XSim free crossover designer

diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
The two (cabinet impedance variations and crossover interactions) happen at different parts of the band, limiting the effect (in some cases more than others). Ideally you would but if for some reason you can't include the cabinet influence, don't let it stop you designing.
started to learn using this application and it's very easy to draw schematic, plus using "fpgraph tracer" for having fun.

however i got this error while loading frd files, both from FPgraph output or from below link that i download

http://www.rjbaudio.com/Audiofiles/FRD files/ScanSpeak 9500.frd

when i open this frd file, i can understand it easily since everyday i'm dealing with database for analytics. header will be : Frequency SPL Degree

with this simple txt file, still wondering what's wrong with my import process


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XO design part is completed with values and curves are populated, when i close and reopen project .dxo file then error pop up.

opening project .dxo file in notepad, any clue on which value that related to the error "Floating point division by zero".


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