Alpair MAOP 10.2

Now 10.2 maop is temporarily out of stock at
There seems to be quite a few left in France.
I picked up the last pair of 10.2's from Sound Imports today. Mismatch pair (one driver SN was 329A recently returned by Dispetcher) but after reviewing the test sheets for both felt they were an excellent match. And they both had 89+dB sensitivity and mid 5g MMS values, exactly what I wanted. SI offered a very good discount and threw in 4 packs of real wool dampening (no longer supported by SI) to sweeten the deal.
If you are on the fence regarding the MAOP 10.2's pick up the ones on THP as SI say the line is now discontinued and there will be no further restocks.
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I'm looking at various cabinet options from FH XL flatpacks, to finished FH XL's when more will be made in The Netherlands sometime next year to recommissioning an existing speaker cabinet. Are the back loaded horn designs really the best for these FR drivers? Would I be sacrificing significant low end by installing them in a large bookshelf speaker cabinet? The one I'm considering was designed for a FR driver and is ported with a venturi inducing plenum between the upper and lower halves.
I have already built a FH3 with MAOP 7.2 drivers and I love the sound these little guys produce. So I'm familiar with the sound signature.

FH3 MAOP7.2.jpg
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Joined 2001
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Looks lik eit based on the same kind of horn as the BKs. Small mouth size limits bass extenion and i have yet to see a well modeled one that stretch teh TL response to push response lower.

IN FHXl the wall behind effectively multiplies teh mouth size by 4x, of in a corner by 8x, and Scott used all sorts of tricks to flesh out the bass response.

Silbury is a chamber loaded horn like the above KCS, but is more optimized, and uses the back wall or corner behind. They go even lower, and have enuff gain that it sometimes has to be damped down.

