of Projector?

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diyAudio Member
Joined 2003
diyAudio Member
Joined 2003

heya az, no probs on the noob questions, u could make this unit with an 8inch lcd but it would have to be scaled up, the lens should be able to cover the 8inch lcd with the short focal it has, ive got a 800x600 native 6inch here that i might use for my next project im not sure at this stage if ill use it or sell it lol as ill have to design yet another projector from scratch as this unit has a full on computer for the lcd, maybe a rear projection tv is the go with it.

diyAudio Member
Joined 2003
Well today i remounted the lcd so the controller card is at the back away from the ballasts heat, also i have cut the base down to the overal size it will be, in the crapy pic u can see if u look hard the original size of the base on the plan, and also the size of the newly sized base sitting on top, i have a 80mm fan for a size comparison but if you wanted somthing abit better for a size comparison the width of the projector is as wide as a standard keyboard, the small type that is. Forget what u see on the plan the base is on it just to show the size difference of the angle i took the pic, with that base moved forward to the front line it is then in the correct position on the plan. I just thought id metion also the the outer line on the outside of the plan is the size of the old base.



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My results are coming, like you I'm constantly thinking about this project, and learning more and more everyday. Here's where I am now. The optics.

I left a reply in DIY VIdeo Projector Part II a few days ago asking a question about using a long focal length in order to control the size of the projected image.

Since this is my first one, I don't care how big it is, just as long as it works, I'll scale it down on the 2nd go-round.

Below is a copy of the email that I sent to Edmund Optics, what do you think?

I'm building a DIY projection tv system. I need a long focal length system
because I don't want a 10' diagonal image. I want somewhere around 8' x 4'

Also I don't want the projector so close to the screen that it's in-front of us, so I need a long throw.

I'm using 12" x 9" LCD TFT panel as my imager. I want to put the completed projector 15' from the screen, and the maximum size of the image on screen to be 6' or 8 horizontal'.

According to my calculation I'll need a max focal length of the lens to be 508mm... the distance between the lens and the LCD panel is 571.50mm. That setup should give me the 8'x4' image.

So it seems to me that the fresnel lens should have a 571.50mm focal length to collimate at the objective lens. I'm using a split fresnel system. Take one fresnel lens and spit seems to give a more evenly lit projected image. (However I'm totally open to suggestions)

1- I have the first lens 8.9" from the light source to collimate the light to the size of the LCD panel (12" x 9")

2- two inch space then the 2nd fresnel that will collimate 571.50mm away to the mounted 508mm lens at the end of the box.

Now I'm not smart enough to have figured this out without a lot of help, some of this information is from a calculator on this web site:
Here's the link to the 508mm lens that I'll be using (I do have a minor concern about the length of the barrel)
Also I checked my calculations with this site

Perhaps you can help me, I may be on the wrong track here. I know the shorter the focal length the larger the projected image.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2003

heya there tmitch, that all sounds about right to me and that focal length in the projection lens is about right too, i was going to say about a 500mm focal then i read it lol to be quite honest i dont use the split frensel idea so the focal on the 2nd or top frensel im not too sure on, im sure others could answer that for u who use the system, (hit cruser with another email) but the focals all look right to me, here is a link for a nice triplet its also big so it wouldnt loose too much light, the focal is just abit short for yours but it may well turn out right, actually ill email u that link, some one from the forum sells gear from here so ill keep it quiet out of respect for him, as for having the projector behind u yeah same here, thats the same idea im using in this new design, i think it is more natural to watch an image with the projector behind u then infront of u being a distraction, anyway your new system sounds all good, cant wait to see the results and construction.

ace3000_1 said:
the projection lens is from surplus shed here is the link to the lens.


Hi Ace:
I Just Want to say Great Posts by you here..
Question: From to page posted with this lens,
"When used with an eyepiece, gives sharp color corrected images. "
I'm A noob Here...
If You Could Explain this, I Thank You...
Doing a project too, But It Will Take a Little Time...
Movlab :)
diyAudio Member
Joined 2003

heya movlab, sorry my posting is abit late ive been alittle tied up the last couple of days, ok what they are saying is from a point of veiw that when combined with an eye glass u will see colour corected images as a spotiing scope, this company mainly talks about making spotting scopes and telescopes, basically they are saying that when u use it as a spotting scope u can see the colour corection in that particular lens because without an eyeglass or eye peice u cant use it as a spotting scope, when i got my copy lens the same that is posted in the link above i asked the same question, the actual copy lens does the colour corecting and the magnifacation and what else have u, but its not veiwable by the human eye until u use a eye peice for it as the human eye cant focus on it , ive had mine in a test and the colours are fine, the sharpness of this lens is out of this world, its like the lcd is on the wall for real, and its clear as, also full of colour, the exact same of the lcd but on the wall, and for $11 u cant find a better deal, just mind the short focal though as this lens is best with a smaller lcd like mine and perfect for the setup im making in this thread.

diyAudio Member
Joined 2003

ya i got a few but im going to sell them soon, as there is alot of work gone into this and it will help pay back some of the cost ive invested into making this project possible, thus being tools, different materials, manny manny hours of research and alot of time not to forget the different experiments ive conducted with different lenses ect, its not somthing that i made up over night, its about 6months fulltime practical work gone into this and thats not counting the 12months of prety much the full time research, the plans are also much work, they will be profesional plans and self explanitory, i will also try to print them out in full size, as soon as i finnish this projector im going to make up a website where ill have parts available cheap and they will be the right parts, maybe also a kit just for the plexi case or the whole deal but u asymble, or maybe even asymbled units in the future and by buying plans from me it will save u not only time, effort and work but also money in the long run as i can also sell stuff even cheaper and continue to upgrade to newer models with higher tech with a wider range of available acessories like different neon wires, different kinds of psu's and various modds ect on the cheap, basically the one place to shop for all of the parts at a very cheap rate, so in return it not only helps out yourself and others, but me also in providing diy guru's with a fun, cheap alternative, with an excellent quality product, as for plan prices im not to sure at this stage, but by all means forum members will get a large discount.

Hey Ace3000,

first of all: your projector really rocks!

Second: I would like to buy a copy of your plans!

I'm pretty new to the topic, but one thing is for sure -I gonna have to build one up as well.

I'm interrested in your blue prints, plans and documentation, whatever helps me to save some money,nerve and time. Don't want to invent the wheel again you know.

When do you think you gonna have all the documentation stuff together?

I would like to start in 3-4 weeks.

Would be cool, if u could tell also the total cost of your projector.

thanks and keep up the great work for the DIYP-community!

262,144 colors?

I'm using a projection panel right now that is 1.4 mil colors, I have no idea if these are native or interlaced (i think thats the correct terminology?) I have noticed some blotchiness in fleshtones when watching ntsc video, but not so much with dvd through my htpc.

I have read some posts debating the Benq 557s and the fact that it doesn't have 16.7 million colors native. This seem to be unimportant to some and more important to others.

I see that you are making some concessions in order to have a smaller projector, and you have done some preliminary testing. I'm wondering...

1. Did you find the depth of color wanting?
2. Also with 200:1 contrast how did the blacks look?

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