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xrk971 Pocket Class A Headamp GB

But perhaps your regular Home Depot matte black paint can work fine. Anything is almost better than bare shiny metal. I know Kapton works very well and also acts as electrical insulator to prevent surfaces from causing shorts. The tape is much cleaner and leaves no residue to flake off.

If you do use regular ol' spray paint be sure to scuff the metal first (steel wool works well) and apply a layer of primer before painting. This will help prevent flaking.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I think that my boards are in the mail, but I would be interested in hand matched FETs.

Another member actually requested the same thing. Price is $17 for one set for one amp and $5 more for two sets for two amps or $22. This includes shipping in the US. For outside US, add another $5 or $22 for one set or $27 for two sets.

It takes some time and a large stock of parts to make this happen, and it looks like this is of interest to a lot of people so probably I need to order a large order of BF862's and ZVN4306GTA's to have enough stock to perform a good match.
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