5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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Hi there guys,
What a fun weekend! Thank you Ruth & Dave for opening up your home and letting us make noise and mess for such a long time. You are most generous hosts!

As for the rest of you... well, you've proven once again that DIYaudio folk everywhere are the most honorable, passionate, intelligent and fun-loving group of people you'll ever meet. The pleasure was all mine.
Better late than never

Hello gang:
I have been away from my computer so I am a bit late with my thoughts.
I too had a great time and did really enjoy visiting with every one. Thanks to Dave and Ruth for looking after us. A real pleasure.

I fell in love with the F120A Fonkens I need to figure out a way to get a pair of those drivers.

I think we must make a special thank you to Ian for donating that beautiful EL 34 amplifier as a door prize and a wow are you ever luck to Aengus for winning it. I was luck enough to win a nice Enabled set of FF85 drivers, thanks to Dave for donating them. All the prize donations we well recieved. Thank you to all the donators.

The event was a big success with lots of fun being had by all.

The drive home was a little tiring. IT made for a long enjoyable day. Thanks again for all the fun.
Cal Weldon said:
Whale oil beef hooked!

Moray: I wish I knew that was you. I wanted to talk electrostatics.

Stew: you're right he is a nice guy, I especially enjoyed the raffle business. Darn it, I should have kept his five bucks. ;)

I hope Laura is doing OK. Give her a big BC hug for me would ya?

Cal - the new tag-line should state "I survived the diyfest08 with most of my remaining brain cells intact - we'll have to give 'er harder next year"
The most in the least...

you said it the Fostex 120's in the Fonken were astounding and gave you the "I've got it all " performance from lows to highs in the small attractive box. The only speaker that I would choose over them would be the FF85K's you won combined with the side firing 7 inch bass driver. Those are da bomb but they are bigger (a little) and require a cross over and bass driver so a bit more complex. That set up can stage and image like a set of dipole electrostats. Don't forget to treat the cabinets with Bud's magic binary code. Done like dinner as the saying goes.

Cal we can talk ESL's any time you like but you have to first be initiated into the Gild and then to a local Cell. First step envolves touching your tongue to Dave's high voltage fly swatter. Mother Mary and Joseph that thing can bite and packs a wollop to match. After that you must build your own Walton - Cockcroft multiplier and you are in. Josef Merhaut designed an electrostatic compression driver to run a set of horns so you can have your cake and play loud while you eat it. Get your library to find you a copy of his paper. http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=2617
Re: Better late than never

SCD said:
Hello gang:
I have been away from my computer so I am a bit late with my thoughts.
I too had a great time and did really enjoy visiting with every one. Thanks to Dave and Ruth for looking after us. A real pleasure.

I fell in love with the F120A Fonkens I need to figure out a way to get a pair of those drivers.

I think we must make a special thank you to Ian for donating that beautiful EL 34 amplifier as a door prize and a wow are you ever luck to Aengus for winning it. I was luck enough to win a nice Enabled set of FF85 drivers, thanks to Dave for donating them. All the prize donations we well recieved. Thank you to all the donators.

The event was a big success with lots of fun being had by all.

The drive home was a little tiring. IT made for a long enjoyable day. Thanks again for all the fun.

Scott - sorry I missed you, but as you know, the wife and/or your own extended family take precedent (it was a nice wedding and reception - I wish I had muscle memory of that kind of love and affection :worried: )

I guess I'd spent more time living with the F120As during the evolution of their treatment ( the 2 days at Dave's were the only time he had his hands on the finished boxes) than anyone attending the event, and they were definitely a mixed blessing. Let's say they don't have enough character of their own to disguise any flaws or deficiencies in the rest of the system.

When things are right, there is just something so relaxingly, organically, musically right about them that any "deficiencies" they may have according to one's checklist of what a speaker in a box should sound or measure like, simply fade away - well for me that was certainly the case. IMHO, Dave's Fonken cabinet design contributes more than a little to the alchemy, with either the F120A or the FE127E for those on a more restricted budget.... but I guess I could be accused of bias in that area.

If you got a chance to play them on the back porch with your F4, what was the front end? I guess another trip will be needed to hear that cute little beast in its native environs.

FWIW, regarding the FF85K - if you've not already got a specific project in mind, you might want to consider running them on a small OB, to fully break them in, and acclimatize yourself. Who knows, you could well beat us to implementation of a variation of the MJK OB project.

leadbelly said:
There's been talk of a Calgary event over the years, but no one's really pushed hard for one. I don't really have the resources to organize the all-encompassing event that happens at Dave's with tenting and meals and sponsors, but I am happy to do something to spark it off like rent a community hall in Calgary. I can rent the hall in Tuscany where I live, but this is not very central.

leadbelly ... I just became aware that your house is probably within rock throwing distance from my house. We must get together! I'll send you an e-mail with my co-ordinates.

Hello Chris;

Yes I was a little disappointed when I heard you could not make the Saturday. I am glad I made it at all. It was a little dicy right up till I slipped out of the driveway. "Honey I've got to get some milk I will be back in a little while!!"

I am not sure what the front end was that I was listen to. It did sound very good though.
I was really hoping to hear your SE 2A3 played through my F4 into the F120A I think that would have been a real wonderful experience.

I guess I am going to have to come down with the F4 so we can try a few combinations. The F4 does sound good with the Fostex drivers. I will bring down the mated Aikido pre amp next time. I am almost finished the chassis work.
Re: Hello Chris;

SCD said:
Yes I was a little disappointed when I heard you could not make the Saturday. I am glad I made it at all. It was a little dicy right up till I slipped out of the driveway. "Honey I've got to get some milk I will be back in a little while!!"

"but I ran out of gas, and ........" - no, she'd know you're lying while still formulating the thought, and certainly before the words are expelled from your mouth - wives are just like that

I am not sure what the front end was that I was listen to. It did sound very good though.

someone else might be able to fill in the blanks?

I was really hoping to hear your SE 2A3 played through my F4 into the F120A I think that would have been a real wonderful experience.

I guess I am going to have to come down with the F4 so we can try a few combinations. The F4 does sound good with the Fostex drivers. I will bring down the mated Aikido pre amp next time. I am almost finished the chassis work.

That'd be great - I've been wanting to hear both of these units, and if your Aikido chassis is anything like the picture I saw of the F4, it'll need to sound quite wonderful indeed just to match the looks.

(... did that last sentence sound like a left-handed compliment? - it wasn't meant to)
Cal Weldon said:
I agree but remember what we did to fill in those gaps?

Rock on brother! :smash:

not much "dead air" at these fests - in fact the real challenge would probably be to have only one system running at a time

not a bad idea in itself, to set aside a fixed period of time for scheduled listening, with no stepping on someone else's "demo"?
leadbelly said:

I'd go one step further and request some kind of standard interconnection scheme. For example, 3/4" spaced bananas for speakers and amps, and RCA's for source and preamps. That would go a long way to avoid those "awkward silences". Plus you could really get fancy and get into A/B boxes too. :)

Standards of proceedings and demonstration protocols is on our list for next year - probably a blog for off-forum discussion would be worth consideration.
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