5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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t-head said:
pics will never convey such an event in all its glory and infamy...you had to be there...next year?

Oh really? Lets try and I will see if I could come up with the same conclusion. :) :) :) Next year sounds really good. Always wanted to visit Vancouver, but somehow didn't go further than Seattle. I was there in June and wanted to visit Vancouver, but had to rush back to SF.
That was a great time! It sure is something I look forward to every year. What a great group.

Aengus - Proud new owner of a Grant Fidelity tube amp. What a great raffle prize.
Barry - Good to see you again this year.
Bob - The man with the Silver Iris'. Fine speakers you have there.
Boris - It was nice to finally meet you. Good luck with the plasma projects.
Bud - The man behind EnABL. Nice to meet you in person and discuss speaker stuff.
Chris - Too bad you weren't able to spend more time there but as always it was a pleasure.
Dana - We didn't talk much but you seem like a nice guy.
Daniel - Sorry we didn't get to hear your 2 gW amplifier. I'll have to bring bigger speakers next year.
Dick - The man from the place no one can spell. Good to see you again.
Edward - You too.
Gregg - I'm gonna have to visit you in Rosedale one of these days.
Iain - I like your set up on the back deck. Glad you could bring it.
Ian - Nice to meet you and wow, what a raffle prize. Very generous. You're coming next year right?
Jason - What happened? We were far too wel behaved. We must be getting old.
Jesse - Good to see you again and thanks for the fish.
Jim - Good to see you again this year.
Kevin - Are you really the same Kevin from last year? Didn't recognize you without the beer goggles. I had to carry the torch for both of us this year.
Michael - Finally get to meet Maui man. Or do we call you Pacific northwest man now? Doesn't matter, it was great to meet you, glad you could make it and that we could reminisce about the Altec days. Thanks for your help with the cabinet ideas.
Murray - I have some raffle tickets for sale. They include lucky ticket #153. Nice to meet you.
Richard - Rock on man! (WHAT, I CAN'T HEAR YOU... WHAT?) You win the prize for having the most fun. Love your spirit man.
Scott - What can I say? What would one of these be without you? I am always so well behaved until we get together. Mind you all we took off this year were our shirts.
Stew - You're still one heck of a speakerdork. Hope your trip back was uneventful. Next time you visit your brother, you visit me too ok?
Suzie - Oh Suzie you make me knees wobbly everytime I set eyes on you.
Tony - You make a great companion for a trip like this. You're welcome in my home anytime. Glad you enjoyed your time here. Say hi to Wei Wei for me when you talk to her next.
Terry - I only wish I had a sister you could get pregnant so my family could share some of your blood. I hang on every word of your wisdom. Even the BS stuff as I know it will come in handy one day.

And lastly (I'm sure there are those I've forgotten but remember I had a few beers throughout the day and things got a little foggy near the end, including my ears so forgive me if I have forgotten any of you. I can see a couple of fuzzy faces but no names are coming to me right now.

Dave - There would be no fest without Dave. I have a feeling that after he dies of solder smoke and copper poisoning, Ruth just wouldn't put up with us so thanks to Dave for still being alive. Thank you also for having such a well of invitees to draw from. I'm glad you picked all the good ones and told the lousy ones to stay away. I love your diplomacy. Great host. Thanks also for the EnABLed drivers. I will get 'a' sandin' soon me lad.

Ruth - OK, let's get serious for a moment. Who else but the world greatest partner would do this for her man. The air was hazy with unspent testosterone and this woman, as usual, took the bull by the horns and made it work. She wiped our tears, cleaned our scratches, applied bandages, fed us, listened to us, cleaned up after us, tucked us in at night and still had time to take a bunch of photos. What a gal. Thanks for picking Dave as your partner. You two are a great combo.
When Tony and I got back to my place we decided our livers needed a little more abuse so we pulled on the tap a few times, said "I love you man" and wrote a poem. Well, a limerick actually but I guess that still counts.

At Dave and Ruth's you don't feel like a guest
Every year this time at the diyFest
'cause when you're on the isle
Your troubles get filed
Those folks and the music are the best

Hmm...I think that needs a little work.

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Cal, you're an ani-mal.

Sure was a fun time. Bit of a whirlwind, tho..... So much to listen to, so much to drink.

Jesse is now the best salmon cooker I know. And that's saying a lot. Shootz, brah! That was some ono salmon. :D Broke da mouth!

Nice to meet everyone and put names and face to all the diyAudio forum rats. I'm still a little confused about who some of you are, but that will clear up with time.

Hey Terry-O Thanks for the ride and all the good conversation. Very pleased to meet you. Hope to make it over to your speaker gig in a couple of weeks.

Hey Richard - is that you (t-head)?

Bud - didn't get to see enough of you. Maybe soon, eh?
I must say I have no biases this year as this is my first event, but I must also say it was quite a show. Great to have everyone around and try out all the gear.

Perhaps I'll have to drag a piano outside next year and we'll have some of you bring your musical instruments too. (There must be some musicians within all of us?)

Cal: Sorry I didn't get the monster finished, I was just too preoccupied with other things to even blow the dust off of it. Next year for sure!

Aengus: I know we've told you this already, but we really like the speakers. Such artful construction!

g33k(gregg): Good to see you here, we should have g33k3d about some more! (Next year the ham radio station will be set up and we can mess around with that.)

Jesse: Thank you very much for the cool gear. I'm gonna have uber fun with this tape machine if my back ever recovers from carrying it in here.

Unfortunately I'm too scatterbrained to address everyone that came to the show, and please don't any of you feel left out, we all appreciate it and hope you all come again, and bring more friends too!

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Duo said:
Aengus: I know we've told you this already, but we really like the speakers. Such artful construction!

Pictures don't do them justice. They are beauty, Aengus has done a masterful job, with a 1950s ethos, and to top it he made them look like they were made in the '50s -- a masterful job.

They sounded pretty good too :) Especially at the end after all the "tweaking"

AR2 said:

Oh really? Lets try and I will see if I could come up with the same conclusion. :) :) :) Next year sounds really good. Always wanted to visit Vancouver, but somehow didn't go further than Seattle. I was there in June and wanted to visit Vancouver, but had to rush back to SF.

Vancouver is itself a fine enough city, if you like that sort of thing (great physical scenery, cosmopolitan atmosphere, hot chix, etc) - but don't forget we're on "the Island", and to describe our pace of life as a bit more relaxed would be a bit of an understatement.

Look forward to seeing you next year, if we're crazy enough to try this yet again. :smash:
Thanks to all who attended the diyFEST!

Thanks everyone who came out to the 5th Annual diyFEST. It was a loud and exhausting weekend that I wouldn't have missed for the world. Hope you all had a super time; come back next year! Here's one pic as a teaser, out of the 2000 or so that I collected/took - I will post a link to the best of the rest as soon as I get some sleep.


  • diy_sign_terryo.jpg
    22.6 KB · Views: 325
There is very little I can add at this point that hasn't been already mentioned. It was great seeing all the regulars and meeting those who made the "Trek" for perhaps the first time. The projects and gear were, once again, unique, well thought out and crafted by some of the best DIY'ers anywhere. It's no secret that I like the music, but in the hidden recesses of my soul I remain an unrepentant Gearhead.

To ascend into the mists of the lofty Mountain Halls of Fortress Dlugos can be likened to a transfigured entry into an Audio Valhalla, where the Warriors do battle each day and then gather for feasting and drinking in full fellowship at night.

Future generations will gather around the hearth to hear the legends and tales of that remote age where the Titans of Tubes and the Solid State Samurai were met and the valleys resounded with the thunder of mighty strokes and rang from the sound of smartly turned blows. Who will remain unmoved upon hearing of those feats of Analog Audacity and Digital Daring that were performed at that time, and yet, were regarded by those ancient heroes as the mere common currency of the day? Was there ever, before or since, an age such as this?

Yikes! I had a lot more to say, but it seems that my wife is insisting that I take my medication... immediately! :bigeyes:

Best Regards,
Re: Thanks to all who attended the diyFEST!

ruthde said:
Thanks everyone who came out to the 5th Annual diyFEST. It was a loud and exhausting weekend that I wouldn't have missed for the world. Hope you all had a super time; come back next year! Here's one pic as a teaser, out of the 2000 or so that I collected/took - I will post a link to the best of the rest as soon as I get some sleep.


Did you use Photoshop to change the wording on that sign?
Most of the people that I've seen that look like that, have a sign that says "Homeless, Will work for food" or something of that nature. I hope you weren't in any danger, as it's probable that he had recently escaped from a mental hospital.

Best Regards,
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