a nice K-tube tweeter

not seen any published - they work quite well(and sound "very good") for 1" compression drivers with Transylvania Power Company's length of 5.3" - if you have a loose compression driver laying around, roll a paper tube about 5.5" long, snip ~ half-ellipse slot with scissors, mount with tape, elevate around 30 degrees (if slot is facing "down") or - 30 degrees if slot facing "up" and give a listen. I would not run a 1"ID K-tube much lower than 1K6 highpass filter

my first tube was paper and maybe 16 years ago - I made pvc tubes, and have the Transylvania product (excellent)
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Any polars of such a configuration?

I would take some polar data but too busy with other setups at the moment. My one test of it, I noticed the most important thing was how uniform the sound was walking around it. I would guess is probably +/-3dB over 120 deg.

Here are some freq response measurements by IG81 with same K-tube but different CD's with tube pointing ~20° up, slot down. There was a ~1.5kHz PLLXO:


from this thread: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way/273667-karlsons-slotted-pipe-tweeter.html
that BMS-4550 is nice and strong plus has good HF extension - the cheaper P-Audio BM440 sounds plenty good to me on a K-tube - the very highest Fs can run straight down the tube's long axis

I don't know what format size Faebar uses - 1.4"? 2" ? considering its tilted down and this picture overhead, what proportion
of the tube would you say is slotted? What does the unslotted portion do to the response behavior?

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lol - - I've used them since 2000 and would have before if had known about them - Karlson had it in his X15 system probably by 1966 - that's about a half century soon - I have one version of the X15 with 1.875" diameter tube which mounts on the reflector panel - its sounds very "fast" - something like a JBL plate lens only better

here's the super high end speakers with the pipes

Färber Acoustics - Equilibrium Speakers
the low end with your coaxial driver might be where it gets weak compared to a horn which much greater vessel volume and gain. You could give it a go - it might be a fun experiment and work at home listening levels.

a K-tube with higher xover is a good thing - I would not want to strain things - test it and see
Hi freddi,

Post #1: "...2" format I believe NEWS | Wolf von Langa..."

I took another stab @ the dimensions for this K-tube, and 2"Dia. is the spec sheet opening for the A2000-II transducer. Going from that I now get a tube length of ~12".

I have some 1-7/8" cardboard tubes on hand, do you have any experience using normal cone drivers @ the end of such a tube, and do you have a formula for dimensions v. cut-off (both: high and low)?



  • Wolf_von_Langa_K_Tube_2in.pdf
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Hi Y'all,

I butchered a piece of 2"I.D. cardboard tube, that was easy enough. I cut the slot on one tube all the way through to the throat, and it's interesting to see, that you can open up the throat, and the section towards the tip does not seem to change much. This may be one way to get some slope into the K-tube. I have the development attached in two parts, that way it fits on 8.5x11 paper using 1:1 scale. Again, it's for 2"I.D. and 12" length (w/ a 3/4" stub for mounting to a flange), 1/2 ellipse.



  • 2015Nov16_K_tubes_2in_small.jpg
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  • 2in_K_Tube_part_1_Bottom.pdf
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  • 2in_K_Tube_part_2_Top.pdf
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Joined 2004
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Not Much Luck

I built a tube based on TB46's template. Believe it or not, I have not been able to find any cardboard tubes here on the island, so had to build mine from poster board.

It's a 2" ID tube 12" long. About 4X the volume of the typical 1" ID K-tube. I have it mounted on a BMS 4592 2" coaxial compression driver.
My results where not great. Sounds like a paper tube.
First, the response rolls off 12dB/octave under ~2200Hz. That's corresponds to 6" wavelength.
Second, the top end is heavily attenuated unless you are looking straight down the tube. This is easy to both hear and measure. Response is not bad straight down the tube, but off the vertical axis it's unusable. :(

Not sure why my results are so poor, but I will continue to experiment and try some different tubes.
Your results mirror my own with 2inch ktubes and klothespins.
As I whittled shorter, it improved, until zero length was best.

OTOH, I did not know at the time of protuberance in "The tube".
Nor the ktube in a ktube of X15, did either have protuberance?

I did have an expanding step from compression driver to tube.
Don't know if that counts as protuberance, but wasn't helpful.
Even smoothed with putty, it was still disappointing.
First, the response rolls off 12dB/octave under ~2200Hz. That's corresponds to 6" wavelength.

A tube's, voice coil's, etc., BW is done once the WL is small relative to its circumference, so a 2" i.d. diameter tube's circumference is ~6.28" or ~2159 Hz [ignoring its end correction that lowers it a bit] and being essentially a 4th order resonant coupler it rolls off at 12 dB/octave, so no surprise in your measurements.

End loaded tubes are basically two octave devices, so ideally need a ~3/4" dia. to get to 20 kHz, but ideally need a ~ 5" dia. to safely load to 1200 Hz at high power, ergo ideally need a driver with a strong rising response to get a wide BW. That, or a very efficient one that can be EQ'd flat.

Seems like a tube within a tube coupled to one of those two way compression drivers might be the ideal solution.