13th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST-2016

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Some random pics:
DaveR upskirt.

It may be hard to see in the picture, but I was showing Chris the shrouds added to the inside of the hand hold cutouts on the amp base. Made from PA speaker handle recesses. A bit safer to prevent fingers from contacting wires attached to the large capacitors.


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yes, with certain concessions to the vicissitudes of the relentless march of time - or at least as we understand it in this dimension - some interesting conversations to be had in the later evening hours, parts of which I can almost remember.

No ill effects that evening or even at breakfast - a nice cuppa black coffee and short walkabout in the nearby woods before 8:00AM and I was ready to go.
Hello folks:
Sorry I missed the event. I have been out of interweb range for a while. I just got back to a town large enough to have free wifi.
It looks like things were fun. I am biking, hiking, floating and loafing with my wife in Montana.
I really hope to be there next year if I am in Canada.
Ehaa... I allway's envy that diyFEST!

Every year i look at the pictures, and hoping some day to join, if possble.
Canada look's like such a pretty country.

Well... look's like you had a very good time there :cheers:

How is it, everybody or most stay at Dave's place there right*?

Regards; Jesper.


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