for Orion we had a notch for breaking w22EX to over 48db below the signal.
the circuit has received a lot of attention through modifications and perhaps it has never been completely solved since S.L. when he listened to Pluto,
it seems to me that it was Pluto,
he marveled because the midrange was better.
I was talking about a sound-rich signal, along with which there are quiet signals 20 dB quieter than the main signal. For example, an orchestra plays, groups of 5-10 instruments, and simultaneously a violin or trumpet is playing 20 dB quieter. Will this violin or trumpet be heard? If it is 30 or 40 dB quieter?
If the trumpet is present it is because it contributes to the sound, then you will hear its contribution.
The hard part is to say how distinctly you can feel.
many variables are at stake.
Has the microphone captured every tiny nuance?
Does your system have a resolution to show tiny nuances?
In this latter case your acoustics become very important.
the errors generated by the acoustics are the main ones responsible for the quality of listening.
Occasionally listening even with a good headphone can help to judge the resolution of your audio equipment by excluding the distortions introduced by your environment.
The last question is related to the display of the influence of weak sounds in the crossover simulator program. It reacts correctly to all crossover changes, but sometimes I don't understand her. Sometimes a change in the frequency response graph, which is 50 dB lower than the main signal level, causes a change in the resulting (all speakers with a crossover) frequency response. And then I start to think that the program is not working properly.
if I understand correctly, are you using a crossover through your computer?
so do you have a program that manages the crossover?
I use all analog components and I have no experience of crossover programs through the computer, however I work with computers and
I can give you some good advice on how to best manage your computer and avoid malfunctions.
All programs have more or less important bugs that are usually improved or fixed with patches and then there is the behavior of the computer with the S.O.

If you want to stay away from problems and get stable behavior, you have to meet some rules.
The operating system must not be corrupted, and it is not easy to understand when it is.
you may have some small malfunction caused by corruption of system files or conflicts caused by files of other programs and it is not easy to trace the cause, it is better to restore the computer from scratch.
If I can give you some advice, I would reinstall the computer from scratch, then update all the drivers, and first install the crossover program.
If the problem recurs, you should contact the crossover software manufacturer.
If, on the other hand, the problem does not recur, I would wait a reasonably long time to be sure, after which you install one by one the programs that you had before on the computer.
To do things right you should install one program at a time and repeat the test time, if all goes well move on to the next program.
This method would allow you to understand which program is causing the malfunction.
If the computer was mine, it would be a computer dedicated only to the crossover program and the bare essentials that I need.
Each program requires a minimum HW, from experience it is better that your HW is much higher than the minimum required.
New feature request to Ivo

Hi Ivo,
Just wondering if it might be possible to add the following:
1.ability to show a legend on the graphs as an option for all of the software
2. the ability to show different colors for mulitple overlay/target curves in LIMP to more closely evaluate the different T/S models
3. Larger FFT option in LIMP?
Arta help please

Please forgive me if these question have been asked before.

1. Is is possible to normalise a FR, set it as an overlay, load another IMP and add the normalisaton 'error' to that response in FR?
I'm trying to make a polar response plot that shows just the off-axis errors.

2. I find the FFT analysis option of the Directivity Data Definition box confusing. How do I set the gated time window for each response? Where can I find the appropriate 'Start position' value?

with many thanks,
One option without ARTA is VituixCAD. Convert IR to FR, load all pir files, set FFT parameters, export all responses to driver in the main program, single wire as XO.


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Anyway, directivity plot should work directly with ARTA. Just open pir file e.g. 80 deg to IR window and investigate start position and length of time window. Set those values to directivity pattern tool and plot.


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