Asynchronous I2S FIFO project, an ultimate weapon to fight the jitter

Thanks Ian - it looks like a giant step forward...hope the house move went well :)

I'd echo safesphere's questions

1) Any PCM stereo sound quality improvements over the latest version of the FIFO board + isolator?

...and add a couple of my own...

2) I'd ideally like to be able to play stereo DSD as well as PCM. Can I swap between them or do I need to make a choice during the build. I can always get something like HQ Player that will output DSD but would like to plan now.

3) What are the connections I need to make - what's the signal/data chain look like? It looks like there is a MCK socket on this board. Do I need to pass a u.fl MCK signal back to this board from my existing dual clock board?

4) Also, it looks like the data signals are separated on this board so I guess that the data signals go straight from this board to the DAC rather than via the isolator and clock boards.

5) I'm assuming that my current isolator board will be redundant?

6)Finally, I run dual mono Twisted Pear Bufallo IIISE's. Does using this multi-channel board mean that I can avoid using additional boards (I think an OPUS is needed) and just output the left and right channels separately?

Hi Ian,

Would there be any advantage or disadvantage in using this new MC FIFO board for stereo PCM instead of the old stereo FIFO bard + isolator?

Also, will the new MC board automatically recognize PCM vs. DSD? Will any hardware change (e.g. connections) be required to switch from PCM to DSD and back?

Kind regards,

Hi Alex,

If you just stick with stereo I2S application, then you don't need this new MC FIFO.

The new MC FIFO will have multi-channel capability and DSD support. It could be the first time that a DSD stream being re-clocked in sync mode with this I2S/DSD FIFO.
Yes, it will recognize DSD and I2S automatically. No need any hardware change.

As well, new MC FIFO will have variable delay time set up. So, it will make it possible working with video at very short delay time.

Mode details will be post very soon. But I'm in a business trip this week. Hopefully by the end of next week.

Thanks Ian - it looks like a giant step forward...hope the house move went well :)

I'd echo safesphere's questions

1) Any PCM stereo sound quality improvements over the latest version of the FIFO board + isolator?

...and add a couple of my own...

2) I'd ideally like to be able to play stereo DSD as well as PCM. Can I swap between them or do I need to make a choice during the build. I can always get something like HQ Player that will output DSD but would like to plan now.

3) What are the connections I need to make - what's the signal/data chain look like? It looks like there is a MCK socket on this board. Do I need to pass a u.fl MCK signal back to this board from my existing dual clock board?

4) Also, it looks like the data signals are separated on this board so I guess that the data signals go straight from this board to the DAC rather than via the isolator and clock boards.

5) I'm assuming that my current isolator board will be redundant?

6)Finally, I run dual mono Twisted Pear Bufallo IIISE's. Does using this multi-channel board mean that I can avoid using additional boards (I think an OPUS is needed) and just output the left and right channels separately?


All output signals will be from the new MC clock board which is releasing soon.

It will have enough high quality signals to support 4 DACs in stereo/multi-channel/mono block mode at same time.

Hopefully new updates will come by the end of next week.

Hi all

Ian, the multichannel FIFO is a fantastic tool, thank you for making this possible!

I have been silently watching this thread from the beginning but some time in 2013/14 life got in the way and I lost track. Therefore: Apologies if the following is a stupid question, but I would be glad for guidance.

What is needed for a from-scratch multichannel setup? What power supplies, batteries, charger boards, coaxial cables and connector boards are required for a “best you can get for reasonable money”?

I thought of the following:

  1. Music player; convolution engine for EQ, room correction and crossover: Computer or DSP
  2. Getting an i2s signal
    • Either taking i2s from the DSP or - if a computer is used - using an Amanero; or is there a better better multichannel and DSD capable usb-i2s converter? Is a networked rpi/bbb the better alternative to interact between a computer and the FIFO?
    • Amanero/rpi/bbb isolator board (is that necessary before the FIFO for an optimal setup? Is a dedicated power supply for the isolated side necessary?)
  3. Connectors and connector boards?
  4. Cleaning the i2s signal
    • Multichannel FIFO
    • Multichannel clock board
    • Clock: I'm a bit lost here; what are the options? Wasn't there a project from Andrea Mori “The Well Tempred Master Clock"?
    • Power supply for input side (Suggestions?)
    • Battery power for clock board? Battery charger board (Ian, do you sell these?)
    • Is an additional power source necessary for the reclocked side of FIFO, or can it be powered by the clock board's supply?

  5. clean i2s to DAC
    • i2s to PCM board (current project: Distinction v2)
Hello Ian,

I have few questions please :

As it is DSD speed, must we this time use only uf-l wires between the boards (no flat cables anymore between each pcbs due to the high speed of DSD stream (Fs = 64 x PCM)?)

Any way to source only 1" or 1.5" or 2" uf-l wires to reduce length in serie of the connected board and total EMI surface (?) ?

Do the multichannels uf-l outputs stream the same DSD as the reccorded material or is it possible than a player/convolver stream multiples DSD streams on each uf-l outputs ? I.E : being able to convolve an active filter or a digital EQ setuped in the player (JRiver or any able to) ? Or just allow fixed multichannel speakers present on some DSD reccordings (5 +1 speakers) : so each uf-l output is defintly in the marble : right speaker, left speaker, center speaker, etc ? To rephrase it differently : is it made only for multiple channel dac chips as the last AK or ESS flag dac chips ?

How is connected the DSD FiFO to the Odroid or the Pi source ? With the previous I2S to uf-l pcb adapters ?

32 bits able as well (if no DSD source but to pass digital volume from a soft player as JRiver if it streams 24/192 Hi res PCM and of course if the DAC chip is 32 bits proof) ?

Sorry if stupid questions or if I mix the concepts...
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You can,

And you can also add a re-clock flip-flops stage between SM5842 and your PCM63 / PCM1702 / PCM1704 by FIFO MCLK for better performance.

You can use stereo I2S FIFO for your application.


thank you for reply
attached Is dac I use with exception of receiver which Is CS8412 and that DF Is SM5841APT
would you please advise optimal setup to purchase from you
do I need to order other than stereo FIFO I2S like other receiver part, XO, etc
here Is CS8412 description

BTW Is stereo FIFO I2S other hardware than first version but with updated firmware


  • sm5842 dac.jpg
    sm5842 dac.jpg
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I wonder to know if it is better to isolate i2s signal at the begining or at the end of signal treatment.
In my case i have two i2s sources: Rpi PI3 and Amanero (from USB PC) to go to Najda DSP with only one i2s input.

Point 1. ou 2. is better ?

1. : RPi with [RPi Isolator Hat] // Amanero with [FIFO isolator board] or [Hermes-AmaneroUSB Isolator Module] => [I2S FIFO II Kit] -> [Dual XO II Clock Board] -> Najda I2S input

2: RPi // Amanero => [I2S FIFO II Kit] -> [FIFO isolator board] -> [Dual XO II Clock Board] -> Najda I2S input

Best regards.
I noticed that a new version of Ian FIFO has been introduced. However, I do not know why his buffer is only 4Mb is not enough to ignore jitter from computer?

I do not think the buffering in a hardware FIFO makes much difference in the sound quality for USB sound. Buffering already take place in the USB drivers even without the FIFO so it just going to be double buffering with lots of delays.

Why do I can hear the difference in the sense of hearing while I use a different digital wire (USB) when signalis is transmitted to the DAC through a optical isolation and a buffer?

The USB cable has a ground wire, so he is very easy to put the noise from the computer into the DAC. As I see it If signal gets corrupted because of line noise etc, it gets into the buffer as valid data regardless of optical isolation. Then there is no way the buffer can distinguish between real and noise data and therefore the sound quality is affected. So may be that is why you are hearing with different quality USB wires.
I noticed that a new version of Ian FIFO has been introduced. However, I do not know why his buffer is only 4Mb is not enough to ignore jitter from computer?

I do not think the buffering in a hardware FIFO makes much difference in the sound quality for USB sound. Buffering already take place in the USB drivers even without the FIFO so it just going to be double buffering with lots of delays.

Why do I can hear the difference in the sense of hearing while I use a different digital wire (USB) when signalis is transmitted to the DAC through a optical isolation and a buffer?

The USB cable has a ground wire, so he is very easy to put the noise from the computer into the DAC. As I see it If signal gets corrupted because of line noise etc, it gets into the buffer as valid data regardless of optical isolation. Then there is no way the buffer can distinguish between real and noise data and therefore the sound quality is affected. So may be that is why you are hearing with different quality USB wires.


My new FIFO has 256Mb memory, not 4Mb.

The buffer on USB interface is only for communication, has nothing to do with the sound quality. The problem of USB streamer is the high jitter level.

Why FIFO can improve sound quality? It's not because of buffering. The key reason is clock replacement.

Multi-channel Clock board

It can output:

4 MCLK signals
4 SCK signals
4 LRCK/D1 signals
2 SD/D2 signals
1 of each of D3-D8 signals

So it can support up to 4 independent muti-channel/stereo/mono block DACs at same time.

Both U.FL and SMA connectors footprint are available for MCLK output on PCB.

Multi-channel clock board has its won independent power supply. This power supply will be 100% isolated from mcFIFO because of the built-in isolator.


by Ian, on Flickr
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It can output:

4 MCLK signals
4 SCK signals
4 LRCK/D1 signals
2 SD/D2 signals
1 of each of D3-D8 signals

So it can support up to 4 independent muti-channel/stereo/mono block DACs at same time.

Both U.FL and SMA connectors footprint are available for MCLK output on PCB.

Multi-channel clock board has its won independent power supply. This power supply will be 100% isolated from mcFIFO because of the built-in isolator.


by Ian, on Flickr

Thanks Ian.
Looks great.
Hi Ian,

May you please briefly explain what the device can and can not do with an implementation illustration ? I'm not sure to understand all the purposes of your new design.

Is it only for multiways reccording like home-theater or 5 channels DSD reccordings ?

Can it works with a soft like J-River as a source via device like a RaspBerry Pi with different FIR time delays between the ways (time alignements of the drivers between each others setuped in the soft) for a multi-amped active Stereon speaker as a MINIDSP can do ?

FIR correction proof ?

