13th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST-2016

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in fact it would seem lessons learned were actually retained, or maybe it was pacing on the Gin, :drink:, calculating metabolic rate based on body mass, and careful tempering with doses of Ruth's pretty darned good chili

glad to hear your prognosis looks good, and soon you'll be back to your old charming self - or should I say - "careful what you (i.e. we) wish for" ? ;)

overall a slightly smaller and certainly less rowdy crowd than previously, and I must sheepishly admit to not missing the monster PAs so much
in fact it would seem lessons learned were actually retained, or maybe it was pacing on the Gin, :drink:, calculating metabolic rate based on body mass, and careful tempering with doses of Ruth's pretty darned good chili

I was going to ask you how your head was feeling yesterday. You seemed to have a pretty good buzz going on at one point.

Many thanks to Ruth and Dave as always.

Glad everyone made it home safely.

Joined 2001
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Attendance this year was lite… we saw many posts from those down for the count. So there were only 2 speakers that weren't here already, a lovely set of small standmounts DaveR brought (the collection of pictures i got from Ruth failed to capture these, anyone?) and the "martians", "one eyed monsters", what do you call them John? Both were lovely exempts.

The 2 Alpair 7x FASTs, the Pluvia Eleven CGR, the FH3 with A7, the FHXL with FF165, the Mar-Ken12pw, and the Em-Ken (they filled in for lack of Cal) got played a lot.

Everything sounded good (the Em-Kens were OK), the 2 FASTs were both outstanding.

The newest A12pw MTM had 2 different passive XOs (a 1st order series and a 4th order LR) and Chris got his 4 channel Sure Class D amp with built-in PLLXO playing. Tom's amp did stellar duty with the passive XOs, later the MTMs made it to the front apron where a quick solder made it possible to use the D-Amp with PLLXO for XO & bottom and Daniel's transamp on the top… sweet.



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more pictures . . .

Here are a few more pictures

a view from the ferry on the way
did CinderFella leave this behind?
Dana's set up with Daniel's trans amp
some of Planet10's creations. Dana's large with Dave R's little black bookshelves on top
a suspicious group plotting their next move.
back deck - John's nice Vifa combination (frog eyes), new large MTM's by Planet10, smaller fonken
the grand pubah describing the raffle prizes.
some silly guy looking for more beer
a parting shot from the ferry home. the clouds seemed to beckon me back

All in all, it was a good time. Lots of good music, good folks, good food, and the weather was fantastic (even if a bit on the warm side). Thanks again Dave and Ruth for hosting all of us crazies. Until we meet again . . .


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there was a nice lady who lived with a shoe
she had so many speakers, she didn't know what to do

was frankly surprised to not see any "man-buns" on those hirsute bearded hipster youngsters :D - which includes any of the under 40 cohort

the silly guy borrowing the prize winning hat doesn't remember consuming a single beer on Friday / Saturday - did share some of his Bombay Sapphire East

for a real treat, try this - from one of the Island's recent small batch craft distillers

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

As TomC (neurochrome) might also opine - on a sunny day that ferry ride is more than just transportation, it can be "transporting"
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Joined 2001
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Some random pics:

DaveR upskirt. And i found a pic of the little 2-ways queuing up for action on the back deck early Fri.

Back deck stack at one point. MacBook Pro, Jolida & Oppo sources, Rotel pre, Neurochrome Modulus 86 (?), and the black box with 4x100w Sure D-Amp and PLLXO.

Many speakers live here (and at Chris'), seen on the front deck & inside. Most did not see playing time.



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Joined 2001
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Prize pictures:

Madisound provided Peerless NE123W-04 (DaveR), Pluvia Seven (silver, Jeff), Pluvia Seven (copper, Fleming), Mark Audio supplied Pluvia Eleven and Chris built a CGR deciSize box (John), and P10-hifi supplied a pair of Alpair 7PeN (Fleming).


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for a real treat, try this - from one of the Island's recent small batch craft distillers

There's a bottle of New Tom from De Vine here to try next time you're over.

As TomC (neurochrome) might also opine - on a sunny day that ferry ride is more than just transportation, it can be "transporting"

The only boat I've been on that rolls from side to side in a totally calm sea.:confused:



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Joined 2009
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Back in Cow Town after a long but uneventful return trip. I ended up spending Sunday night at Skihist Provincial Park in BC, one of my favourite places for a quick overnight pit stop. I had enough time to set up my tent and make dinner before a thunderstorm rolled through. The camp host labeled this "Alberta Weather" and promptly gave me credit (blame?) for bringing it. :) The weather cleared in an hour and a *bright* double rainbow ensued. It was bright enough to have me look for the tertiary rainbow as well. Good times...

Closest wildlife encounter: I came within 10' of a black bear. Sadly (or perhaps luckily for me) it was "sleeping" on the side of the road. RIP Bear.

As TomC (neurochrome) might also opine - on a sunny day that ferry ride is more than just transportation, it can be "transporting"

The 30 minutes crossing Strait of Georgia is mostly about transportation, but the part of the trip through the Gulf Islands is really nice - especially on a sunny day. The drive through BC is gorgeous as well.

Thanks to Dave and Ruth for hosting and thank you to everybody who made the trip. It was fun to listen to the various setups and heartwarming to hear everybody's praise of the Modulus-86. Good times. Good people. Good beer. What more can a guy want?

Thanks again.



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