What are you drinking?

Actually, if Cal had been thinking, he would have bought some adult diapers with that group of purchases. With the food he's got coming, and the beer fridge, he might need it. After eating he probably won't be able to get off the couch!:D

SY you are making me jealous with that bottle of Taylor-Fladgate. And I think that the question was draft wine, not daft!;)

A local house of worship for this sort of thing is planning an "Out with the Old" event tonight. They are going to be opening an array of vintage bottles of beer that have been in the basement for a few years. Should be an enjoyable time. I also plan on bringing over a bottle of Panil (2006) and a bottle of Magic Hat Humdinger from 2005.

Happy New Year!

this thread has never been jacked before

Im sure that this thread will drift back to its original topic. After all I have to go off-line at some point. Right!


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Well Terry, I thought that I would mention that my new years resolution is to quit smoking. At 57 I think that it might be about time. This means that befor midnight tonight I round up everything assoicated with the evel habit, and 86 it. I got my ducks all in a row. I got the support system, I got the nicotine gum, and almost 3 day's befor I need to go back to work. Wouldn't want the co-worker to have to put up with a up-tight person. So wish me luck, its be a long time comming.

I do wish you the very best luck, I've tried several times but could never outlast the cravings. On the other hand, I've been smoking for nearly 50 years and many people have remarked how good I look....for a man 175 years old!

However, it doesn't seem to have changed the young Ladies' opinion of me though, they still don't like me any better than when I was 15.

Best Regards,
On the other hand, I've been smoking for nearly 50 years and many people have remarked how good I look....for a man 175 years old!
Best Regards,

I dont smoke and have a brother about 5 years younger than me who does.
He looks considerably older than me.

If you can give up smoking then its definitely worth while.
My mother got cancer 3 times and she smoked.
Sadly the third time killed her.
You and your better half got in the car, went to the store, bought all of that good stuff and got back to posting in about one hour. Terry has never done anything in less that two hours.

Walked actually. And, it took close to to two hours but who's counting, we got back in time to watch the junior hockey, and that was my focus....moving on...we have enjoyed the hot oyster, ginger, green onion thing, and as we digest next up is the shrimp cocktail, after that the shrimp bisque (sort of) with cloud fungus, then we move onto the cold shrimp wrapped in prosciutto and off to the lobster fest it is. Veggies are taking a serious back seat tonight. :)
T - It has been said the "anouncing to the world" that you are going to do something is a motivator. You know, peer preaure and all that stuff. Im just about 9 hours away from the due date. Now I think I'll go blow a fag.---- nnoo!!!! thats not what I mean.!!!!!

You sure don't want to say that up on Capitol Hill. This is Seattle after all!

I'm rooting for your Victory!

Best Regards and have A Very Happy New Year! :)
The whole clan here...Wifey made some Strawberry Daquiris´........Two plus hours ago we all shot off alot of fireworks, the whole city lit up with fireworks. Joe Blow here can buy the biggest mortars & fireworks packs.No license, nothing Your wallet is the limit..you could buy & set off 2000lbs if you wanted.

Everybody drinkin' coffee ??? :yawn: I am guzzlin' beer and sippin shine screwdrivers (orange juice). :eek: VERY much enjoying the TMC amp's (mongrel AX) ultra pure sound , unbelievable detail !!!

c2 , I designed these amps trying to make junk speakers sound good ... they did. I just put good speakers on them .. OMG !! I am beyond the aspen amps , even AT or exceeding the class A level (I have built and heard these). The TMC amp is awesome , praise Baxandall.

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Joined 2006
Paid Member
Everybody drinkin' coffee ??? :yawn:
c2 , I designed these amps trying to make junk speakers sound good ... they did. I just put good speakers on them .. OMG !! I am beyond the aspen amps , even AT or exceeding the class A level (I have built and heard these). The TMC amp is awesome , praise Baxandall.


Hey OS - Congratulations on your amps - I'm glad you are happy with them. I hope I get a chance to build a couple later this year. I gotta wait until 17 (18 in June) GD is outta here - then I might be able to save up a bit of building money to play with. Until then - ain't no wayyyyyyyy - 17 Y/O females BURN through $$$$$. BUT she is no match for NaNa - NaNa is a seasoned pro - the two of them combined - heck I'm lucky I can afford my decaf!!

BTW - according to the threads I think that Terry O. and I might be the only sober ones around at the moment. :rolleyes: