5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Back Home - had a godd time.

Had a great time - good to meet all the fellow speaker nerds. :devilr:

Lots of nice stuff, Dave and Ruth were great hosts.
Cal wins hands down for biggest, badest, loudest speakers. Keep it rockin' Cal!

There was lots of great stuff there, including a lot of very nice electronics. I just wish there had been time to hear more. That Dave D is the king of the single driver, for sure.
Cal Weldon said:
:worship: Dave and Ruth
Ruth and Dave :worship:

I agree, they're the best host and hostess that anyone could imagine. We left Dave and Ruth's at 12:30 for the ferry dock and I just got home (@10:05 pm). It's a long trip from Seattle, but Ian is driving to Santa Cruz, Cal., I believe, so I can't complain.
I personally had a great time. I could go on, but I work tomorrow and 3:30 come around pretty early. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

Best Regards,
Hey All,

Many Thanks to Dave and Ruth for everything...

chrisb - sorry for the mp3's

cal - bigger is better...

terryo - muchos gracias por el carro...

aengus - they're prettier in person...

all - thanks for puttin' up with me

rumor has it that I had fun...may be true...two thumbs up.

t-head said:
Hey All,

Many Thanks to Dave and Ruth for everything...

most particular acknowledgment to Ruth ;as always accommodating and gracious under fire

chrisb - sorry for the mp3's

well - as further fiddling about may have proven, it's likely that we simply found a particular combination of gear that couldn't play nice together

cal - bigger is better...

damn, Richard, now you started something -

all - thanks for puttin' up with me

rumor has it that I had fun...may be true...two thumbs up.


if sustained output and amplitude was any measure, we definitely witnessed a Michael Phelps grade performance
I just wanted to also thank Dave & Ruth for their hospitality, it was wonderful.

And I have to say the same to Cal. Buddy, you were a great host, showed me tremendous hospitality, and are one serious par-tay animal. All the best to you and Hanh. And your grilled salmon is the best.

It was great seeing Terry, Kevin, Scott (cheer up!), Gregg, and all the rest again. Too bad Kevin had to leave early, but having one less Bears fan always livens up a party! :)

It was great to meet some new people too. I really enjoyed talking to Iain, and of course listening to his active 3 ways, which sound marvelous.

Now, please, post some pics! :)
North64 said:
Many many thanks for Dave and Ruth for hosting and for letting me drop by. Time went by so fast that I had to rushed out of there, and only to wish if I had more time.

Hands down, Cal had the baddest, biggest, and the loudest speakers.

Best regards,


they couldn't have been all that - I didn't hear a thing at the wedding ceremony downtown, or the reception at the Naden Wardroom .
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