Musical Fidelity FCD, A journey

And so it goes.

OK so 3D CAD is fun and the process is informative. I now understand why folks get teary eyed over mech quality, or lack thereof. However, it's also a really good for putting things in a box before any proper destruction has begun.

But some actual, useful, fiddling has intruded :oops::unsure: and I decided to look properly at the FCD's valve output stage. It's not an X10-D well not exactly... (yes I'm well aware that the x10-d is electrically unremarkable, but its a reference - don't shoot me)

No voltage doubler, on this board at least, and a different (than the X-10D) approach to the B+ Supplies and grounding of the first valve section. Also it does have a relay grounding the output during start up but imagine that in the schematic if you need to :)

The PSU board needs more disassembly than I want to commit to, before I have a plan that reaches past tomorrow. I'll get there no doubt.

Next step is to measure some voltages I suppose?



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So last one for a bank holiday

Lets 'take a dive' into the FCD main board, which I just realised (slowpoke) was easier to get to than I thought by just cutting the optical SPDIF wires. Not using them again anyway

Then a genuine LOL which I thought I'd share

See photo, yeah in todays money a £3K unit.... So Normally I have the greatest of respect for past engineers and the limitations of their time, but scrubbing out chip numbers 'so no one can tell' is the equivalent of kindergarten!

Funny - because its SO bad - automatic 'Hall of shame' for you! No matter whom you may be (and perhaps whatever you created next)

I will admit to a soft spot for M.F. as this thread attests, but 'FFS' did they employ five year olds? Was that allowed in the 90's?

Still chuckling :)


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    definitely -100 percent not a TEAC.jpg
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I still don't understand, but given the heart you put into it, I will continue to follow your work.

Yep I know this is a silly project but I'm not letting logic intrude too much :D and thank you

All I have done thus far is establish a 'childhood' crush is rather disappointing. "all fur coat and no knickers" if I'm allowed that.
  • CD board - TEAC CD3500 :poop: < OK that's unfair it's not bad, just not, 'what I want'
  • Power supply - two transistor regulated for a +/-25v supply - way to low. Input the resulting circuit in TubeCAD and it politely tells you that there "must be some current to operate"
  • Buffer circuit, v1 of the X10d / standard buffer. So primordial 'meh'
So - to get the 80's references in - it's all gone a bit Steve Austin at this point.

The plan then: ("plan" ha ha)
  • Output: new buffer stage which for sentimental reasons will be based on a two tube layout and probably a 6DJ8. I contemplated doing something with the 5703 or 6112 or even a VFet (2SK79) but a 6DJ8 is hard to top.... At the moment and it fits the tube narrative
  • PSU - I'll need new transformer here (so that's gone too). Just going to be really simple and generate proper voltages, likely Maida regulation because it works and the LM317
  • CD player part (yep that's why we're here) VRDS9 might be a good donor if I can find one reasonably, but this is going to be on a whim. I like HDCD so that'd be nice to throw into the mix too
To be honest the last part is the biggest question mark. Its all solvable, but I do need to pick a victim, once I've done that the rest will drop into place.

"all fur coat and no knickers"
There, I understand :):):)
CD player part (yep that's why we're here) VRDS9 might be a good donor if I can find one reasonably
Copland worked around this base by mixing generations and pieces, I really liked the result, especially the CDA-288 which is one of my favorite CD players.
Don't neglect the work on the chassis, it's really important, giving mass and inertia to the whole thing really gives very good results.
A few years ago in my CD723 period, I had poured a block of concrete, fixed the entire mechanics of the player on it then suspended the whole thing in three points with very very fine fishing wire, that alone had made a very big difference .
The funniest thing is the path, the quest, not the destination.

Copland. I see that and agree

In fact this would be a somewhat shorter journey if the VRDS10 'slab' would fit in any normal sized box - it does not!

As far as chassis goes, the 3D CAD that I'm boring you with - opens the door to some very nice (?) mods that will stiffen up the base plate and arch of the KSL210 and so on... :smash: I'm some way off that, but it's on the list too

Hi Andy
What do you want to achieve in this? What is the goal?

Less distortion?
If so I would consider changing the analog section from tubes to todays excellent opamp technology. But it's probably not wat you are after.

Not so easy to design your own digital stuff as it might sound ;)
I'm working on different DSP solutions including ADCs and DACs. A lot of time and spins are spent on getting it to work properly, not so much on trimming the sound ;) .... though it will probably follow a good working design :)

Why not just give it a general overhaul: New tubes, check electrolytic capacitors to ensure they are still working, check/change the laser.

I have a Denon DVD-3910 .. a very different beast. I was considering to sell it and get a more conventional CD player a bit more historical and iconic as a TEAC, Phillips or something.
The laser is not working as it should any more, so now I can't play SACDs. Have just bought a new laser and is in for changing it, giving the good old player new life.
Not sure how comon it is for the laser to wear out, but if you start to get tracking problems, I'm sure this is the problem. And if the laser does not work properly, then the data foundation is not good and that will for sure impact the sound.

Furthermore I have come to a firm belief, that the most improvements you can do to the sound of a system is the in room response; Acoustics, Speaker onaxis response, directionality, and the right down sloping response. This has enormously more effect on sound that the THD of the CD player, the Amp or any cables etc.

My two cents. Give the MF FCD a new life :)
I have a Denon DVD-3910 .. a very different beast. I was considering to sell it and get a more conventional CD player a bit more historical and iconic as a TEAC, Phillips or something.
The laser is not working as it should any more, so now I can't play SACDs. Have just bought a new laser and is in for changing it, giving the good old player new life.
Interesting I had DVD5000, DVD A1 and DVD A11 all are superbly musical players all had drive issues. The DVD5000 I kept still plays CDs no problem but not DVD - at all... Changing a laser unit and setting that up is frankly terrifying to me.

The Denon is the antithesis of the FCD, quality of components far outstrips what should be in a 'humble DVD player'

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Well I just ordered the Laser on ebay, and changed it here this afternoon. Not too difficult .... and far less difficult than starting to design and develop your own electronics for CD player ... ;)
I feel like that cannot be quite as simple as just plug it in? :) What steps did you go through?

As for the FCD - I'm not developing CD player bits only a few peripherals - honest :smash:

Started with the buffer, which should be an experiment in itself :unsure: = a bit of fun

Well not far from that easy. I followed this:

It is of course different from CD player to CD player .... but I'm sure you can find information on the net from someone showing how to do it ;)

By the way: it the pcb in post #22 is the main board, I would guess the two long ICs in the top left corner is the output stage and filter (the ICs being dual opamps) .... then why does it need a buffer stage? Adding a tube buffer stage with 25V supply will for sure add a lot of distortion ... and I guess this is what is the intention .... I would see it it can just be omitted and thereby getting better performance ;)
.... sorry if I'm missing the point here ;)
Well if I'd seen that 12months ago there might be one more DVD player in the world :cry::cry:. One of the outcomes of this project so far is a much better understanding of how these loaders are put together. I doubt it translates but "Bother said Pooh" is on point, that is quite a shame.

The main board you mention is in-fact that, but its not a particularly good one. I keep saying that, but I'm starting to understand why it was chosen as a base.

The point of a buffer is sort of derived from the argument against a passive pre-amp in terms of giving the output op-amps a vanishingly low impedence to work into. But its in the same category as passive I-V stages, silver mains cables. NOS DACs, and all those "fairytales".

Probably its adding a bit of 2nd harmonic to warm up the sound, empirically (AKA no science) I have another player with outputs prior and pre buffer, I tend to prefer buffer, but that's x-10d based at +/-30v which is still low.

There is one buffer design that does make sense: SY's heretical unity gain stage. Deleting what's usually a large electrolytic (bipolar?) cap from the output makes sense. So obviously that's not what I've decided to do :ROFLMAO: see attachment - it's absolutely a work in progress and 175v B+



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Now that's what I call a tangent

Anyone got a pointer for the inevitable discussion on Sony Mech that must be here on DIYAudio

As a mechanical engineer, It might be lost on the wider audience here explaining how much fun there is to be had in the cost VS functionality journey between the KSS150 and later KSS210 mechanisms :)

its especially fun as the '150 can have a plastic loader and the '210 has a shiny metal one. you'd be looking for the KSL150 which is "best" all round I think

Slowly zooming in on this project though, slowly being the word

Your project is interesting, but I don't understand why you want to use the Sony mechanism which I think is less efficient than a CDM12 for example... then in your case, being a mechanical engineer, I would have an idea of how to create a drawer mechanism based on the CDM12 project , I would say that two switches or sensors and a piston would be enough, all managed by Arduino.

The VAM (cdm12) also has the option of a top-loading CD holder.





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