13th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST-2016

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For those concerned about the bridge - I took that road twice today during "regular work hours" and there were no crews on site. All wooden decking has been replaced and now just waiting for paving crew. I'd be very surprised if anything happens there tomorrow, and certainly not Saturday ... So while there are no guarantees, it'd probably be smooth sailing foe anyone planing the trip mid Friday afternoon.

Gonna be toastie kids .
I had looking forward to attending this year's event for quite some time, but I have unfortunately been hit with a case of gout. Guess I drew the short straw, so to speak. The pain has subsided but not the swelling. I am getting around on crutches when necessary, but am supposed to stay off my feet as much as I can.

Will hope for better luck next year. Wishing everyone a fun time!

Gary Dahl
I hope everyone has a good time this weekend. Looking forward to the pics and stories.

Quite the trip to the doctor yesterday. I think it's the first time I've been prescribed a gun. I said whoa doc, can't you just put me out to pasture? He says, that's for grass eaters, for carnivores it's easier just to shoot them.
Heel: Achilles tendinopathy
Shoulder: Calcific tendonitis
Heart: Ventricular ectopic
Aside from that I'm fine. ;)
Mr W.: try as several of us did to emulated your normal Fest performances before some ran out of cubic volume of metabolic mass, we did at least play " I'm too sexy for my shirt" - well, not exactly all the way through - there's only so much we were willing to endure as a comic relief in your honour.

While there was some JB in DaveR's stash of CDs, it didn't quite feel right to play in your absence. Or did we just forget by the time we started celebrating "yup, it's 5:00 in Bermuda, folks so let's go?" Cal - you've been to enough of these to hazard a guess.

I'm surprise there's not yet more post-show traffic herein, but with some guys travelling, and the sadly characteristic longer refractory periods of yours truly and others to which you get to look forward, but in a nutshell, my observations:
- Ruth and Dave continue to be gracious and nearly indefatigable hosts;
- this even still seems to attract an interesting blend of folks with varied experience, vivid personalities, and severally, war stories enough for a month;
- it's quite possible to design passive XOs that don't get much in the way of the music - just can get to physically big and a bit spendy on parts when you start dipping below 1000Hz;
- not all LM3886 chip amps sound the same, even when from the same drawing board (and then with good reason-$) - I had the opportunity to spend a couple of evenings with TomC- the designer of Modulus86, and the fairly new LM3886DR (Done Right) I guess it's possible to do things right-er , which a few more hours of head scratching and math . Why is it slways the math that gets some of us otherwise reasonably intelligent and dexterous folks into so much trouble/confusion?


- a $40 US 4 X "100"watt channel class D amp can deliver excellent performance in the bass, but suffers somewhat in comparison to a well executed composite chip amp, or a discrete component trans-conductance in the top end;
- The Alpair12PW is a pretty decent mid-woofer ( crossed over as high as 500-ish in our "test mules" they didn't sound to my ears to show any issues, and would inline me to try them running eve higher to make for a simple(r) 2-way;
-The Alpair 7.3 is a pretty competent full range driver in the right cabinet, and when using them within their SOA, and certainly more than that as mid-tweet in a bi- amped MTM;
- you can't go wrong with a nice pot of simmering chilli- thanks again Ruth;

Caveat; due to the relentless progress of Mother Time, a subset of the cohort of older farts will have less acuity in at least the top half of the last octave, so some of these observations must be tempered with that recognition. Things that may be perceived as "plain as the nose on your face, gramps", just might miss our perception altogether, and we'll have long since taken that old Zen wisdom to heart: "dude, it is what it is"
Or was that my son?
Hopefully more coverage and some photos to follow

Oh yeah, winner of the "silly hat" contest was DaveR - so wacky in fact that its wackiness could be transfer to other wearers - although I hope no photographic evidence exists as proof.

Cheers, all
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Thought I'd check in and let everyone know I made it home, with just a couple of minor delays.

There happened to be a bicycle race in the Victoria area, which held me up for about 20 minutes -- just long enough to miss the 11 am boat by half a holding lane. All good though, I had a chance to have a sandwich and some coffee, and as luck would have it, I ran into Tom on the 12 noon boat. Had a good visit. The border crossing at Peace Arch was only about a 25 minute wait when I got there, and then a couple of slowdowns in construction areas. It's summer time, we take the frustrations with the good fortunes.

Need to finish unloading and unpacking now, but will have more details later.

For now, just want to say thanks so much Ruth and Dave for your hospitality as always. Had a great time, saw some familiar faces, and met a few new ones.

Boring. All I could think about was giant speakers and giant amps and a crowd at the top of the stairs yelling...

Yelling what you say? I have no idea, it's always too loud to hear them.

Seriously though although it was sad to miss out, the good news is I start getting hooked up to machines tomorrow and with any kind of luck, I'll still be above ground come next year's fest.

How did your liver make out this year? Did you befriend any railings?
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Some people pictures:


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Joined 2001
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