Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

The path length difference is what creates a spherical wavefront. In an OS waveguide, the 0th mode travels along the radial coordinate and normal to ALL angular coordinates. This means that insertion of vanes that are angular coordinates themselves will always be normal to the wavefront and if the vanes are thin enough, then they will do nothing to the 0th mode. They will raise the cut-in for any HOM however, quite possibly pushing them out-of-band.

The thickness is an issue as the vanes need to be thin.

If I'm understanding this correctly:

1) If the vanes are very thin, and the wavefront travels down the waveguide correctly, the wavefront basically won't "see" the vanes. For instance, 337,500khz is one millimeter long. So if you had a vane that's one millimeter thick, the frequencies above 84,375khz won't "see" the vane. The vane is just too small to disturb the wavefront if the wavefront is traveling properly.

2) Now the interesting thing is if the wavefront ISN'T traveling properly. A higher order mode isn't going the right direction, and the vanes may attenuate HOMs.

Then again, the vanes may wreak havoc with the wavefront that's traveling properly, due to the reflections of the HOMs.

Software would probably be helpful here.
It's funny, I was going to make a comment about the Berstis Lens, and then I figured that nobody would know WTF I was talking about.

In particular, Jack in Poland spend something like a week 3D printing one of the Berstis lenses, and the real-world results were pretty awful. It seems to confirm what I've noticed in my own experiments with waveguides: basically they hate vanes.
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We would probably all agree - just by intuition - that thin enough vanes in a straight tube won't do anything to the fundamental mode when parallel to the tube axis. But it may shift the HOM cut-ins significantly higher. Now within the oblate spheroidal coordinates this is a lot less intuitive but the principle is very much the same. A expect the devil to be in the details.
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When I first started screwing around with 3D printers, it occurred to me that if you use a nozzle that's fine enough, you can basically approximate the behavior of the foam plug, but print it right into the waveguide...
1) If the vanes are very thin, and the wavefront travels down the waveguide correctly, the wavefront basically won't "see" the vanes. For instance, 337,500khz is one millimeter long. So if you had a vane that's one millimeter thick, the frequencies above 84,375khz won't "see" the vane. The vane is just too small to disturb the wavefront if the wavefront is traveling properly.

You mean "below" I hope. But it's more like 21 kHz. When the vanes thickness is comparable to a wavelength then all bets are off.
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Maybe I misuderstand what you mean but a "parallel wall" works only for the tube. There won't be many coordinates sytems where this is actually applicable (I'm sure Dr. Geddes could name them right away) - OS being presumably one of those. The vanes must follow these coordinates exactly to be "invisible".
How did you generate the profile and the vanes? It would be interesting to see the mesh. (Beware that it probably must be a real OS, i.e. with k = 1.)
Haven't you tried the vanes longer?

I took the original contour in Fusion, split it in slices and took the half points and connected them. So probably not the best way to do it.
What would you think the best way to do it is?
Maybe scaling in 1 axis?

I tried some different configurations with number of vanes and length, but there was always a bump.
And no difference in the HF directivity.
I'm using curcular symetry.
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... As soon as you mentioned this, I wondered if there's a CD with suitable phase-plug termination to use the ends of the phase plug rings as the start of your vanes - allowing any cavities to be minimized. Otherwise, unless I'm mistaken, this - nice idea - is going to be rather hit and miss with different CDs.
I have this 1.5" 18Sound, which would lend itself quite nicely.
But I'll probably wait for someone who proves it does work at all :)



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BTW, one would not necessarily need a resin 3D printer for this, IMHO. With a one-perimeter print and a common nozzle it's possible to get to 0.4 mm thickness, perhaps with some additional epoxy coating a little more. The question is how resonant that would be but maybe it won't be critical from the design as long as the pressure would be approx. equal from both sides (?).