Yet another amp - simple inverted with 10x gain, mosfet output stage

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Some SPICE Play

Well Sonnya,

I hope you excuse me, but after the talk in the SSA thread about the sound of 1000V / uS, I had some fun with your very elegant design, which I really like.

I had a vision of having balanced pairs of these taking the current o/p from my Buffalo DAC . . . . but before I got into that I could just try driving into the 100R input resistor from IVY - which can drive headphones.

In real life I would begin with your design and try each mod one at a time see how each change sounded - but there is nothing that revolutionary just regular measures.

I would be interested to compare this with with my DC linked version of Motzilla



p.s. would probably have regulated + & - 30V for early stages


  • sonnya's idea.jpg
    sonnya's idea.jpg
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He! It sounds Like you are going to build a powerdac?! :D

You could easely use it directly from the dac's current output. It is a good idear to do as you have done. The buffer stage before the exicon lowers the distortion at higher frequency.

In the revised layout i am working on the last days i have added ksc3503 and ksa1381 as a bufferstage, and this at the same time gives lower distortion at lower idle current in the exicons.

I am happy to hear that you would Like to experiment with it.

If it has your interrest it Will be available within a week or two. I would Like to hear your comments too.

I know this section is not comercial but i have paid for such a section and Jason has made All the preparations for it, so it is only me who to find time to get it ready.
Your comments & circuit gave me the idea for powerdac - it's most minimalist so I like the idea.

Also reducing value of FB resistor decreased distortion very much.

I will probably experiment initially with point to point . . .

but for now I will be travelling for 1 month so I look forward to pick this up after I return.
THD measurements.

All THD measurement at 1W the amp is running in class A.
THD at 1KHz@1W is masked by EMI from powersupply.

At 8W the amp is outside class A. The performance at 10KHz and 20KHz is poor seen from the point of view that it is a feedback amp, but the THD falls nicely of.

The amp is not good at at handling crossover distortion which is the reason why distortion is a bit high at 10KHz and 20KHz.

But it is a simple amp which is easy to build.


  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 8w 20khz.pdf
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  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 8w 10khz.pdf
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  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 8w 1khz.pdf
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  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 1w 20khz.pdf
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  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 1w 10khz.pdf
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  • simpleamp v11 noninverted 8r 1w 1khz.pdf
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Your comments & circuit gave me the idea for powerdac - it's most minimalist so I like the idea.

Also reducing value of FB resistor decreased distortion very much.

I will probably experiment initially with point to point . . .

but for now I will be travelling for 1 month so I look forward to pick this up after I return.

Hi Mikelm.

Are you start build your powerdac? :)
Well, I guess would only ever be a Power I2V converter but I didn't get around to it yet.

I have two amps a loudspeaker to build first.

Have to say purely as a symmetrical amp the SSA captured my imagination.

But ur design did seem most happy when fed with current.

I'll let you know . . .
yeah - I'm bumped into that also and didn't fix it yet - that design does "sail close to the wind" but I have the feeling that it will be worth it in the end.

It was the same with my DC linked version of Fetzilla but it came out very nice once I figured it out.
This is going to turn. :)

We did get it safe, and the sound from it is true "current feedback" profile.

But you are right: the feedback makes it unsuitable for I2V powerbuffer.

I know that Andrej has it running with only +/-20mV drift. I dont knowwhat he did to make that stable, other thenm adding a cascode stage so that the VAS BJT's was less subjected to delta temperature and therefore a more stable vbe drop which again leeds to a more stable idle current.

Secondly he has degraded the VAS stage with 100K||100K.

I would really like to see some "real life" thd figures from it. But i suspect that with this VAS stage degeneration of ~50K it will be quite high.

Third: his gain is down to 16x where we used 21x

Fourth: his idle current is lower in every stage. Therefore less temp. changes in the BJT's

Without the VAS cascode and VAS degeneration we was down a drift of +/-50mV after adding a current source to the inputstage instead of emitters resistors (He fixed this problem more or less with an 1.5K NTC)

After adding a servo the drift is down to +/-1mV.

For the last version of my circuit (the last one in this thread) i got really low THD above CLASS A level, by adding a buffer stage before the mosfets. And it is 1/5 of the idle current in the mosfets.

This will be send to production next week.
So end next week i will have the PCB's up and running.

What i hope for this design is that i get really low THD of 0.006% just before clipping . But measurements will tell there story of it.
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