A thread for Tysen and variations on WAW / FAST

Colin -even with access to a CNC capable of that depth of cut, such a fabrication from sold wood of any species could be tricky.

Here is a pic from the original FB post my Marcell Herrmann, FWIW.

There is a full write up here (in German..., but Google translate makes it ~readable)

Klangfuzzi Forum


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And while i'm here, this just out. Hasn't been built yet.

Note that i could make something similar to what is in Colin's post above with these drivers which you can get.


I'd love to see a smaller (shorter) version, perhaps with only one side woofer, as two makes the whole thing too thick, unless we staggered the side woofers so they don't conflict inside.

At the moment I am favoring the Mark Audio 4" (not sure which is best of their drivers this size - there is the new Pluvia).

The Silver Flute wool woofer comes in a few sizes - depending on which fits best.

I got a schematic of the passive XO used in the German DIY project, looks really simple. I still plan to try to use the mini dsp and stay active..

Thanks in advance.

Those are the drivers used in the project I am considering copying..

For my project (still being planned) I think I will go with a Mark Audio 4" FR. Fostex an option if coated to resist weather, but I am not sure which is best.

Woofer(s) - whichever Silver flute fits best, or perhaps two of these if a good idea and can fit opposing each other in a small box.

I have not decided which tweeter I favor - this one is probably a good start as it is so small.

Dave, since you know so much more than me, I welcome any input.