5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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I just looked at the specs for the woofer in the A7 cabinet. I guess I mislead some of you. The Qts is higher than I remember and the Xmax now says 4.3mm vs the 6mm it was listed as when I bought them. Here it is:


Here's a little something on the cone material in a different application. I have edited it for fun.

The preferred fiber is a quartz fiber having an elongation to break of at least about 5%. Additionally or alternatively, the reinforcing fiber, in particular quartz fiber, has a hardness of at least about 4 on the Mohs scale, as measured on bulk material, which resists cutting by an impacting object. The composite material and specifically an epoxy/quartz fiber composite provides for weight reduction while providing a stiff speaker cone without loss of structural integrity and with improved resistance to impact and puncture.

Not to mention moisture resistance which is why I bought them.
Thanks Ruth and Dave for sharing your bit of heaven, Planet 10 and for tucking me in, late at night.

One day to recover, yesterday to catch up. About a 27 hour trek there, with the stories, pranks, imitations and jokes of Moray and Stew on a road trip (I should have had a video camera, Monty Python isn't as funny), then a weekend of partying with a dram of work, then about a 28 hour trek back, ouch. You must ask Moray how Yogurt can be made if your stranded in the wilderness :) and get Stew to show the lampost pictures of Grand Fork !

I really enjoyed everyone I met and thanks for sharing some laughs with me. Also enjoyed all the systems, components and gadgets I heard, a good mixture of purest and rocker sound.

I look forward to seeing everyone again next year and hope to say 'hi' and exchange ideas often until then.

Have to ask, did anyone use their 'audiophile' grade ear buds :) Bud? Or was it many cases of, my ears are toast anyways why bother cleaning them, the brain will fill in the rest eh! :)

Joined 2001
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Re: Speaking of lost CD's

SCD said:
Hello Dave and group:
I seem to have left my Narada Sampler on the table down stairs. If some one finds it I would be happy to get it back.

It is a great instrument cd.

Thanks for the help

Yes we found that one. Today i refound the cover, i suspect the CD is in the Grant Fidelity player. I also found the Stanley T of Aengus. No sign yet of test 1, test 2, test 3 yet.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
jrebman said:
So guys, which of the GF players is that and what are your thoughts overall?

This is the production prototype of the new line. To my mind better than the pre-cursors and not just a boring rectangular box -- it (and the less expensive, but still excellent sounding DVD player) come in a truncated pyramid enclosure.

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