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BTSB Buffer - SE/Bal to SE/Bal Buffer GB

Speaking for myself

the main benefit of balanced wiring is less interference and enabling longer distances.

The need for a buffer depends on the power amp, some "plug and play" modules like Hypex and Purifi (Icepower?) may not come with any buffering built in,

the OEMs building complete systems using them design and build the buffer circuits inhouse

while these are great for DIYers doing the same.

The SE vs balanced capabilities offer a lot of flexibility choosing source and target hardware.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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John61ct is correct. For your application you need the BTSB since the TPA3255 is a balanced input amp (at least my version) and if you want to drive it properly, you need the SE to Bal feature since DCG3 is SE output. The gain of the TPA3255 with PFFB is only 15dB. So if the DCG3 can give you 14dB gain then set BTSB up as 0dB. But 6dB is useful to make sure you have max dynamic reach.
Speaking for myself

the main benefit of balanced wiring is less interference and enabling longer distances.

The need for a buffer depends on the power amp, some "plug and play" modules like Hypex and Purifi (Icepower?) may not come with any buffering built in,

the OEMs building complete systems using them design and build the buffer circuits inhouse

while these are great for DIYers doing the same.

The SE vs balanced capabilities offer a lot of flexibility choosing source and target hardware.

The other advantage of using the BTSB Buffer is it has variable gain ! The output of many sources can be quite low. Most TPA3255 Amplifier modules (and other professional amplifiers) need at least 2 volts at the input and possibly more if using feedback !

Some TPA3255 amplifiers also need a balanced input although most offer the option of SE or Balanced by moving some jumpers. I also have some amplifiers that are SE only and this allows the amplifier to be used with a balanced source.
Joined 2018
Paid Member
Thanks guys for all the replies. Sounds interesting. I have a J Lester 3255 and at the moment jumpered into SE mode. Would be nice to feed it balanced I guess. I just thought it was complicating my 'pre amp stages but I guess converting to balanced post DCG3 is a good thing.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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I am working on a verification build of an ultra compact BTSB with XLR/TRS and RCA panel mount jacks...


Here is the schematic and BOM for the new 90deg BTSB Panel Mount v1.2p board.


BOM is a zipped Excel file.


  • BTSB-Panel-v1.2p-Schematic.jpg
    548.4 KB · Views: 6,709
  • BTSB_Panel_BOM_V1_2P.zip
    8.5 KB · Views: 174
Could it be used it to be used or adapted to boost audio signal that’s at speaker level?
ie with its inputs connected to the speaker-outs on an amplifier
I’m guessing not. But if it did it seems IDEAL to boost the output of a very high quality - but very low output - 45 DHT tube amplifier - just 2 watts
might there be a way to make this work with a different choice of components?
The BTSB is a Pre-Amplifier to be used before the main Power Amplifier.

It is not designed to drive Speakers !!

I knew it wasn’t designed to drive speakers.

It was also described as “an indispensable part of your electronics toolbox” …

I see it fundamentally as a gain stage., with devices that boost signal. I was hoping it might be possible to use it a different way.

Apparently not
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I’ve had several people PM me asking if the BTSB can drive the Purifi 1ET400A amp. Yes, of course, the BTSB can be used to drive any amp requiring a low distortion balanced input.

I have used it to drive an IcePower 1200AS2 and it works great. The selectable input gain is really useful to help match your system to the amp’s gain.
A minor correction X. The differential amplifier gain does not have the 1+ in it. so the 1X gain is (R29/R19). To get higher gain the appropriate resistor parallels R19. So for x5 R19 is connected in parallel with R18, which is 1/4*R19 in value.

XRK - just a quick question on this calculation. Reading literally this equation I may use your buffer as a attenuator (by setting R19 higher than R29). But is this a safe in terms of stability and other performance parameters?

I am looking for -9, -6, -3, 0, +3, +6, +6 dB buffer/attenuator/gain stage with BAL/SE/BAL functionality and wondering if such idea is actually a proper one.

One of the folks asked if it is feasible to adapt the design from 4 switchable gains to 7. It is if you now use a 6 position dip switch for each positive and negative half into the differential amp and size the input resistor corresponding to all the switches open to the -9dB choice and calculate the remaining ones in parallel with that first resistor to get to the remaining gain choices. As an example, using the feedback resistor of 4K99 an input resistor of about 14K1 results in a gain of about -9dB. If you just want to use the design as it is with different resistor values paralleling the 4K99 input resistance you will onyl realize 4 or 5 practical choices of gain and not the nice spacing you are asking for.