8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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I "hear" from Mr. B that the final touches are being put on the EL 70's F.H. Mk.lll cabinets, right close to where this fest took place and am looking forward to rounding them up along with the Pentagon boombox I left with Daniel to make more better (it was sick, he fixed for me). Hopefully I will remember the camera and takes some pics of when I head over.

Mr. Weldon,

Unfortunately, the "Pentagon Boombox" was auctioned off by order of the Court on 8/21 to pay compensitory damages to the owner of the stolen "Twuck" and can no longer be claimed.

Judge Terry Olsonovavich
Chief Justice,
Cascadian Supreme Court
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I'm not sure that this isn't simply related to Cal doing sum woofer testing - buuuuuut I sure hope that everyone is OK up there!!!! Heaven's forbid that anyone's audio rig got tipped over - or the stylus skipped across a treasured LP!!! :eek:

Magnitude-6.4 quake strikes off of Vancouver - The Denver Post

Heck - right now I have enough problems with my Aunt Nona keeping her house above water up in NY state.......
I'm not sure that this isn't simply related to Cal doing sum woofer testing - buuuuuut I sure hope that everyone is OK up there!!!! Heaven's forbid that anyone's audio rig got tipped over - or the stylus skipped across a treasured LP!!! :eek:

That's weird, didn't feel a thing.:confused:

Heck - right now I have enough problems with my Aunt Nona keeping her house above water up in NY state.......


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and the animals who usually go nuts were silent.

Sooooooooooooo - where exactly is Cal then????? :D:D:D

Good to hear that there does not seem to be any damage up in your neck of the woods David. Someone needs to tweet the taverns and pubs to make sure that the keg and cases didn't tip over and thus "bruise" the adult beverage inside. Wait a second - my spider senses tingle me that Cal is most likely doing that at this very moment. Always "Johnny on the spot" when it comes to things like making sure the beer is OK. :drink:
6.4 they say...

off shore , 20 kms deep?

Better a bunch of small releases than "the Big One". I think Dave's place is pretty well protected...it was off the west coast of VI. If one shook between the mainland and the Island, there could be a completely different outcome. I'm sure in that event, a huge area would be affected as the force of the quake could be channeled both north and south between the Island and the Mainland. I'm sure the Fraser Valley would end up under some water. I'm no geo-physicist, but pretty sure the water would heave before land mass does. Look out Seattle!

Perhaps the "boombox" was "boomed"?
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Unfortunately, the "Pentagon Boombox" was auctioned off

I got 'er back. Luckily the chief Justice didn't notice the high bidder was 'cdublu' ('C.W.' for those phonetically challenged) $50 bucks, heck of a deal. Kinda pi$$ed me off though that $50 was the high bid.

sum woofer testing

Always better when you add them woofers together.

Heck - right now I have enough problems with my Aunt Nona keeping her house above water up in NY state.......

Hope there's a good ending to that story.

No use crying over spilled beer

Depends on how much is left. Unfortunately the spilling is directly related to how much has been consumed. ie: ...well you know the math.

Sooooooooooooo - where exactly is Cal then????? :D:D:D

Last I saw he was 3 beers into breakfast so I wouldn't expect to see him soon.

Wait a second - my spider senses tingle me that Cal is most likely doing that at this very moment. Always "Johnny on the spot" when it comes to things like making sure the beer is OK. :drink:

Everyone has their role in this world. I'm happy with mine.

I think Dave's place is pretty well protected...

Ya, best to call first when visiting. I ended up needing new headlights and a fresh pair of underwear the only time I showed up unannounced. Big mistake. Good thing he's a lousy shot, the radiator and windshield were fine.

Perhaps the "boombox" was "boomed"?

I am thinking Daniel did me proud. Will update if that's not the case. :)
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Ya, best to call first when visiting. I ended up needing new headlights and a fresh pair of underwear the only time I showed up unannounced. Big mistake. Good thing he's a lousy shot, the radiator and windshield were fine.

Errrrrr - I think that wuz a warning shot - just intended to get your attention and at the same time not having to explain to the local authorities how that stiff wound up in his driveway. :eek::eek::eek:

Hope there's a good ending to that story.

BTW - My Aunt Nona stayed high and dry up on the hill. There are many that were not as lucky and got washed out. About the best you can say is that there was not a huge loss of life - so we are grateful for that. Still - say a prayer for those that have lost their house or their business.......
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The Pentagon is just fine. Listened to it last night and found it was sweet as honey.

Thank you Daniel. :)


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Terry, the update was really just him fixing one of the gain pots but it was unusable without the fix. He also combined the two amplifier power cords into one which is pretty darn handy so I'm very pleased. Good turn around time too. I managed to combine the trip with picking up the new Frugel Horn Mk III with EnABLed CSS EL70 drivers. I will post pics of them and a listening impression soon.
Terry, the update was really just him fixing one of the gain pots but it was unusable without the fix. He also combined the two amplifier power cords into one which is pretty darn handy so I'm very pleased. Good turn around time too. I managed to combine the trip with picking up the new Frugel Horn Mk III with EnABLed CSS EL70 drivers. I will post pics of them and a listening impression soon.

Great! I'm looking forward to it.

Best Regards,
Not half-way... 17.5% of the way around as the crow flies (if he doesn't freeze as he goes over the noth pole). About the same as going into the heart of the african jungle or mid India.

If you come make sure you have time to amortize it across some site-seeing.


I know that i might be going to Kimberley in Canada in about two years. But that's not 100% sure and i guess it wont be at the same time as the diyFEST. But when i get older, get a job and start making money i might save up for a trip :)
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