Asynchronous I2S FIFO project, an ultimate weapon to fight the jitter

Attached are the pics


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Attached are the pics for the crystek..

Pls help..

Thanks guys

You mean the original XOs work but the CCHD957 don't work? Usually it's soldering problem on the adapters. Please check if there is any dry solder, or some left flux on the pin.

Or, if there is any short on the adapter, please measure resistance between Vcc and GND of the adapters.
Vcc located at top left corner, GND on the right bottom.

Hi guys,

Thanks very much for all the help..ive put back the generics and enjoyed my music. Ill have a friend whose good with smt soldering take a look at them. Im not really skilled with soldering. I judt did a really bad job in soldering these xo. I thought i could do it.

Anyway,Ill wait for the si750 xo and be done with it..

Btw: just for clarification regarding the si570 xo, do i order 2 boards or just 1 board for my dual xo board?

Thanks very much ian for having this available for us.

Thank you all for the support
good choice, 2 would be a bit superfluous ;)

I reckon its going to be a very handy board that one, it will mean that even when I move to the multichannel fifo or something else, I will still have a very flexible reference digital transport/source to use for testing other dac boards or running my ADC/instrumentation; at practically any speed I want
I'm not getting any sound out implementing the FIFO with Dual Clock. Before searching myself to death. I think my I2S connection is not right. Can anybody check the wiring.
Using USB Amanero and Buffalo II

Amanero-------- FIFO-------------Buffalo II
Pin 3 Data------>DS------------>D2 / Data
Pin 4 CLK------->WS------------>D1 / CLK
Pin 5 FSCLK---->SCK------------>DCK

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The signal delay that get induced when using the fifo, i have understand is up to approx 0,7sec with 44.1kHz signal, so i started wondering. since i will use the dac with my HTPC among other things.. when looking at movies that delay would be to much unfortunately. Would it be possible to have say one SPDIF input directly to the DAC (not through fifo/XO-board) or wouldn't the dac get the "right" clock then, since the XO-board wouldn't be given any signal?

Also, i have to choose - running the dac with active gain stage, or running it with fifo plus passive 1:25 MC step-up then straigt into my line stage. This is due to lack of space in my dac/preamp-case. Would the fifo+step-up be the best alternative?
we really need to post the answers to this question and a few others in advance, or pick one of the many times its been answered and link it in the wiki in red so it doesnt continuously get asked.

for starters cleanly switching between the 2 clocks on your dac (whatever that dac might be) would complicate matters and probably add jitter even if it was relevant. the rest tbh I have no idea what you mean, other than you are suggesting some sort of setup that erm partially goes through the fifo?...

the delay is unavoidable, you may find some way to switch spdif somehow if whatever you dac is has spdif, but it would not be easy. perhaps a couple of OTTO II could be used to switch the i2s as well, but none will involve switching the clock.

you may try upsampling the audio for your video streams if that is possible, this will shorten the delay, but until there a way developed to know what the specific delay is at any one time and communicate that to your computer so it can match that delay on the video, you are stuck with a delay, or you must get yourself another dac for video. its that simple, fifo was developed for audio.

we have not heard your dac, your MC step-up, or your line stage, we do not even know what they are, or what your taste is, how are we supposed to answer that sort of question? I know these sort of opinions are popular to throw around with no information on some user sites, but here not so much.

sorry dont mean to be harsh there but really, how are we supposed to answer that?
I'm not getting any sound out implementing the FIFO with Dual Clock. Before searching myself to death. I think my I2S connection is not right. Can anybody check the wiring.
Using USB Amanero and Buffalo II

Amanero-------- FIFO-------------Buffalo II
Pin 3 Data------>DS------------>D2 / Data
Pin 4 CLK------->WS------------>D1 / CLK
Pin 5 FSCLK---->SCK------------>DCK


I think Amanero's pin 5 (FSCLK) goes into WS and pin 4 (BCLK) into SCK
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.. sort of setup that erm partially goes through the fifo?...

First the Dac will be a Buffalo III-SE, and yes - i'm talking about running two spdif and one i2s source through the FIFO/XO, and then my question was, if running a THIRD spdif source straight to the dac (it does have a separate spdif input), would that work since the local XO is removed? in other words - would the dac anyway get the clock from the XO-board if the signal went straigt into the dac, and not through the FIFO/XO?

we have not heard your dac, your MC step-up, or your line stage, we do not even know what they are, or what your taste is, how are we supposed to answer that sort of question? ...
.. sorry dont mean to be harsh there but really, how are we supposed to answer that?

Well, you don't have to know my taste to know what you think, i didn't ask you to answer how things sound in my system - And since i haven't heard the FIFO i could never know what or how much better "performance" it gives, which is why i ask. Since some people even are running the ES9018 in pure voltage output mode without I/V, does the FIFO still give big performance lifts for them?

I'm trying to plan how i will build my systems, and i think it's fair to have some questions. Also, everybody doesn't have the same time reading through thousands of posts. Anyway, i still think it's a fair question to those who have tried - and even if you don't want to answer then maybe somebody else would.
And by the way, i'm probably going to load the dac with ~1.8-2.2R per phase to gnd, and through a Lundahl LL9226 in 1:20 mode - if i choose to go that way.
RollE2k, the answer to your spdif question depends what the action of Ian's XO board is when there is no i2s input. I believe there will be no output on the mclk line without an input, which is going to be a problem for you.

I am working on a solution to the htpc problem for myself at the moment too. Do you have anything other than the htpc to connect? If the htpc is the only extra device to connect then I have a solution in mind but need to learn a bit more c++ and understand the code I need to write. Do you use xbmc by any chance?