5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2008

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leadbelly said:
Sure, that would be great! Or if there is a shuttle bus that runs close to your place, a pickup from the stop would be cool too.

I better come get you. It's more than an hour of driving at that time to my place so I'd hate to think how long on transit. Multiple buses and trains to get you here. Until the rapid transit line opens, it's not that easy. Email with the details of the flight.

I sent you an email recently. Did you get it? It had my phone numbers etc.
Geek said:
Hey Terry,

You going to leave the "Cops will never find it" map at home this time, right? :clown:


You can bet your sweet @$$ I am :D

I really don't need another 2.5 hour visit with Canadian Customs. I realize that they were just trying to do their job, but it was a pain as they went through my car, reading anything they found and asking about what I had with me.

"Mr. Olson, what exactly is this?"

"Officer, that's what is commonly refered to as a soldering iron."

"Mr. Olson, what is it used for?"

"Officer, while many people use it for soldering electrical components together, I use it to trigger High Yield Thermonuclear Explosives. After all, someone must be prepared to fulfill "The Prophecy."

"Mr. Olson. If you would, I'd like you to accompany me to the office, in order to complete your paperwork." :xeye:

Ok, That wasn't quite the answer I gave him when he asked about my soldering iron, but I was thinking it.

Kevin and I should be there Friday, hopefully sometime before Oh-dark thirty. I'd like to show up around noon, but we'll see how it goes. I'll head for PA after work on Thursday and stay the night at Casa Haskins before heading North.

Is Ed coming with you? BTW: Are you two going to be entering something in the speaker contest this year?

Best Regards,
Hey Terry -

Is Ed coming with you? BTW: Are you two going to be entering something in the speaker contest this year? "

I talked to Ed tonight, and he's listed as day to day on this one. I even tried to lure him with the keys to the wine cellar, but he needs to get past She Who Must Be Obeyed, and a prior committment to squeeze out of. As for Puget Sound, I'm not going to be able to make it this time I don't think....too many family things going on over labor day. The thing I'm bringing over to the island isn't Puget Sound material anyways......

Nice email to Rachel, Dave. She bought it :) Will be arriving Friday with Stew and hopefully Morray in tow. Might drag Rob away for a Q-lectric open house Sat. afternoon.

A-34 (with hot rod certificate) as cost covering fund raiser prize?, email Rachel again :).

Heads up, it is my duty as the son of Williams and Grant to test any and every Glenfiddich I come across between beers and cough, cough.

Is this wide open, want me to post on my site and the 'other forums' ?

Cal Weldon said:
I need a level spot for my truck come saturday morn. Last years spot was good.:)

That was a good spot, although there were complaints of loud snoring in the immediate vicinity and the reported sightings of "Bigfoot" crossing the area between a truck and a nearby tree in the middle of the night!

It was so bad that Scott had to leave at the break of dawn, and he's not easily scared by anything "natural." :D

Best Regards,
Cal Weldon said:
I need a level spot for my truck come saturday morn. Last years spot was good.:)

TerryO said:

That was a good spot, although there were complaints of loud snoring in the immediate vicinity and the reported sightings of "Bigfoot" crossing the area between a truck and a nearby tree in the middle of the night!

Should we pull a "UBC Engineers" and have Cal wake up finding himself and truck 30' up in a tree? :D
Geek said:
Should we pull a "UBC Engineers" and have Cal wake up finding himself and truck 30' up in a tree? :D

Well, judging by the two of you, I'm guessing I'd have to be the one to bring the slings and winch, so you'll have to get me pretty beer'd up before I'll agree to that.

I don't know, we'll see, I've been known to be rather liberal thinking at times ;)

Note to self: Gregg wiil be there. Bring large fly swatter.
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