XKi - X's ab initio Karlson 6th Order Bandpass

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XKi RS100-4 in Stereo

I finished the stereo pair for the RS100-4 today. They sound great - even with no EQ, very enjoyable. Astonishing bass extension and impact. Definitely a keeper and highly recommended build - super easy 2 hr construction and 1 sheet of foam core. This is one of those speakers where people will ask you where the sub woofer is hidden. I am really enjoying listening to them. Smaller than the 0.4x Karlsonator, yet deeper bass extension similar to the 0.53x.



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XKi as a compact sub woofer

Over in the sub woofer forum I have a design using the XKi with dual vents and dual Alpine SWS 10D4 drivers for a 125dB 35Hz sub with 90 liter net active volume.




Those are some very cost effective drivers and with a Vas of 25liters is perfect for a compact XKi implementation that is not xmax limited (power and vent compression limited instead).
hi XRK - - any further thoughts on the Beta10cx XKi vents? - is it a viable XKi driver? I still have unused P-Audio SN10C coax which need a Karlson-type. (Jesse cut the 0.65x K15 for Beta10cx and I'll probably try some 8s in those) Beta 8 XKi are slated to be built.
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XKi Subwoofer with dual TB W5-876SE's

This was a prototype of a subwoofer using the XKi alignment with a couple of 5 inch PE buyout W5-876SE 16ohm sub drivers.

The design ended up as 18 liters on the rear and 3 liters on the front chamber with dual 7in wide x 0.6in high x 17in long wraparound vents. The front "vent" is a K-aperture with equivalent area to a 7in dia circle. The design f3 was 45Hz, with intended application as a corner loaded sub to I wanted a down-slanted bass shelf to compensate for room gain. Predicted cone motion for regular listening levels circa 90dB was less than 1.5mm (5 mm xmax) to keep distortion low.

I implemented the build in regular dollar store 3/16in thick foam core with a sandwich of FC and double-wall cardboard for the driver mount baffle and K-aperture. Only hot melt glue is used throughout. Otherwise, copious bracing with FC is used throughout. The box was very strong and vibrated a lot less than many of my other FC builds due to lots of bracing.

Here are the photos of the build - turned out to be a regular 3d sculpture with curve vent entrances and exits to reduce turbulence and allow one piece wraparound baffle/vent construction (Grandcalmar's construction idea):






Here is a nearfield measurement 2 inches away from exit plane to remove room effects - as you can see the bass corner ended up near 35Hz - about 10Hz lower than I expected. So there is something I am missing in the model - a correction for the narrow aspect ratio slot vent (empirically the factor is 0.67x to be applied to CSA to get freq predicted to match):


How does it sound? Only had a chance to listen to a couple of tracks with it as a FAST using an RS100-4 XKi on the top. Sounds very nice - digs deeper than I would have guessed possible for a couple of 5 in drivers. The SPL, is not huge though - about 88 dB at 1m and 2.83v for 40Hz because it is tuned too low. If the vents were shortened to get f3 back to ~50Hz, the SPL's would be quite a bit higher.

I will report back with more data when I have some time.


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Founder of XSA-Labs
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hi XRK - - any further thoughts on the Beta10cx XKi vents? - is it a viable XKi driver? I still have unused P-Audio SN10C coax which need a Karlson-type. (Jesse cut the 0.65x K15 for Beta10cx and I'll probably try some 8s in those) Beta 8 XKi are slated to be built.

Give me a few days until I get my main computer back and I will work this. I think it should be possible to get it to work for you. What is your max allowable box volume and what bass extension do you want?
re:XKi for Beta10cx - I want a fair amount of cone control vs LF extension - it would be nice to keep external bulk to no larger than classic K12 (~3.3 cubic feet) an F10 of 40 or higher would be really good. I may have to use P-Audio SN10C as my current Beta10cx are slated for the 0.65X K15.