Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
For a planar field, you can define as many as you want. With the spherical, it's indeed limited to the first quadrant at the moment.


BTW, with 'Resolution' you can define a nominal mesh size in each of the corners:

ABEC.AxialField:1 = {
Inclination = 60 ; [deg]
Radius = 0.4 ; [m]
z0 = 0.0 ; [m]
z1 = 0.75 ; [m]
Resolution = 10,20,50,30 ; [mm]

ABEC.AxialField:2 = {
Inclination = -90 ; [deg]
Radius = 0.4 ; [m]
z0 = 0.0 ; [m]
z1 = 0.75 ; [m]
Resolution = 10,20,50,30 ; [mm]
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It's always better not use spaces in paths. Try changing "D:\ATH\Exported Horns" to e.g. "D:\ATH\Exported_Horns".
Still stops at the same spot in CMD and only generates the .geo file for me.

D:\ATH\4.8.2>ath demos/demo1.cfg
Ath 4.8.2
   DIY version for personal non-commercial use
   Marcel Batik                  Czechia, 2022

-destination directory: D:\ATH\Exported_Horns\demo1
-calculating profiles

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Here's the ST260BLD, if anyone wants to explore the idea.
Ath 4.9 beta for testing still available on my website:

; ST260BLD
; public release under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
; Marcel Batík, 2022

R-OSSE = {
  R = 130
  r0 = 12.7
  a0 = 8 - 35*sin(p)^4
  a = 39.5
  k = 3
  r = 0.25
  b = 0.29
  m = 0.82
  q = 4.5

Mesh.LengthSegments = 40
Mesh.AngularSegments = 64

Mesh.SubdomainSlices =

Mesh.ThroatResolution = 4
Mesh.MouthResolution = 8
Mesh.InterfaceResolution = 5
Mesh.RearResolution = 15

Source.Shape = 1

ABEC.SimType = 2
ABEC.MeshFrequency = 1000
ABEC.NumFrequencies = 40
ABEC.Abscissa = 1
ABEC.f1 = 200
ABEC.f2 = 20000

ABEC.Polars:SPL_H = {
  MapAngleRange = 0,180,37
  NormAngle = 0
  Distance = 1.5

ABEC.Polars:SPL_V = {
  MapAngleRange = 0,180,37
  NormAngle = 0
  Inclination = 90
  Distance = 1.5

ABEC.SphericalField:1 = {
  Radius = 0.5

Output.ABECProject = 1
Output.STL = 1

Report = {
  Title = ST260BLD
  PolarData = SPL_H
  ;Width = 1200
  ;Height = 900
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Incredible functionality, mabat. Possible to insert the command into observations.txt after calculation? My last simulation run of 12 hours is still open in ABEC and I would love to have a peak at the field.

Today, we have received the new prices for electricity from January 2023, German market: at 0.48 Euro per kW/h, whith a 1 kW PC power supply, each full run will cost 6 Euros from next year :unsure:
It's the same in Denmark, but you can also pay the price per hour. Today it fluctuates between 0.2 and 0.4 euros and if there's a lot of wind it will be 0.02 euros.
It seems that it just crashes. It's possible that the old demos won't work with the newer Ath versions, it's probably better to start with something more recent.
I tried with the exact ST260BLD code you just posted and I get these "Unknown control point" errors:

Then I tried SDK version of GMesh and also gives same errors.

I'm sorry to bother so much, I just can't get started :(

D:\ATH\4.8.2>ath.exe demos/demo1.cfg
Ath 4.8.2
   DIY version for personal non-commercial use
   Marcel Batik                  Czechia, 2022

-destination directory: D:\ATH\Exported_Horns\demo1
-calculating profiles
-created directory D:\ATH\Exported_Horns\demo1\ABEC_FreeStanding
-writing ABEC project
-writing geo file bem_mesh.geo
-average mesh throat angle: -5.125 deg
-adding rear side surface
-matched wavefront radius: -142.171 mm
-setting mesh elements for radial drive
-running 'D:\ATH\gmsh-4.11.0-Windows64\gmsh.exe bem_mesh.geo -'
Info    : Running 'D:\ATH\gmsh-4.11.0-Windows64\gmsh.exe bem_mesh.geo -' [Gmsh 4.11.0, 1 node, max. 1 thread]
Info    : Started on Sat Nov 26 13:33:02 2022
Info    : Reading 'bem_mesh.geo'...
-running 'D:\ATH\gmsh-4.11.0-Windows64\gmsh.exe mesh.geo -'
Info    : Running 'D:\ATH\gmsh-4.11.0-Windows64\gmsh.exe mesh.geo -' [Gmsh 4.11.0, 1 node, max. 1 thread]
Info    : Started on Sat Nov 26 13:33:02 2022
Info    : Reading 'mesh.geo'...
Error   : Unknown control point 1 in GEO curve 1
Error   : Unknown control point 65 in GEO curve 1
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2563: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 1 in GEO curve 2
Error   : Unknown control point 2 in GEO curve 2
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2564: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 2 in GEO curve 3
Error   : Unknown control point 66 in GEO curve 3
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2565: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 2 in GEO curve 4
Error   : Unknown control point 3 in GEO curve 4
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2566: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 3 in GEO curve 5
Error   : Unknown control point 67 in GEO curve 5
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2567: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 3 in GEO curve 6
Error   : Unknown control point 4 in GEO curve 6
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2568: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 4 in GEO curve 7
Error   : Unknown control point 68 in GEO curve 7
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2569: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 4 in GEO curve 8
Error   : Unknown control point 5 in GEO curve 8
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2570: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 5 in GEO curve 9
Error   : Unknown control point 69 in GEO curve 9
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2571: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 5 in GEO curve 10
Error   : Unknown control point 6 in GEO curve 10
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2572: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 6 in GEO curve 11
Error   : Unknown control point 70 in GEO curve 11
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2573: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 6 in GEO curve 12
Error   : Unknown control point 7 in GEO curve 12
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2574: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 7 in GEO curve 13
Error   : Unknown control point 71 in GEO curve 13
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2575: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 7 in GEO curve 14
Error   : Unknown control point 8 in GEO curve 14
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2576: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 8 in GEO curve 15
Error   : Unknown control point 72 in GEO curve 15
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2577: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 8 in GEO curve 16
Error   : Unknown control point 9 in GEO curve 16
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2578: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 9 in GEO curve 17
Error   : Unknown control point 73 in GEO curve 17
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2579: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 9 in GEO curve 18
Error   : Unknown control point 10 in GEO curve 18
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2580: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 10 in GEO curve 19
Error   : Unknown control point 74 in GEO curve 19
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2581: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 10 in GEO curve 20
Error   : Unknown control point 11 in GEO curve 20
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2582: Could not add line
Error   : Unknown control point 11 in GEO curve 21
Error   : Unknown control point 75 in GEO curve 21
Error   : 'mesh.geo', line 2583: Could not add line
Error   : Too many errors: aborting parser...

Device width x height = 260.00 x 260.00 mm (10.236 x 10.236")
Device length =         97.83 mm (3.852")

Joined 2004
Paid Member
This is working:
MeshCmd = "D:\ATH\gmsh-4.11.0-Windows64\gmsh.exe %f"
That's hardly a solution, I would use an older Gmsh version instead, as was suggested.

Is ATH compatible with AKABAK or I should somehow find code for ABEC
Some projects (e.g. the ST260BLD above) can be imported to AKABAK without an issue (AKABAK - Tools - Importing ABEC project), some can't, for some reason. Personally, I still use an old ABEC 3 demo without any code. I don't plan to change to AKABAK, as I still find it a lot more difficult to use.

Ath+Gmsh create the MSH file (*.msh), which is the crux of what you need for a simulation. I guess you can always setup your own simulation in AKABAK using just this file. The mesh elements in the file are tagged into logical groups - see any generated project for a hint how to use them.
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I don't plan to change to AKABAK, as I still find it a lot more difficult to use.
I felt the same but now I like AKABAK more :)
Ath+Gmsh create the MSH file (*.msh), which is the crux of what you need for a simulation. I guess you can always setup your own simulation in AKABAK using just this file. The mesh elements in the file are tagged into logical groups - see any generated project for a hint how to use them.
I have attached a solved version of the ST260 BLD as an AKABAK project. I have fixed the things that don't import properly. Anyone can use this as a base template. I do this myself, copy the project to a new location and change the name before opening. Then swap the mesh file for the one you want and update the elements to the new references. It sounds more of a pain than it really is. The orientation and all the observation spectra will be the same. AKABAK will not output the spectra as text all in one go so the Ath report function won't work but VACS works fine.



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I do this myself, copy the project to a new location and change the name before opening. Then swap the mesh file for the one you want and update the elements to the new references. It sounds more of a pain than it really is.
Sorry for the tangent, but you could use "git" for source control? Then you could just stay in the same project directory, and create a new sim as a new git branch, then you can stay in one folder the whole time.

This thread is an absolutely fascinating read, really impressive work.