9th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2012

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Joined 2006
Paid Member
Gonna be a lot of guys wearing new outfits for the gig this year....:D:D:D


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after reading John Robbins, Colin Campbell, Mercola and Robb Wolff all in the same month, the resulting :censored: cognitive dissonance makes the choice between paper or metal seem like child's play

everything you eat will kill you, unless something else does first - kind makes you just wanna reach for your favorite relaxation "agent" , which brings us full circle to the buds, buds and buds

:grouphug: :drink:



I can't wait to come to this event and meet a bunch of you. It really sounds like a great time and opportunity for a guy like me to learn a lot.
OMG! Is it that time again already? :eek:
Guess I'll see you all there (as usual).

I'm gonna bring the Win Labs prototype TT that Terry entrusted to me last year.
You guys GOTTA hear this thing.

Is anyone going to bring a decent phono stage?

BTW: Cal - are you bringing monster horns again?
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BTW: Cal - are you bringing monster horns again?

Hi Jesse,

I am trying to find a way to fit these puppies in the truck and still bring the other necessities. I do have a reputation to uphold after all. I know they're only 12" drivers but I am hoping to make it up with the quantity. :)


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Dave you're great. Love Palace lol, hehe.

I do have new things of a more accommodating nature that I would like to bring also. I guess I will leave it up to you guys. Either the big ones shown or the two below. First is the Pentagon, a bi-amped boombox with down firing woofer, second is the RS 1354, a HiVi tweeter and some Reckhorn woofers in push-push mode.


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Hi Jesse,

I am trying to find a way to fit these puppies in the truck and still bring the other necessities. I do have a reputation to uphold after all. I know they're only 12" drivers but I am hoping to make it up with the quantity. :)

May the Gods of Sound bless you, my son :worship:

Maybe just nail some old lawnmower wheels on the corners and a piece of rope to the bumper of your truck?
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