XMOS-based Asynchronous USB to I2S interface

Sorry for offtopic. I have Xmos XU208 board from Aliexpress and have encountered an interesting problem, it works good with 5V external supply from KIA7805 but absolutely dead with LT3045 (0.5A) or TPS7A4701 (1A). With those LDOs it even not recognized by PC. I've measured current, whole this board eats 110-120mA at boot and when idle and voltage is ideal 5V... But if I boot up TPS7A4701 first and then connect it to XMOS it works. Any ideas what is wrong with these LDOs and XMOS ?
Hello probably too slow to rise to the desired (5V) voltage at start up. I had a similar problem with the SPDIF board I made software controlled with Arduino.
I exaggerated with some Electrolytic Caps in the PSU and I was not able to initialize the board , because the micro controller (Arduino) was already trying to communicate with the board, which had not yet reached the power up voltage.
This can explain why if you boot first the power supply and then connect it to the card, it works.
Anyway WAVEIO card reach more than 0.5 A current absorption with high sample rate files.