial response if also driver name contains numbers. "Driver123 hor -170.txt" for -170 deg off-axis, "Driver123 hor 150.txt" for +150 deg, and so on.
I just updated for the first time in a while, and I seem to have lost the vertical scrollbar for the schematic pane ? :( The horizontal scrollbar is still working.

Not sure exactly what version I was running before, I think somewhere around 2.0.13.x, so I have jumped quite a few versions.

As upgrades are normally problem free for me I didn't even keep the old installer to revert. Fortunately I can scroll vertically using trackpad two fingered scrolling as a workaround.
^Panel was too wide and vertical scrollbar outside visible area. Probably after BiQ button was added to rev. 2.0.15. Now there is new built of where vertical scrollbar is visible again.
I wouldn't use this program without mouse because many important functions are done especially for mouse wheel.