8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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^ Hmmm, ok now I'm confused. If that's perceptionchanges... then who is vinylkid58...

That's Jeff.
where's my twuck?

DaveR and I saw it abandoned on the side of the road about 1/2 mile from the Planet10 Stargate, as we sped along in hot pursuit of "the Perp".
It seems that this criminal mastermind somehow knew that we were on to him. He must have taken a secret shortcut to the Ferry Terminal and made good his escape on the 10:00 run.

It was a bit of a close run thing, but we arrived too late to apprehend this Dastardly Denizen of the Criminal Underworld.

what's a twuck?

you mean that silly little black thing? Out here they call them speed bumps, 'cause all the fellers herre think ya have to be 10' in the air, else it ain't no truck (in my best Crowsnest Pass hillbilly drawl. To prove the point that they are hillbillys, some out there burnt down a land "development' office that was wanting to build condos or similar up the side of a mountain and ruin some perfectly good hillbilly offroad "trails")

The image below is a "mini".Not typical of the Pass, but still to the point. Lots out there work in coal mines (Fording Coal), and are around BIG trucks all day long.


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sorry for the "off topic", for TerryO

hope your gig this upcoming weekend is a huge success. I really like the PNWAS nwsletter

As I stated in an email, I think for your digital rig, I'd strongly suggest something like the Yamamoto "clone". I am sure one could be commisioned , and thus not be "DIY". You pick SS or tube output.

I am really not sure what you could do for the budget that may better it. Not sure of the demographics of your society, so can't really say too much. Perhaps a Wadia i171 with whatever $1500-$1600 DAC ? Then at least your members could bring their own music and get the best possible sound from it.

oops. Maybe check this out as well: MOG-v-Spotify-Part-I

Regardless, hope everything goes well at the Pugent Sound DIY meeting.

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DaveR and I saw it abandoned on the side of the road about 1/2 mile from the Planet10 Stargate
Um, er I was wondering what happened to it. By the time I reached the end of Finlayson Arm Rd. it had disappeared. :rolleyes:

He must have taken a secret shortcut to the Ferry Terminal and made good his escape on the 10:00 run.

He found that his right foot was working particularly well on the way and lo and behold they were holding the ship for us. :)
hey shifty, had a chance to listen to these yet"

Yes. They're settling in quite nicely, thank you very much. They were a little "bright" at first, which had me cartridge and SUT rolling, trying to find a balanced presentation. Now that they have a few more hours of play, the bass output is quite substantial, especially considering the relatively small size.

I don't wanna see them listed on a-gon

There's zero chance of seeing them listed "online". Even my wife likes them. She was "showing" them off to a visitor the other night. That has NEVER happened before, so obviously they have huge WAF.

BTW, the shifty eyes is just me avoiding the camera flash.;)

I "hear" from Mr. B that the final touches are being put on the EL 70's F.H. Mk.lll cabinets, right close to where this fest took place and am looking forward to rounding them up along with the Pentagon boombox I left with Daniel to make more better (it was sick, he fixed for me). Hopefully I will remember the camera and takes some pics of when I head over.
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