Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Lets see if my laptop can eat the ABEC project over night, looks expensive to compute.
The provided model is kept within reasonable limits, it's still only 400 x 345 mm, under 4500 BEM elements.

- It may also not solve correctly simply due to some model issues. It's already quite a weird geometry that may require some adjustments. Unfortunately it's not always so simple.
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Took about half an hour. Yes here are some shots, it solved only 200-5kHz as default. There is pattern flip and horizontal looks narrower :D didn't work out well I think.


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People think printing large horn (here Iwata 300) is easy. It is not - lot of hours to make it printable fast and inject concrete inside. I hope Jan Herich and his Chisel slicer will help use achieve light and stiff waveguides/horns/enclosures.


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Hi All,

ATH looks like an incredible program. Thank you mabat for putting so much work into this and improving it as well.

I’m trying to get started with ATH 4.7.0 but can’t seem to get it running correctly. It processes the demo1.cfg file but I get DOS errors when ATH tries to run gmesh. I believe that it's because the command string is using single quotes but not sure. Below is the output when running ATH:

D:\Users\Bob\Documents\Speakers\Design Software\ATH\ath-4.7.0>ath demo1.cfg
Ath 4.7.0
Freeware version for personal non-commercial use

-destination directory: D:\Users\Bob\Documents\Speakers\ATH Horn Designs\demos\demo1
-fixed length: 94 mm
-calculating profiles
-writing ABEC project
-writing geo file bem_mesh.geo
-final mesh average throat angle: 7.000 deg
-matched wavefront radius: 104.21 mm

-running 'C:\Program Files\gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64\gmsh.exe bem_mesh.geo -'
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

-setting mesh elements for radial drive
-running 'C:\Program Files\gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64\gmsh.exe mesh.geo -'

'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

-exporting grid ''
Final width x height = 253.6 x 253.6 mm (9.986 x 9.986")
Final length = 94.0 mm (3.701")

Here is the mesh line in the ath.cfg file: MeshCmd = "C:\Program Files\gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64\gmsh.exe %f -" The path is correct.

Is there something simple I’m doing wrong? Is there an ath for beginners thread somewhere? I haven’t found one yet (I have read through the UserGuide several times but can’t figure this problem out.

Thanks for any help that can be offered.
