What happen to Thule Audio?

A Visit In the Factory of Thule Audio in Herlev (in earlier days) cont II



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A Visit In the Factory of Thule Audio in Herlev (in earlier days) cont III



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Help with an Thule Amp

Hi everybody!

My first post here. Hope someone can help me.

Well, I'm the owner of a Thule Audio IA350B integrated 5 channel amplifier.

I love it but it needs repair. I've been looking around but there is almost no information on the brand. As you all know, it went belly up a couple of years ago.

This is my situation. I am not a "DIYer" and have zero knowledge of electronics (hey, good start!!!)

I have an IA350B that is an original 120V model (US model) that I bought when living in New York. I liked it so much that I brought it back to Europe with me.

I have 2 500v toroidal transformers that I bought to change it to 230 AC. These are brand new bought from a Danish supplier andI had them shipped to Spain, where I live.

I tried replacing them myself. It seemed easy but I guess it wasn't so easy! The end result was NO POWER. As if the unit was dead.

I put back the original toroidals again and the unit work again.

I took the unit and new toroidals to a local repair shop. The technician was unable to do it either. He blamed the toroidals saying that they were dead.

I took the toroidals to another (better I think) repair shop. They are the official repair shop for Rotel, Classé and many others here in Barcelona.

The guy tells me the Toroidals are OK but he is unwilling to install them. He says he's been in plenty of situations where he couldn't fix units from companies that went broke and everybody looses; they loose and the client looses.

The people who sold me the toroidals in Denmark, HIGH END MUSIKSERVICE, do not want to do the installation for me. They say the same as my local rapair man. Too much trouble and likelihood that it won't work.

Now for the question:

Does anybody know someone who is willing to give it a chance? I'm willing to ship the unit anywere in Europe. I have nothing to loose at this point. It either goes to the garbage or I can fix it for a couple of hundred euros, which is ok by me considering it's a good amp.

Sorry for the long message. Hope there is a good "diyer" samaritan willing to help or point me towards the right direction. :D

PD: Nice forum you guys have! Too bad I don't understant half of it! ;)
This is my situation. I am not a "DIYer" and have zero knowledge of electronics (hey, good start!!!)

I have 2 500v toroidal transformers that I bought to change it to 230 AC. These are brand new bought from a Danish supplier andI had them shipped to Spain, where I live.

I tried replacing them myself. It seemed easy but I guess it wasn't so easy! The end result was NO POWER. As if the unit was dead.

Sorry about your trouble with this.
Have you re-contacted the Danish supplier or whom ever crossed the specs for the transformers you bought?? The Danes may have somebody there that could assist you better or at least know somebody closer.
This was a mistake I think... who ever chooses to do the work should provide or at least specify the parts, otherwise there's no responsibility.
Hi everybody,

Thanks Jan and Infinia for the responses!

Let me clarify a couple of points, maybe I was not very clear.

I do not need new parts (I believe). I already bought the toroidal replacements but when I substitute de old toroidals with the new ones (the ones that are specified in 230 AC), the unit does not work. It's dead, no power at all.

When I place the original toroidals back, everything works.

This is why I thought there was something wrong wiht the toroidals but the guy at the local repair shop in Spain who checked them, tells me he believes they are ok.

I don't know 100% if they are ok because I'm not a technitian and I wouldn't know how to check. All I know is that when installed, they do not work. My hypothesis is that something else (on top of the toroidals) needs to be changed in order for the unit to work in 230 AC....but I could be totally wrong.

The 230 AC tprpoidals are new, suposedly original replacement parts from the same supplier Thule used to buy the toroidals. They look the same to me and they have the exact same number of cables. I can post pictures of my unit and toroidals if you think this my be helpfull.

Finally, yes Infinia. I'm quite disapointed at the people who sold me the toroidals as now they take no responsability. Even though they were an official Thule repair shop and have been for a while after the company went broke, now they do not want to provide further assistance. They do not want to install them for me and, what is most amazing for me, they do no want to recommend anyone else to do it!!!! They say that theses Thule units are complex and that is a Loose-loose situation for the client and the repair shop.

O well, I think I'm going to try to install the original toroidals once more. Recheck that everything works with the originals, and try to reinstall the new once once more.

I do have the service manuals and I'll try to make sense of it but it's a difficult learning curve for someone who is not a Diyer or with a technical background.

Again, SORRY!!! for the long post and thanks for the ideas or help you may provide.

Cheers everybody!
I make repair service for thule audio components sice 7 years. This concerns only the two channel amps, not multi channel home cinema stuff like IA350 and PA350 (from this PA350B I have a lot of failured devices and I hate the most multichannel homecinema 5.1 equipment in general).

Actually - repair service is not really the right term for this, it will perform extensive modifications to increase the low reliability from original condition.
After performing all work right, all 2-ch amp models will run without problems.
However, all performed changings I must developed and tested in a laborious process arround the years. I do this for two different power and pre amp models, 4 different integrated models, the TU-100 and the dac boards for compact disc player.
This was in all cases also necessary for the multichannel models IA350 and PA350, but unfortunately I haven't done this until this day (if I have 50 pc faulty devices maybe I will start with this work).

One obvious problem for me at first look in an opened PA350 device directly goes into my eyes:
there are 5 channels but only 4 power supplies for the power amp stages (only 4 secundary windings on totoidals at whole - each transformer two windings)
This means that one power supply provides voltage for two channels (I claim without individual own test, that there are hum and buzzing effects must be present).
To try an normally easy repair task isn't helpful because there are a whole bunch of "Hot Spots" (thermal overheating on PCB) through fallacies by circuit design and thus design errors.
So I absolutely understand Barcelona's repair guy, who tell you, that he is unwilling to install new torodial transformers.

for service manual from PA350 check out this thread:

By the way - About the website
Durob Audio 1975-2009
I read follow:

"Durob Audio" (our parent company) has recently overtaken the well-known
audio brands Bow Technologies and Thule Audio from Dansk. But for me the question is, what exactly would be overtaken?

And I know, where the wanted "Thule Audio" software for the two channel "Spirit" line was developed:
Flextronics | Electronics Manufacturing Services | Corporate Backgrounder - About Us
I get this information from formerly employers.

But unfortunately I don't get reply from there.
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The 230 AC tprpoidals are new, suposedly original replacement parts from the same supplier Thule used to buy the toroidals. They look the same to me and they have the exact same number of cables. I can post pictures of my unit and toroidals if you think this my be helpfull.

Finally, yes Infinia. I'm quite disapointed at the people who sold me the toroidals as now they take no responsability. Even though they were an official Thule repair shop and have been for a while after the company went broke, now they do not want to provide further assistance. They do not want to install them for me and, what is most amazing for me, they do no want to recommend anyone else to do it!!!! They say that theses Thule units are complex and that is a Loose-loose situation for the client and the repair shop.

O well, I think I'm going to try to install the original toroidals once more. Recheck that everything works with the originals, and try to reinstall the new once once more.

I do have the service manuals and I'll try to make sense of it but it's a difficult learning curve for someone who is not a Diyer or with a technical background.

FWIW Unfortunately when manufactures go out of business many of their suppliers are left with accounts unpaid. That may be the case here, possibly explaining why any discussion or mere mention of Thules name may leave them with a bad attitude concerning service follow-up.

I think if you could get a copy of the engineering drawings from the Danish transformer house using just their in-house part number. This should provide whats needed along with the service manual you already have. Post copies of the 2 schematic drawings and I'm sure folks here at DIYaudio can help you out.
I make repair service for thule audio components sice 7 years. This concerns only the two channel amps, not multi channel home cinema stuff like IA350 and PA350 (from this PA350B I have a lot of failured devices and I hate the most multichannel homecinema 5.1 equipment in general).

Actually - repair service is not really the right term for this, it will perform extensive modifications to increase the low reliability from original condition.
After performing all work right, all 2-ch amp models will run without problems.
However, all performed changings I must developed and tested in a laborious process arround the years. I do this for two different power and pre amp models, 4 different integrated models, the TU-100 and the dac boards for compact disc player.
This was in all cases also necessary for the multichannel models IA350 and PA350, but unfortunately I haven't done this until this day (if I have 50 pc faulty devices maybe I will start with this work).

One obvious problem for me at first look in an opened PA350 device directly goes into my eyes:
there are 5 channels but only 4 power supplies for the power amp stages (only 4 secundary windings on totoidals at whole - each transformer two windings)
This means that one power supply provides voltage for two channels (I claim without individual own test, that there are hum and buzzing effects must be present).
To try an normally easy repair task isn't helpful because there are a whole bunch of "Hot Spots" (thermal overheating on PCB) through fallacies by circuit design and thus design errors.
So I absolutely understand Barcelona's repair guy, who tell you, that he is unwilling to install new torodial transformers.

for service manual from PA350 check out this thread:

By the way - About the website
Durob Audio 1975-2009
I read follow:

"Durob Audio" (our parent company) has recently overtaken the well-known
audio brands Bow Technologies and Thule Audio from Dansk. But for me the question is, what exactly would be overtaken?

And I know, where the wanted "Thule Audio" software for the two channel "Spirit" line was developed:
Flextronics | Electronics Manufacturing Services | Corporate Backgrounder - About Us
I get this information from formerly employers.

But unfortunately I don't get reply from there.

You wouldn't happen to have a service manual or even schematics to Thule audio Spirit IA-100?

I would appreciate if you could share it with me. I now have a great amp that is burnt, and nowhere to get it repaired and no service manual or schematics to repair it myself. It would be a shame to toss such a great amp to bin...
Hi everybody!

My first post here. Hope someone can help me.

Well, I'm the owner of a Thule Audio IA350B integrated 5 channel amplifier.

I love it but it needs repair. I've been looking around but there is almost no information on the brand. As you all know, it went belly up a couple of years ago.

This is my situation. I am not a "DIYer" and have zero knowledge of electronics (hey, good start!!!)

I have an IA350B that is an original 120V model (US model) that I bought when living in New York. I liked it so much that I brought it back to Europe with me.

I have 2 500v toroidal transformers that I bought to change it to 230 AC. These are brand new bought from a Danish supplier andI had them shipped to Spain, where I live.

I tried replacing them myself. It seemed easy but I guess it wasn't so easy! The end result was NO POWER. As if the unit was dead.

I put back the original toroidals again and the unit work again.

I took the unit and new toroidals to a local repair shop. The technician was unable to do it either. He blamed the toroidals saying that they were dead.

I took the toroidals to another (better I think) repair shop. They are the official repair shop for Rotel, Classé and many others here in Barcelona.

The guy tells me the Toroidals are OK but he is unwilling to install them. He says he's been in plenty of situations where he couldn't fix units from companies that went broke and everybody looses; they loose and the client looses.

The people who sold me the toroidals in Denmark, HIGH END MUSIKSERVICE, do not want to do the installation for me. They say the same as my local rapair man. Too much trouble and likelihood that it won't work.

Now for the question:

Does anybody know someone who is willing to give it a chance? I'm willing to ship the unit anywere in Europe. I have nothing to loose at this point. It either goes to the garbage or I can fix it for a couple of hundred euros, which is ok by me considering it's a good amp.

Sorry for the long message. Hope there is a good "diyer" samaritan willing to help or point me towards the right direction. :D

PD: Nice forum you guys have! Too bad I don't understant half of it! ;)

we have found a wide range of torodial 230VAC transformers for Thule Audio devices. If you let me know all numbers, which are to read at the sticker on your transformer inside in your IA-350B, I will have a look, whether I have an appopriate type for you.

Independend of this - I am looking for used CD150B compact disc player. Which forums like ebay (also in danish) there are in denmark and other scandinavian countries?

Additional I am still looking to the CD-ROM with the programming software of Thule's "Spirit" stereo devices (TU-100, CD-150B, IA/PR versions - go to post #8).
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Sorry Tiefbass, didn´t see the "post here" before I posted on my Luxman DZ-03 post, but there´s a couple of links and some explanation on Thule for you :)
http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digital-source/169032-luxman-dz-03-a-2.html#post2244055 post #16 and #17
Here´s a couple of links for you...
HIFI4ALL.DK | Magasin om HiFi, Hi-Fi, Surround Sound og Audio Video
QXL.dk - Køb & Sælg på auktion og KØB NU
Nyt og brugt, køb og salg på dba.dk - Danmarks største handelsportal

Thule Audio went bankrupt. This was a small company, and the cost of getting his products to apply with the Rohs directive, unfortunately killed the company. Still there´s a couple of danish products doing really well in the world, for instance Thomas Sillesen´s Densen, and a real high end product is Gryphon Audio. On the diy front there´s L C Audio Technology / Forside for one.

And Tiefbass, one more thing, if you want to by second hand Thule products, be warned, that spares are as easy to find as green snow in the summertime :). Had to give up on a friends Thule DVD with a bad mainboard. Contacted all the companies that had dealt with Thule since the beginning and the company, who bought all the spares when they went bankrupt. Absolutely no go. So maybe a small advice from me would be you trying some products that are still supported :) :) ;-)

Thank you for this advices
"spares are as easy to find as green snow in the summertime" is a good saying even for much other brand. By the Thule stereo devices fortunately this problem don't exist except concerning the MCU software for RC amps, CD and FM Stereo Tuner. But I hope through this thread I receive someday appropriate contacts also for that to offer an even better service for older Thule devices
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For Tiefbass!!!
Did you want to by a second hand 150B, I think this is what you´re looking for :), and sorry for al my "stupid" advices :), they came before I read this post. Seemes you´re more than qualified to determine, wether to by second hand Thule or not :)
HIFI4ALL.DK | Køb Salg Bytte | Div. Hifi-grej
Good luck
thanks again for this advice
HIFI4ALL.DK | Køb Salg Bytte | THULE CD150B
Now I have a (certainly for you) stupid question, because I am not a computer expert:
I want to get a contact to Mr. Harad Brixen from Måløv, the software developer for Anders Thule's "Spirit" remote controlled amplifiers.
About the website
Harald Brixen - Denmark | LinkedIn
I try to get contact, but without success; I get always follow message after sign in: "upgrade your account" go to
Sign In | LinkedIn
and after klick on the bottom "upgrade" I see this:
It seems to be, that only paying members can use this contact portal. Or overlooked I some details? Perhaps you have an idea
I´m not sure about linkedin, but i guess Dimitri´s suggestion is not bad at all.
Send him an invite, explaining who you are. I know a couple of guys at work are using it, and I´ll ask them tomorrow, will also try to see, if I can find some other way of contacting him and give you the answer if successfull:)
Tiefbass, about the link, you´re welcome.
But there´s another one (150B) in the link I sent you, even cheaper. If you scroll down a couple of lines, this guy seems to want to clear up his stock of old HiFi. There´s a 150B cd player with included Digit-I module and this goes for 2900,- danish Kr. which is something in the neighbourhood of 390 Euros. You decide if that´s too expensive :)