What are you drinking?

And a walk in fridge. The juicer is for gout season.


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Now wait a minute Cal- You and your better half got in the car, went to the store, bought all of that good stuff and got back to posting in about one hour. Terry has never done anything in less that two hours.

Cal was just excited about the new underwear and couldn't wait to get home!

Me? I'm just a slow-poke and at my age have shifted down a gear.

That reminds me, I've got to get going on my drywall project before my ever-lovin' wife (Evil Annie) gets back. She went to buy her new pistol, so I better be careful!

Best Regards,
Well Terry, I thought that I would mention that my new years resolution is to quit smoking. At 57 I think that it might be about time. This means that befor midnight tonight I round up everything assoicated with the evel habit, and 86 it. I got my ducks all in a row. I got the support system, I got the nicotine gum, and almost 3 day's befor I need to go back to work. Wouldn't want the co-worker to have to put up with a up-tight person. So wish me luck, its be a long time comming.