9th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2012

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I had the inevitable DIYFest goodie budget talk last night. I used a scalp massage to soften the blow. ;)

I am still looking for some frugal support woofers to go bellow some CHR70.3s in my TV room. Something in a sealed ~30L box would be great. Bob, I'd be open to any odds and ends you might have lurking in the warehouse.

I had the inevitable DIYFest goodie budget talk last night. I used a scalp massage to soften the blow. ;)

I am still looking for some frugal support woofers to go bellow some CHR70.3s in my TV room. Something in a sealed ~30L box would be great. Bob, I'd be open to any odds and ends you might have lurking in the warehouse.


maybe explore Dave's stash a bit further as well?
Hi Dave and Chris,

You were kind enough to give me some Hokutone 12" woofers that I have yet to use. The woofers I am seeking are going to go inside boxes that must fit within an Ikea cabinet's 13.5x13.5x16" pocket. I am open to all suggestions. Dave - you indicated that you might have a secret vein of very nice 7" woofers that you might have extra of once you match some pairs. It's not a rush, that's for sure!

I am looking forward to a beautiful afternoon of "let's make a deal" and cool beers. :D

"She's been married so many times she has rice marks on her face." - H.Y.
SDX7s are indeed the cat's meow. We can talk. Not cheap thou.

I also have some PSB/VIFA P17s (cheap). And ELL166. And likely some vintage paper you can have for gratus. Just have to go thru the drawers.

Were these part of "the negotiations"


rephrase that to storage area

Rodney D

"I have good looking kids. Thank goodness my wife cheats on me."

"I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her"

"My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met."

"With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me"

I'm lucky enough to be married for 40yrs to a saint - she keeps me around in spite of the life insurance, or is it just in spite

the 2 funniest guys around right now have gotta be Russel Peters and Shaun Majunder - but none of their best stuff would past the forum decorum standards
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The negotiations concluded with a block figure being allocated from the budget. Considering that I managed to also negotiate a budget CNC machine this fiscal year I think I am doing very well ;)

Having something newer with specs that I can use to try and do some design with would be nice. The SDX7 would be very nice and easy to use because it's performance is well known. I wasn't sure if something like the EL166 or other cheaper/smaller woofer would work well in that small sealed space or if a ported design would be required to draw some more bass from it. I think I can swing a maximum of ~33L from that space with 5/8th ply. Maybe a EL166 mini-ken?

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Having something newer with specs that I can use to try and do some design with would be nice. The SDX7 would be very nice and easy to use because it's performance is well known. I wasn't sure if something like the EL166 or other cheaper/smaller woofer would work well in that small sealed space or if a ported design would be required to draw some more bass from it. I think I can swing a maximum of ~33L from that space with 5/8th ply. Maybe a EL166 mini-ken?

SDX7 is certainly a stand-out in sealed boxes. 7-21 litre. I like to target 17litre which lets me push it towards 0.5 Q with damping.

I've not looked at a 'Ken for the EL166 yet. Guess i should.

Decisions decisions!

Well, if you were to figure out a little 'Ken box for the EL166 I'd be more than happy to build a beta box(s) for testing. Perhaps a generic box that I could adapt for my dimensionally limited application?

I could probably get away with less expensive amplification that I already own for the EL166 versus a sub-woofer. This will all run through a miniDSP so crossovers and EQ are a snap. The room is only 13x12x8 so perhaps a pair of SDX7s are overkill anyway?

Decisions decisions!

Well, if you were to figure out a little 'Ken box for the EL166 I'd be more than happy to build a beta box(s) for testing. Perhaps a generic box that I could adapt for my dimensionally limited application?

I could probably get away with less expensive amplification that I already own for the EL166 versus a sub-woofer. This will all run through a miniDSP so crossovers and EQ are a snap. The room is only 13x12x8 so perhaps a pair of SDX7s are overkill anyway?


I think you could be right about that - why not try out one of the single small (1ft^3) cubes he has for demo (SDX7 and Foster plate amp) - I dropped on into my living room (almost 3 times the volume you note) late last night, and haven't really had a chance to give the system a good workout.

I can also attest that the EL166 and Eastech 7" if still available work very well in larger vented enclosures.

Of course some folks, Cal included, might opine that there ain't not such thing as too much overkill - usually not enough, my friend - or some such sentiment
Cal - Please butt in! That's what the makes the forum go! ;-) I was thinking about 2 woofers for a FAST. One on each side. The Ikea cabinet limits the size as I noted above to ~13.5x13.5 on the baffle. I think the woofer would have to be about 8-10" to fit. I am happy to wait and see if I can come up with a nice and elegant solution for them and I certainly don't mind paying for the right thing. It's a low priority project. DIY Fest seems like a good time to see what's cooking and see if I can snag a deal!

Chris - I head that EL166 MLTL last year a DIYFest. It totally blew me away. If there was a single woofer/side enclosure that I could build that got me even close to that level of bass I'd be really happy. The room really is small and I think it can be made to rumble quite easily!

Having a versatile woofer that I could use for this and any other projects that suit my fancy would be fantastic.

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