A Big'un - the Audio Nirvana Super 15

I had a chat with David in reference to his new drivers and he reckons it might be a bit difficult to achieve it on a 15" driver, but I reckon that is not such a bad thing though if you end up with extremely good wideband driver, say up to 10kHz, you could then use an extremely good tweeter with a first order cross over.
I have been enjoying it for sure, even more of late - since I applied the Purvine viscoelastic treatment to the driver and fitted some proper lining to the inside of the box. It is the main speaker in my house, an open concept house, where the music from the speaker goes everywhere. I also like to listen to the Top 40 on the radio on Saturdays. I like the dynamics, the superb clarity and open-backed I like the bass. It helps that my wife likes it too - because it isn't something you can hide. In fact, it's a nice statement piece to have.

It's a journey and I expect to explore some more options with this speaker (e.g. line level treble control, build a 2A3 amp, eNable it, try some other configurations for the back).
Awesome. Have you considered also something like a simple SIT amp or some of the cool amps that Nelson Pass is pumping out.

Has anyone modelled or measure the effect of an open backed speaker with small holes of various sizes in the side panels.
I had done some measurements and smallish holes didn't seem to effect bass extension at all.
Just wondering whether this might further eliminate panel resonances on an opened back box by reducing the sound pressure pulses transmitted on the side walls.
I like to build my own amplifiers and since Nelson isn't selling his SIT's there isn't an option there. I've always enjoyed reading the articles Nelson writes, but I've never been sufficiently attracted to his designs to build one yet.

The solid state Class A amp I have considered is the JLH and I have had one 90% finished and on a shelf for a year - it just needs to be wired up actually. But for class A I think tubes are more interesting and I have parts for a 2A3 (good quality tube and a Sowter transformer) waiting in line for me to start playing with them.

Back panel with small holes in - that's been done, I believe with good results from those who have tried it.
Yeah I have a JLH 90% finished also. Had a chance to listen to one channel of it using a lab power supply. The results were very pleasing but been to busy to finish all of the case work. Hope to get back to finishing off the case work.
I got the pcbs of Geoff Moss. That guy is a bloody absolute gentleman.
Back panel with small holes in - that's been done, I believe with good results from those who have tried it.

I wasn't refering to back panel with holes. I have tried that and you still get reflections.
I was referring to the side panels. The open back box is not as ideal as a proper open baffle but during some experimentation I noticed if you had holes in the wings or in the side panels it did not affect bass extension.
I am thinking possibly holes in the side panels of an open backed box might further reduce the boxiness in the sound so it sounds even more open baffle like. Im not suggesting you do this on your existing box because a lot of work went into it. Just sharing what I experienced.
Just wondering if anyone else has tried it.
I've not read about anybody who's made a box with holes in the sides but it would be an interesting experiment to do. As you say, it isn't something I want to do to my nice speaker box though !

I modified the JLH circuit a little to suit my own ideas, not much, mostly in the power supply. I really must try it out sometime.

To be honest, with so many nice vacuum tubes to play with I'm not inclined to go down the SIT route. It seems that tubes are still in production, something you can't say for many through-hole solid state devices.
Hi Bigun,

Im really interested with these drivers. I have the super 8 and super 12 but im not using them anymore. My current setup is isophon ph2132e crossed around 270hz 1st order with a 15" hawthorne audio mid bass. No measurement were done yet as i don't have equipments yet and crossover point was determined with parts I have on hand. Im thinking of just going fullrane in open baffle. See attached Pics for my current setup.

Could you please point me to the thread where bud purvine had some thoughts on

Pics attached


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How tall is that?

Can you explain the function of each in that open baffle.

It might be off topic.
its 6 feet tall. Its test baffle. 15" driver on top is hawthorne audio auggies driven by plate amp crossed around 50hz to handle the low frequency. middle is isophon ph2132e crossed Around 270 hz high pass for mid and highs, , bottom 15" driver is crossed around 270hz low pass for mid bass.

Im interested on the AN 15 alnico to simplify the setup.
An15 Alnico (at twice the cost) better be nicer than the ferite one !!!!!!!!!!!

I know alnico seems to act like a shorting ring.
Phy and musicians stressed better dynamics also in alnico.

It would tough for a true shootout, needing to get the same qts / overhang / etc to compare ferite vs alnico.

People love the an15, I'd like to know what other drivers (especially current full range) they compare them too.

I remember Bob Brines saying once the full range drivers are eq'd flat, they sound very very similar.
I suppose modulation would be less in a bigger driver, as is the way the dispersion pattern changes how the driver will sound at 4', 8', and 12' and beyond.

I think even a 10 band eq could make most of these drivers very similar, if not lovely.
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