A Study of DMLs as a Full Range Speaker

I just took some rough and ready measurements of the large crate ply panel, from the font and back at about 1m.
First pic on the left is the front, hopefully?


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i made this recording the other day using pink noise and forgot to post it.
it is of the large crate ply , the mic was about 60cm away and i was just turning the panel around from front to back.
hopefully you can hear the around 3k peak exciter coil cavity noise?
a 30mm coil should have a lower frequency than my 25mm coil (larger cavity).
similar to one of those toy whistles that have a plunger to change the frequency.
Hello Steve,
Yes 3k is visible (the yellow horizontal line). It is the file opened with Audacity.

With the spectrum tool still visible but there are other peaks

This is an other portion

Here is an other time. The 3k is lower
Could you remind which side is when? Sorry I can't understand it from the record (pink noise masks your English to my French hear!)
Have you tried some modifications like an hole at the exciter position to see if the peak disappear?
Have you made some modification on this panel li
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Interesting. I first heard the “echo” you speak of with 25 mm XPS, and assumed it was because it was too thick! But then I tried thinner (12 and 5 mm) XPS and it was similar. Tried coating it with PVA to no avail. Tried EPS too (25 mm) and still heard the echo. I do wish I could find XPS or EPS that doesn’t echo but no luck for me yet with the ps foams readily available here.
Like for you, the echo I get is most apparent for voices. It sounds a little like the singer is at the bottom of a deep well.
Hello Eric,
Updating the history file, I read again your post. This makes a connection with an hypothesis I made post 6639 : is there a limit in the 1st mode under which some echos appear? The link with your post is : those XPS or EPS panels you tested, is the difference in the material or in their 1st mode (low 1st mode with plywood need large surface, easier to get with XPS/EPS?)
PS : it seems fitting with hkguy6 experience. see #6348
I don't know the science behind this. But my experience told me it's also relate to the panel material and size.
Strange that EPS echo happens on thin board. Not much relate to size. But plywood echo relate to size. Same ply board in 40x60cm have echo (free hanging), if I cut it down to 20x30 the echo will largely decrease.
@Eucyblues99 , @BurntCoil
In parallel updating the history file I have already posted, I have opened a github repository (new tool for me, usually dedicated for code) to store the files posted here. The intention is everybody can find them easily, starting by the history file of this thread. I have an history file of an other thread also.
Thinking about documents already posted, I first thought to yours : Tall blonde story, Eucy's dome. Would you mind I store them under this github link? For the posterity and the benefit of all ;)
@Eucyblues99 , @BurntCoil
In parallel updating the history file I have already posted, I have opened a github repository (new tool for me, usually dedicated for code) to store the files posted here. The intention is everybody can find them easily, starting by the history file of this thread. I have an history file of an other thread also.
Thinking about documents already posted, I first thought to yours : Tall blonde story, Eucy's dome. Would you mind I store them under this github link? For the posterity and the benefit of all ;)
Hi Christian. Thank you for asking. I have no objection

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Hi Christian.
The left microphone was pointing towards the panel and the right microphone pointing away.
I was crouching below the panel trying to keep out of the way of the microphone.
I was using one hand to turn the panel around which was suspended on fabric ( not very scientific).
This was only meant to be listened to, so you could hear the offending sound.
As this is DML , as I turn the panel the peaks and troughs will appear and disappear from one cm to the next.
But the 3k peak will stay constant from the rear.
The 3k peak cannot be seen from the front as it has dropped below the pink noise in my plots.
The recording starts from the front of the panel, the 8 vertical lines in your plots show where the panel has been turned around .
I made the recording because I wanted everyone to hear the offending noise for themselves, not just see a peak on a graph.

The panel is just strips of crate ply glued together.
There is a 2mm hole I drilled in the centre to remove the 10k peak which I would normally fill with a very small amount of bluetack ,on ply.
I did not finish this experiment or take pictures so I have no before and after photos.
The 10k peak might have been low on this panel to start with ?
@Eucyblues99 , @BurntCoil
In parallel updating the history file I have already posted, I have opened a github repository (new tool for me, usually dedicated for code) to store the files posted here. The intention is everybody can find them easily, starting by the history file of this thread. I have an history file of an other thread also.
Thinking about documents already posted, I first thought to yours : Tall blonde story, Eucy's dome. Would you mind I store them under this github link? For the posterity and the benefit of all ;)
Hi Christian

All fine by me

Hoping someone will try a dome sometime and report back ......

Further back on this forum I have made various types of domes, showing measurements.
I went through my egg shell phase, but also plastic, various aluminium foil thicknesses, paper, and thin card.
I demonstrated how I made them.
The picture is of an old eps panel with a concave eggshell dome.
I usually try to attach the dome to the coil foot for better hf.
Also someone further back used the bottom of beer cans, I believe, to make a cone shape tweeter which was glued to the exciter coil area.


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Hi Christian.
The left microphone was pointing towards the panel and the right microphone pointing away.
I was crouching below the panel trying to keep out of the way of the microphone.
I was using one hand to turn the panel around which was suspended on fabric ( not very scientific).
This was only meant to be listened to, so you could hear the offending sound.
As this is DML , as I turn the panel the peaks and troughs will appear and disappear from one cm to the next.
But the 3k peak will stay constant from the rear.
The 3k peak cannot be seen from the front as it has dropped below the pink noise in my plots.
The recording starts from the front of the panel, the 8 vertical lines in your plots show where the panel has been turned around .
I made the recording because I wanted everyone to hear the offending noise for themselves, not just see a peak on a graph.

The panel is just strips of crate ply glued together.
There is a 2mm hole I drilled in the centre to remove the 10k peak which I would normally fill with a very small amount of bluetack ,on ply.
I did not finish this experiment or take pictures so I have no before and after photos.
The 10k peak might have been low on this panel to start with ?
Hello Eric
The 3k is visible from the rear. I had the same measuring the rear of my plywood panel. A bit lower in frequency. I think the source is the air between the panel and the spider (a kind of flat horn?). In this panel, the exciter is on a 10cm x 10cm piece of plywood. I came to the idea to change this spine to a more conventional one. It is also the reason to propose a "spacer" between the coil and the panel to increase the distance, lower the frequency and hopefully its level. None of those ideas have been tested for now. An other idea is why not putting some absorbent (a piece of Magic sponge).
One information to collect is to understand if exciter with spider like the DAEX25HFE is more sensible than one with "arms" as spring. I think hkguy6 wrote something close to that.
Further back on this forum I have made various types of domes, showing measurements.
I went through my egg shell phase, but also plastic, various aluminium foil thicknesses, paper, and thin card.
I demonstrated how I made them.
The picture is of an old eps panel with a concave eggshell dome.
I usually try to attach the dome to the coil foot for better hf.
Also someone further back used the bottom of beer cans, I believe, to make a cone shape tweeter which was glued to the exciter coil area.
Here it is : The Beer Can Bottom Thingie.. 311 ? And this 455, 456, ImageShack - DML Super Tweeter
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Anything that moves on the exciter can cause noise.
I think you will find that the origin of the 2k to 3k noise is from the coil former cavity.
A lot of pressure can build up in this area.
Different panel materials make a lot of difference, more reflective materials will make it worse.
When I use my light fabric material dome, which allows the coil cavity to breath , the 3k noise drops below the pink noise .
This is handy as it removes the 10k approx peak as well.
I sometimes see other noise peaks which could be spider noise or coil resonance.
The other types of spider are pretty stiff and used to support the heavier exciters, these too will buzz as they are attached to the coil former.
I really liked the idea of the concave eggshell tweeter , but this reduced the cavity area and increased the pitch above 10k and was also quite reflective.
This gave the concave eggshell tweeter a harshness that I did not like.
The dome eggshell tweeters were harder to make but still sounded a little hard to me.
The soft mesh domes that I use are not high output tweeters,depending on the efficiency of the panel of course. but more to do with balancing between the output and the coil area breathing.
I did make a phase plug as an alternative, which works as well , but you loose hf output from the coil surface area.
I want my cake, and eat it 😃
Further back on this forum I have made various types of domes, showing measurements.
I went through my egg shell phase, but also plastic, various aluminium foil thicknesses, paper, and thin card.
I demonstrated how I made them.
The picture is of an old eps panel with a concave eggshell dome.
I usually try to attach the dome to the coil foot for better hf.
Also someone further back used the bottom of beer cans, I believe, to make a cone shape tweeter which was glued to the exciter coil area.
Thanks Steve

Yes, I realise you've done this many times with different materials. Also as you describe sometimes with different aims ( noise reduction). (BTW. I haven't experienced any of the exciter noise issues you've found .... Could it be specific to the exciters you use?)

However I'm thinking of this as a specific 'recipe' approach which if beneficial will/may negate the need for such wide ranging experimentation.

Also there's no hole in the panel so it's a test of the effect of a sealed dome not only on hf but on vocal clarity

I know it works on 3mm ply and corflute, and 4mn cedar but I haven't tried other materials.

So my aim is ultimately to get feedback from others on this specific approach with different materials.

It may not give any benefit when used on very thin card panels for example. I simply don't know at this stage.

In any event though, I'm convinced and will continue to use it

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More on the subject of domes (aargh!)🤭

This idea has been rattling around in my mind for a while

See the attached sketch

Call it a domeless dome... Or an infinity dome... The walls of a Coke can are very thin and reasonably high tensile so I pondered on using a disc of this with the
can curve giving some extra stress stiffness to the disc when flattened

Route a shallow hole approximately 1mm deep in the panel of similar diameter to the voice coil. Thoroughly seal the cutout against air leakage.

Scissor cut a disc from the side of the can about 6 to 8mm bigger in diameter than the cutout

Maybe a thin smear ring of damping material around the half diameter position

Glue the disc to the panel

The final size of the components could be adjusted based on test results

This will provide an air damped thin membrane in the exciter location and may give similar results to the dome I proposed

Being flat it may possibly be affected by hf 'flapping' but the size can be reduced to compensate ..

Another in the to-try basket



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Do you measure your panel and exciter response ?
The resonant peaks will only be set off buy certain type of music being played.
Some music tracks will sound fine but others may set off these resonances, causing harshness or sibilance(10k or so).
If using a flat metal disk in the voice coil area ,you are going to have to be careful not to create the tin can effect.
Thinning the area within the voice coil into a concave dome similar to my eps panels might be a good idea,and drilling a 2mm hole and filling with bluetack or something similar might help , I'm not sure.
I never got around to try this as ply is not my favourite ( that is until I found the crate ply ).
Although I have drilled 2mm holes in some ply panels.
My ordinary 3mm ply panels always measured with plenty of HF, even too much , but always sounded lacking in this area ?
The podiums sounded the same to me.
I look forward to hearing about you results.
Anything that moves on the exciter can cause noise.
I think you will find that the origin of the 2k to 3k noise is from the coil former cavity.
A lot of pressure can build up in this area.
Different panel materials make a lot of difference, more reflective materials will make it worse.
When I use my light fabric material dome, which allows the coil cavity to breath , the 3k noise drops below the pink noise .
This is handy as it removes the 10k approx peak as well.
I sometimes see other noise peaks which could be spider noise or coil resonance.
The other types of spider are pretty stiff and used to support the heavier exciters, these too will buzz as they are attached to the coil former.
I really liked the idea of the concave eggshell tweeter , but this reduced the cavity area and increased the pitch above 10k and was also quite reflective.
This gave the concave eggshell tweeter a harshness that I did not like.
The dome eggshell tweeters were harder to make but still sounded a little hard to me.
The soft mesh domes that I use are not high output tweeters,depending on the efficiency of the panel of course. but more to do with balancing between the output and the coil area breathing.
I did make a phase plug as an alternative, which works as well , but you loose hf output from the coil surface area.
I want my cake, and eat it 😃
I doubt the "breath" is the solution. DAEX25HFE is the one has much vents (around spider and also the back center for cavity). But it is the noiser exciter I have.
If the exciter has no vent, just drill a hole on the panel under the voice coil with sponge in the hole can give the breath. However I didn't hear much improve, or maybe my 10W no-vent exciter is quite noise-free I don't know.
Another thought, the DAEX25HFE is the one has larger "voice coil moving distance", I call it springly. Maybe it's the nose reason.
Besides, it fabric spider is most soft (actually not the fabric soft, it's because the voice coil : spider size ratio too large, make there are many fabric area). Maybe stiffen the fabric spider will help. Such as apply super glue on some fabric area.
One more case I remember. When the DAEX25HFE stay on a panel too long (I always changing exciter between panels). Listen it over a month for example. The exciter will becomes more slant(head down) by gravity. This make the top part of spider facric loose. The voice coil may get friction by this slant and cause noise. If this happen I hang the panel upsidedown, the noise will gone. But not last long until the fabric loose again.
So, when the panel not in use. I always place them upsidedown to balance the fabric loose.

A spine system can solve this gravity problem. However if the spine can't give a perfect horizontial placement for the exciter. It means the voice coil always slant, and no free space to move. It may even worst then the free hang.
Do you measure your panel and exciter response ?
The resonant peaks will only be set off buy certain type of music being played.
Some music tracks will sound fine but others may set off these resonances, causing harshness or sibilance(10k or so).
If using a flat metal disk in the voice coil area ,you are going to have to be careful not to create the tin can effect.
Thinning the area within the voice coil into a concave dome similar to my eps panels might be a good idea,and drilling a 2mm hole and filling with bluetack or something similar might help , I'm not sure.
I never got around to try this as ply is not my favourite ( that is until I found the crate ply ).
Although I have drilled 2mm holes in some ply panels.
My ordinary 3mm ply panels always measured with plenty of HF, even too much , but always sounded lacking in this area ?
The podiums sounded the same to me.
I look forward to hearing about you results.
Hi Steve
Yes, I measured the Dickens out of the few panels I've built so far. I haven't found any problems relating to the exciter area.

I did have a certain hollowness in the cedar panels when testing with spoken vocals ie.. News reports etc. This was solved by application of very thin self adhesive felt patches to the rear surface of the panel in two selected areas. I mentioned this previously.

Sibilance is not a problem for me, but I have found that these panels will definitely pick up poor recordings and I am surprised by the number of recordings which have been adversely manipulated to create a particular effect.. Notable in my opinion is the excessive use of echo in many recordings.

The flat disc may not work...I put it forward as just another idea to try.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I'm to busy preparing to move house to try it now... But I will asap.

Wrt ply, have you tried any poplar material.?.. If not I recommend you do. I was a ply sceptic, but poplar is a good performer. (Christian will agree I'm sure)

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