Pulseaudio Crossover Rack - multi-way crossover design & implementation with linux

It works fabulously out of the box with Bullseye 64!

Synchronization even works pretty well with all my other Squeeze players in the house. A bit of a blip at the beginning of a song, but I think I can tweak the squezelite settings to remedy that.

Exceptional work and help, Tfive! And thanks to DarpMalone again for reporting how well it works with Bullseye. I am excited again.
I was going to suggest that you try that but I didn't want to jump to such a rash step off the jump. Congrats!
Joined 2008
Paid Member
Cheers, thanks!

This is what I’ve been playing with and setting up PaXoR for.

Major hurdle cleared.


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Tfive. It's definitely something that I'm overlooking in PA. Not a PaXoverRack config issue. Not a Toslink issue. I flashed my MCHStreamer to make it appear to be a simple 2in/2out-Toslink device and it works fine. Obviously in this config it channel-maps as Front-R/L though. Now that I know that the Streamer and my sources are playing well together I'll re-flash to 10-in /10-out and mess around some more with PulseAudio settings until I can hear the sound that I'm seeing coming in from aux0/aux1.

I'll stop bothering you for now & I'll let you know how it goes once I figure it out.

Thanks as usual for your help
There's a new bugfix/feature release available and here's the changelog:

pulseaudio-crossover-rack (1.64) stable; urgency=medium
  *  bugfix:
     - fix redraw bug after deleting OutputWidgets that also prevented saving
     - fix bug that prevented saving because of missing method in XoverOutput
  * feature:
     - remove pretty much senseless nag dialog when saving a file asking if
       you also want to persist changes to the default.pa file when the xover
       modules were inserted already. Why wouldn't you?
 -- Jürgen Herrmann <t-5@t-5.eu>  Wed, 09 Mar 2022 01:03:38 +0200
So I've wanted to port my Pax crossover setup to a Raspberry Pi for a while. I have it working on a desktop with output going to the same HDMI 7.1 LPCM DeEmbeder that DarpMalone is using (see his post #1003, which includes a link to the product) and Raspbian Linux. BUT this is where my attempt is gonna be more challenging, so time for some confession. If you don't already know it, it is VERY hard (impossible?) to get a Raspberry Pi during this chip shortage. So i had a Pi B+ (32 bit, 512meg, and pretty old). Ok, Guilty! Yes i have seen CPU hit 97.4% during the install! Quite surprised it all runs. BUT, i can't get a browser to run because of not enough memory, so tough to post things from that machine, here so bear with me as I might have trouble posting configuration information.

My goal is just to get a 2-way crossover working and evaluate next steps (like keep trying to get a Pi 4).

So far, i have Pax running and making the right sounds out all 4 speakers when i just create an input and 2 outputs. But when i insert an LR4Highpass and LR4Lowpass between input and outputs;
- the Pax Config of input, thru my highpass, to Output1 on front 2 channels works. Pax also reports that the Input, thru LR4lowpass works, but fails when it tries to implement the LRLowpass to Output 2 on ANY of the other 7.1 outputs with "ERROR inserting module OutputLow".

Of course, i can provide more info but figured I would start with this in case the solution (or dead end) is obvious.

Appreciate any help and a big Thanks to T5 and lots of others who got me this far!!
I'm watching Top the whole time. Thinking it might get strange when if it starts to run out of memory, but while there is very little left once i have everything running, there isn't any spike or ??. Pax runs 60-80% max when inserting the modules. High but nothing "over the cliff". where else should i be looking?

btw. i noticed you ref'd some patching in the last couple days. I probably built it a week ago, so if there is a recent patch maybe i need to build again???

(you posted while i was typing. Let me look...)