8th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2011

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Joined 2001
Paid Member
Found abother stash of pictures: Bob did a clean up of his warehouse and brought all sorts of proto-types, one offs and other cool goodies. He has a little shop up on the deck. (you may have noted Ryan's comment that he felt like a thief.


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I've been just laying around today looking out the window at the grey skies and rain. I had a great time at the Fest and would like to thank Ruth and Dave for being patient with a pack of Audio Nuts, as well as being the perfect Host and Hostess.

The only thing lacking was the attendance of several friends that weren't able to be there to join in on the fun.

Best Regards,
I was "virtually" there...

and of course I wasn't multi-tasking ;). As you all know full well, men can't multi-task, no matter what my wife needs done around the house. I've suggested my wife give me a list ...of one. When completed, I'll gladly ask for another list.

Any that know me know the first thing I do when I walk in my house is peel off my shirt. It's a white trailer trash kinda thing...

Since starting insulin about a year ago, I find my tolerance for anything mildly warm to be zero. it was 32℃ on Saturday (as well as today). Prior to that I was still pretty intolerant of heat. I like 18℃ as a good temp.

For all that I "Skype'd" with, thanks. For those I didn't, sorry (most notably TerryO, and Daniel, but others too). As the laptop was having some problems, I thought it might be too much of a PITA.

For those that don't know what I've been upto lately, I've been working on a few old idlers. A Dual 1214, a Dual 1219, and a Garrard Lab 60. the old 1214, and the Lab 60 (both using the 219 tonearm and Grado sig8 cart), killed my Oracle Alex MkII/SME 309/Grado sig8 and Mike's Roksan Xerxes MkI/RB250(with techno-weight, VTA adjuster and teflon/silver wire)/Ortofon MC3 turbo. Not even close.

Great to see pictures already. Hope to make it there next year. Better start saving my pennies, and hope my wife doesn't suffer another setback to her spine...
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Any that know me know the first thing I do when I walk in my house is peel off my shirt.
I knew we had a lot in common. Everyone there couldn't wait for Scott and I to remove ours. I think Kevin joined us later.

For all that I "Skype'd" with, thanks.
You get that parsley outta your teeth?

Great to see pictures already. Hope to make it there next year.
We do too. We missed you man!
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