5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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I too will be making a celebrity appearance, but I have outgrown my pink elephant costume so I 'll not be featured in any of the local beer induced dreams.

My Son is coming with and is not interested in sleeping on your floor Dave. Can someone point me to a comfortable hotel that isn't an hours drive away? Son says money is not a limit here, so may I have some suggestions please.

I will also be bringing a set of EnABL'd Fomken Boxes to add to the donkey tail melee. Our plan is to show up on the island Thursday evening and make our way to Planet 10 on Friday, to help break things, by pretending to know how to do anything with grace and intelligence.

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Great! Bud will be there - cool.
Should be great fun. I will smuggle in pineapples.

I don't know all the details yet, but I'll be there. In fact, as of a few days before the bash, I will be residing about 2500 miles closer to you Vancouver Island lads. That's 4000 Canadian. ;)

(you heard it here first)
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Cal Weldon said:
In those special cans that emulate the head found in the draught.

Funny story, excuse the OT.

Back in the early 90s when those special Guinness can 1st came out, I was working for the San Francisco Film Festival. One of the major sponsors was Bass/Guinness.
So we served a LOT of Guinness at the special events.

Before the first big soiree, the Guinness local rep proceeds to show us how to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. It goes like this:

Take 1 draught can of Guinness and 1 pint glass.
Open can of Guinness
Invert can completely over pint glass and let rip.
Result. Perfect pour with just the right head. Amazing!

This is a very impressive trick, as anyone with any sense will panic when they see you tip the can upside down. But it worked like a charm! I served many 100s of pints this way, even doing two at time, one in each hand. Voila! Always impressed the ladies. Such a show off.

Shortly there after I moved to Florida and began dating a very hot Puerto Rican lady. She had a favorite beer bar down in Ibor City, Tampa.

So we're out drinking at the beer bar and the canned Guinness arrives at the bar. There are several of us, my new girlfriend included. "Let me show you how a professional pours a perfect Guinness" says I. With which I proceed to turn the can upside down above the glass -- as I had done so many 100s of times before. Glug, glug, glug, goes the Guinness. Up, up, up goes the foam.

Guinness all over the bar.
Yours truly very red and mopping up a river of Guinness. Bartender, girlfriend and peanut gallery not impressed - but at least amused.

Wouldn't you know? The CO2 capsule cans had not yet made it to the East Coast. How's a guy to know?????
:drink: :drink: :drink::dead:
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