What is wrong with TPA3255?

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Hi X,

I just did at the beginning test with my Rigol DP832 - max Voltage with 3A is 31V. i Got no clipping with 760mVrms. So i can´t say what they do with this board/chip.
at my "fake amp" i use a 24V smps and set it to 28V.(pic 2)



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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Hi Chermann,
Thanks for showing the data at max output. I suppose that's good that you are getting 30Vpp out of a 24Vdc supply. 30Vpp is 10.6Vrms and that is 28Wrms into 4ohms - still quite a ways away from the clipping I saw at 48Vpp with a 51Vdc supply. But yours does look promising - although it appears heavily modified.
Hi Chermann,
Thanks for showing the data at max output. I suppose that's good that you are getting 30Vpp out of a 24Vdc supply. 30Vpp is 10.6Vrms and that is 28Wrms into 4ohms - still quite a ways away from the clipping I saw at 48Vpp with a 51Vdc supply. But yours does look promising - although it appears heavily modified.

Yep...some helped me to go ahead with my tpa3255 project (doctor and voltwide and others) -- they get partly crazy :rolleyes::D;) about my noob questions;)
Hello, I went through this thread as to find information about how to design a power amp using TPA3255/TPA3251 for a school project and I haven't managed to find any.
I'm sorry that i'm a beginner but can someone please help me by telling me where do I begin? I only need to amplify a single tone of about 50Hz to a level of 100-150 watts
Hi Chermann,
Thanks for showing the data at max output. I suppose that's good that you are getting 30Vpp out of a 24Vdc supply. 30Vpp is 10.6Vrms and that is 28Wrms into 4ohms - still quite a ways away from the clipping I saw at 48Vpp with a 51Vdc supply. But yours does look promising - although it appears heavily modified.

One thing that came in my mind is the "Over-current programming resistor", check if it is as low as 22k, otherwise output power is limited. 22k corresponds to 17A max into 1R. When using latched mode, this should be 47k for 17A into 1R.
Just an update regarding my earlier problem using a TPS7A4700 regulator to power the amps's 12V rail -
tests revealed the regulator to be faulty, and the supplier offered a replacement reg board at no cost - thanks to Alex at ldovr.
But since the replacement involved de-soldering the bad reg from the rectifier main board, I decided to change the regulator to LT3045, which ldovr also provide.
All working great now.
Some brief listening tests last night gave a hint that I could hear some micro-detail which I couldn't hear before, but with all the fault-finding and delays involved, I haven't done a same-day comparison, and really can't say for sure.
So the jury is out about whether using an external reg for the 12V rail achieves a benefit ...
I'm just happy that my amp is working and I'm enjoying my tunes.

Oh, but bypassing the SE-to-differential input stage certainly does have a big effect.


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Hi, is it possible to make a 3 channel amp using two 2ch TPA3255's by leaving one channel unused?
Or is it the same as with TPA3116 that you shouldn't run without a speaker connected because it'll fry the amp?

I recommend paralleling two channels to a single PBTL-channel.

I was about to say this.
Put one of the amps in PBTL and adjust the gain or volume.
Not sure if the 3255 board you bought has an adequate data sheet, but the info on how to do that comes with the TI board. The details shouldn't be too hard to acquire, especially with all the wisdom available here;) Usually all that's required is to move around a jumper or two.

In fact, IIRC there's a thread, or part of one, on this site discussing exactly that. Maybe this is an ideal time to dip your toes into the electron puddle!

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