What are you drinking?

Me did two Kriek Bellevues at the beach club this evening.(aka Lambikske)

Fag drink, but pretty safe for a has been 4 gal/day beer John.
Amusing bit, the mrs had too much red tonight and she's the one hanging over the toilet edge right now, a whole new experience for me. :D
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Celebrated son and daughter-in-law's wedding anniversary:


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Nothing at the moment, water soon. Enjoyed various Malt beverages this evening. See Beer is Sacred thread for details.

Jackinnj, nice Scotch. I have a friend who used to be a travelling rep for them. She and her husband gave me a bottle of the Gold Reserve as a Thank You for watching the various animals while they were on their honeymoon. Didn't seem to last very long. Too smooth!

Nigel Wright, tough deal for you. Sorry to hear about it. I have a friend who had his gall bladder out earlier this year. He's in a similar gig. Has to watch what he eats, etc. I suffer from other issues. Lately I've had to back off the carbohydrates and hard liquors. Kind of a bummer, because I enjoy both. But I don't enjoy the after affects.

Peace to all,

Dave Gerecke