5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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Tony... Tony... Tony,

You know you are welcome here for the evening. Couch or blow up (mattress that is) we have. Food here's not bad either. Gimme a call, we'll do it.

We'll be heading out on the first Saturday morning ferry so we'll have to kinda lay low Friday night but we can start the serious drinking when we're on board.

I wonder what kind of car blue934 drives?

I had my suspension reinforced since the last time you were in my truck so we shouldn't those same problems this time.

I'm bringing along (weather permitting) the small part of the big speaker system so maybe a guy your size would be a bonus. Those things are no fun by yourself.

Let me know what works for you. Not trying to steal you away from a free ride offer (sorry blue) but folks you have to understand, not only in this guy big and friendly, I actually heard him fart in the middle of the night and his tent was up the hill and behind the house from where I was.

Big Tony. :)
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Iain McNeill said:
Can you give us the name/phone of the Hotel?

They haven't made Google yet, i'll probably have to drive by. Chris says it is a Sheraton and nominal room rates are $180/night (ouch)

Looks like the Blue Ridge Inn in Victoria is quite near & competitive?

It is closer to downtown than to my place, but given the (small) size of Victoria, most are "close". With lights & traffic in my favour it is 15 min away, 25 to 35 min nominal. And it is right on hiway 1 (Douglas St) so directions to get to my place can be as simple as turn right here, then turn left intot he driveway.

Also, the Anacortes-Sidney ferry looks quite long. Is it better to take the Port Angeles-Victoria ferry instead?

If you are going to look at Anacortes you might as well go via BC Ferry, Port Angeles is on the other side of puget Sound and it depends on where you are starting whether it makes sense.

Well someone's having roast for dinner! I'll have to try and sneak one of those Altec's into my tent and see what kind of SPL's I can put out. And we better get there early so I can pitch my tent next to Scott's.

I would be most thankful to crash on your couch, Cal. And by avoiding the need to backpack I can finally bring beer. Do you have enough cooler space for me or should I pack one?
Cal Weldon said:
I will bring the big cooler and it's big enough for two. If we get together early enough, we can do the shopping here unless you have special Alberta product you wish to bring.

Fer shure, but we have to go to a decent beer store as I only drink dark beers and stouts. My plane gets in about 5PM Fri night; you'll have to email me your address so I know where to go.
People please...

Part of my duties as the Supreme Arbiter is to settle Intergalactic Domestic Spats (IDS).

We (the Imperial "We") cannot allow domestic spats over MOSFETs, as that will manifest an imbalance in the "Force." I therefore invest the Grand Council of Audio Peers with discretionary power to consider and adjudicate this matter at the next meeting of the Council, scheduled on, or around, the 23rd of August.

All members of the Peerage are required to attend this important Council Meeting or suffer revocation of their standing within the Grand Council.

Most Majestically Yours,
Terry "the Magnificent One" Olson
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