XMOS-based Asynchronous USB to I2S interface

Make sure J8 is on "BRD" position if you use the on-board USB-B connector. Please let me know if this is solving your issue!

NO: J8 is on the "EXT" position because I link the WaveIO card to a PC using the USB type B external connector, and I want to play music files from a PC, convert them using the DDDAC1794, and feed my preamp with the DDAC.

Unless I have misunderstood, the "BRD" position has to be used if the WaveIO is connected by the onboard pins, not by the USB connector ??? (but maybe I am wrong ?)....

EDIT : Well... by reading again the WaveIO documentation, it seems that I made a confusion ! I have to try again with J8 in the "BRD" position... i try and I keep you informed ! Thanks ...
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Well things are improving : the J8 jumper is now on the "BRD" position, the WaveIO card has been recognized by the PC, the proper drivers have been installed.

BUT: no sound at all. The green LEDs "Host active" and "48kHz" are on, but the "Audio stream" LED is not on.

This let me believe that there is maybe a wrong cabling :
-between the USB card and the SPDIF/I2S card
-between the SPDIF/I2S card and the DAC motherboard

Any idea to search where the problem is located ?

Err No KS buffer in Spy Tool


I found the attached Err entry in TSUB Spy Tool.

What is the significance of this?



  • KS.png
    51.7 KB · Views: 707
Well things are improving : the J8 jumper is now on the "BRD" position, the WaveIO card has been recognized by the PC, the proper drivers have been installed.

BUT: no sound at all. The green LEDs "Host active" and "48kHz" are on, but the "Audio stream" LED is not on.

This let me believe that there is maybe a wrong cabling :
-between the USB card and the SPDIF/I2S card
-between the SPDIF/I2S card and the DAC motherboard

Any idea to search where the problem is located ?

Usually if the "Audio stream" LED is not on then there could be software issues related to your OS and player you are using on it. Have you managed to solve your issue?


I found the attached Err entry in TSUB Spy Tool.

What is the significance of this?

please give me details regarding the driver version you are using, what operating system, and on how many bits, what player and so on...
I'll forward your infos to Thesycon and ask them to answer to your question!
Thank you,
KS Err

Usually if the "Audio stream" LED is not on then there could be software issues related to your OS and player you are using on it. Have you managed to solve your issue?

please give me details regarding the driver version you are using, what operating system, and on how many bits, what player and so on...
I'll forward your infos to Thesycon and ask them to answer to your question!
Thank you,

Latest Driver 2.23 but also found in 2.15 etc

Win 8.1 x32 but also in x64

32 bit KS 50 and 140mS buffer foobar 1.3.2 KS driver with no plugins activated. Native 176.4 and 192k .wav files.

I would really like to get to the bottom of this. Does it happen in your systems?

Usually if the "Audio stream" LED is not on then there could be software issues related to your OS and player you are using on it. Have you managed to solve your issue?

I have used a notebook on Windows 7-SP1 32 bits, drivers version 2.23 and Foobar 1.23 as music player.

Can the cause be a cabling error between the WaveIO card / the SPDIF/I2S card / and the mainboard ?

Would you recommand to uninstall the drivers 2.23 and replace them by the version 1.6x ?

After I got my WaveIO card more than a year ago I recently breadboarded my Subbu ES9023 DAC with a JG Filter Buffer and their respective power supplies. Before I switched it on I installed the latest drivers on the Thinkpad netbook I am using as transport... et voilà... music from the first second.
And what a sweet music it is!! Compared to my previous setup that used a Hiface EVO converter with a battery supply this is a huge improvement ... in terms of detail, sweetness of treble and an almost holographic presentation!

Bravo Lorien!
I have used a notebook on Windows 7-SP1 32 bits, drivers version 2.23 and Foobar 1.23 as music player.

Can the cause be a cabling error between the WaveIO card / the SPDIF/I2S card / and the mainboard ?

Would you recommand to uninstall the drivers 2.23 and replace them by the version 1.6x ?

So far v2.23 drivers seems to be fine here but I didn't give them hard times yet! If you are comfortable or want to run additional tests then please feel free to try older driver's versions and let me know!

Latest Driver 2.23 but also found in 2.15 etc

Win 8.1 x32 but also in x64

32 bit KS 50 and 140mS buffer foobar 1.3.2 KS driver with no plugins activated. Native 176.4 and 192k .wav files.

I would really like to get to the bottom of this. Does it happen in your systems?

I wait for the answer from Thesycon and here it is:

[...]Regarding the issue: This error indicates that the application (the player, e.g. foobar) was not able to provide audio buffers in time. But the correct interpretation depends on when the error happens: a) If the error is counting up while a song is playing then this indicates that there is a problem. b) If the error is counting up while the player switches from one song to the next, or during user-initiated start/stop transitions then this is normal behavior. Typically, during such transitions the player is not able to provide buffers in time. One should use Options - Clear in the menu to reset the counters and then watch carefully when the counter increments.

Note: [...]Spy Utility is intended to be used by developers and support staff only. Correct interpretation of the counters is not trivial. Due to internal implementation details some events show up as errors but are not really error conditions.

Maybe making the buffer in TUSBAudio Control Panel a little bit large could solve the issue (hoping it's indeed a real problem and not a 'hidden' code showed as an error, as Udo said above)?

After I got my WaveIO card more than a year ago I recently breadboarded my Subbu ES9023 DAC with a JG Filter Buffer and their respective power supplies. Before I switched it on I installed the latest drivers on the Thinkpad netbook I am using as transport... et voilà... music from the first second.
And what a sweet music it is!! Compared to my previous setup that used a Hiface EVO converter with a battery supply this is a huge improvement ... in terms of detail, sweetness of treble and an almost holographic presentation!
Bravo Lorien!
I'm doing my best! thank you very much! :rolleyes:
With daphile as player the waveio board is unable to show the bitrate of the incoming signal. Only the host and stream led burn, the rest of the leds stay off, no matter what bitrate is being played.

Hi Sander,

My setup (Voyage mpd) is showing the same symptoms. Up to now I could only verify that it is related to the kernel /alsa version which is used in the distribution. Bitrate LEDs are working with kernel version 3.8.13 and not working with kernel version 3.10.11.

Maybe Lucian could explain how the bitrate display is derived from the input signal? That would make tracing the change in the USB audio driver easier.


could something be wrong with the V23 drivers? I yesterday updated from 1.67 to V23 after uninstalling 1.67 first and after that the WaveIo has a driver problem (code 52) :

"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)"

Has someone an idea, what to do?

I cleaned the registry, I tried older versions of the driver - no success.....

best regards

Hello guys,
my lack of answers is somehow tied to the fact that I'm trying to enjoy a little vacation across nearby Romanian mountains where internet connectivity and time devoted for work are... absent. After all, this is the whole point!
@ iago: sadly, what you ask is something deeply related to the firmware developed my XMOS with Thesycon and it might be a little bit outside of my "area of expertise" since in my case, I didn't had to dig deeper into the whole firmware (which is quite large BTW) and understand it completely but only needed to hook up on that specific routine and drive the LEDs accordingly to the incoming sample rate. I'll address few questions to XMOS about this sample rate changing mechanism and I'll forward any news to you.
@ Klaus: starting with v2.23 WaveIO drivers are encoded with a new vendor certificate because I was forced to do this since the old one had expired and I couldn't renew it in that specific form. I might have to come back to office, uninstall all the certificates I already have on my PC and try a fresh driver install hoping this way I'll reproduce your issue and find a solution for it.
Kind regards,
DoP/Native DSD support on WaveIO

@Klaus: with pleasure but I don't know exactly what I've done to really help
you! :eek: It's working now so I guess this is what's really matter most! I'm sorry
that you had to reinstall your operating system from the scratch (or worse?)
but I fully understand your feelings because I went through the same thing way
too many times in my life to count :confused: I guess this could be something like a
"bonus" that comes with Windows OS... free of charge

@dahlberg: that serial number you have is in fact a tracking number get from
EMS services when I sent your board to you. :) I'm sorry it brings confusion
thus please forget it since it's not something strictly tied to your WaveIO card
and definitely not a serial number for this board!

Now, this DSD thingy has to come to an end!
So, Please do not shoot me if it does not work properly or something like that
BUT I might have a prototype .bin file that could help many DSD lovers to use
their WaveIO boards with it! I had in mind to finish it first then make a .pdf
document with instruction on how to update your WaveIO to support DSD but
the pressure is quite high right now and always there's not enough time to
make it happen till the end.
Here's the bin file! I know that I must write an endless and boring post but here
are a couple of notes for it (just bare with me...):

1. This bin file is experimental! Please do NOT forget that! A friend of mine
test it and told me that it does work properly on his Windows 8.1 powered
machine. Sadly for me I didn't had time to 'see' how it works on mine but winter will
come so I'll make some plans in this regard!
2. It will work through USB DFU (Device Firmware Update) support already
enabled on WaveIO cards having RevisionID (0x)0331 or higher. The ones
with revisionID of (0x)0330 will not cooperate so please do not try it since it
will not work!
3. This bin is able to source you 32/384 PCM, 64/128DoP and 64/128 Native
DSD. You have to use latest WaveIO drivers (v2.23.0)! There's no point in
using earlier version as long as DSD (and DoP) was implemented in
experimental form. I also cannot guarantee this bundle (latest driver + bin) is a
rock solid one but it's the most stable solution I have right now.
4. LEDs on the card will not be driven correctly. I have to fix that!
5. The upload process will require few necessary steps:

A. Like I said before, you can use any WaveIO available to you that has the
Revision ID higher than 0x0330 for the DFU functionality to work! The
0x0330 variants are not working (no DFU enabled in firmware) and will act as
a brick in your tests! Revision ID can be easily found by plugging your
WaveIO into any free USB port and open "TUSBAudio Control Panel". There
should be an "info" tab on the right saying RevisionID and Serial Number.
Please ignore serial number, just follow the revision ID value.
B. If your WaveIO is 0x0331 OR 0x0333 then download latest WaveIO
drivers from here and look for the dfucons.exe file in the archive.
C. Copy that dfucons.exe executable where WaveIO's drivers are installed: For
example in C:\Program Files\WaveIO\USBAudio_Driver
D. leave your WaveIO plugged in and make sure that you have your LATEST
drivers installed on your PC (v.2.23). Remember that earlier driver versions
will not work so good with DSD/DoP files (if it will work at all)!
E. One thing to remember: in the EEPROM chip on any WaveIO I sent so
far there's room only for TWO firmwares: the "default" one (0x0331 or older
0x0330) which cannot be erased and a single updated firmware (which is
erasable)! For example, the 32/384 firmware update has the revision ID
0x0333. So, for EVERY update you want to make, you have to be sure there's
space available for it! This can be made using the "revertfactory" command in
dfucons executable:
E.1 open dos console from Start->Run->cmd
E.2 Navigate to the dfucons.exe file in WaveIO driver's directory
E.3 make sure that your WaveIO is plugged in.
E.4 run "dfucons.exe revertfactory" (type "dfucons.exe -h" for help)
E.5 Now your WaveIO should have Revision ID 0x0331 - just check it as I
described above! Please remember that you have to do the revertfactory thing
each time you want to update your WaveIO otherwise there will be no effect
on any of your DFU updates (no space left to write the update on it)!
F. There are two paths to upload this "DSD.bin" file: one is by using the
dfucons.exe BUT the easiest one I consider to be via "TUSBAudio Device
Firmware Update". There's no shortcut for it in Start menu so look in WaveIO
driver's directory!
G. "TUSBAudio Device Firmware Update" is simple to use:
G.1 plug in your board if it's not connected already
G.2 run "TUSBAudio Device Firmware Update"
G.3 you can plug your WaveIO while "TUSBAudio Device Firmware Update"
is already running! There's no problem on that - it will see your board!
G.4 Click Browse and look for DSD.bin file (which must be saved to your
computer first)
G.6 Wait for the drivers to "see" the 'new' WaveIO and check again the
revision ID. This time must be something like 0x0660 (as I remember).
H. Now you have 24 bit PCM / 32 bit PCM / DoP64 / DoP128 / DSD46 / DSD128 - all enabled. :rolleyes:

Additional info:
* actual firmware does NOT drive LEDs correctly... meaning that LEDs are
enabled like in earlier 32/384 firmware update BUT it will not be disabled (go
blank) when there's no streaming and, the most important one: does NOT
show any DSD/DoP streaming (all will be blank when DSD/DoP is running).
It will be fixed later!
* Connections:
DSD_DAC0 == I2S_DATA (or DT on isolated I2S port)
DSD_DAC1 == I2S_BCLK (or BC on isolated I2S port)
DSD_CLK == I2S_LRCK (or LR on isolated I2S port)

* It's your job in finding a solution on how to setup Foobar (or your favorite
player) for DSD support (just google it). I want to mention the firmware and
driver bundle was built around Foobar player (thus it's supposedly to work
better with it). On the other hand my friend did use another player (I guess was
JRiver) without any issues.

Remember, if you want to make an update to your WaveIO board:
* revert it to "factory defaults"
* update & enjoy or kill your day :)
* revert to "factory"
* update
* ... take a beer, live your life, forget electronics while listen to your favorite

I hope it helps and, please do keep in mind that it's a beta file!
Kind regards,
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Thanks, Lorien.
Thats some post :eek: All for PC, how about Mac will that be a later project ?
Well, I'm not a MAC user but I'll see what I can do about it. For them moment my wish is to gather some info on how to update WaveIO on MAC too. I hope my post will help you and if you are going to make the update please tell me about your progress!
Kind regards!