ATH4 waveguide inspired multi way

9 months later it is about time these speakers had a cabinet. Here's the plan and the reports for 10deg normalised horizontal.

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Enclosure Setting
; -------------------------------------------------------

my_plan = {
  point  P0 166 0 12
  point  P1 184 18 8
  point  P2 184 30 24
  point  P3 63.79 293 24
  point  P4 45 300 24
  point  PB 0 300 24
  cpoint C1 166 18
  cpoint C2 -163.8 30
  cpoint C3 45 271.3
  arc P0 C1 P1
  line P1 P2
  arc P2 C2 P3
  arc P3 C3 P4
  line P4 PB

Mesh.Enclosure = {
  Plan = my_plan
  Spacing = 0,20,0,344
  FrontResolution = 24,24,24,24
  BackResolution = 24,24,24,24

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Measurement Settings
; -------------------------------------------------------
Mesh.VerticalOffset = 0

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Mesh Setting
; -------------------------------------------------------
Mesh.AngularSegments = 56
Mesh.LengthSegments = 20
Mesh.ThroatResolution = 2.5 ; [mm]
Mesh.InterfaceResolution = 7.0 ; [mm]
Mesh.InterfaceOffset = 5.0 ; [mm]
Mesh.ZMapPoints = 0.3,0.5,0.5,0.95
Mesh.SubdomainSlices =
Mesh.Quadrants = 14

; -------------------------------------------------------
; ABEC Project Setting
; -------------------------------------------------------

ABEC.SimType = 2
ABEC.Abscissa = 1 ; 1=log | 2=linear
ABEC.f1 = 20 ; [Hz]
ABEC.f2 = 16000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.MeshFrequency = 1000
ABEC.NumFrequencies = 40

ABEC.Polars:SPLTH = {
  SID = 0
  MapAngleRange = 0,180,72
  Distance = 3
  NormAngle = 10
  Inclination = 0
ABEC.Polars:SPLTV = {
  SID = 0
  MapAngleRange = 0,180,72
  Distance = 3
  NormAngle = 10
  Inclination = 270

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Output
; -------------------------------------------------------

Output.DestDir = "C:\ath4" ; current directory by default

Output.STL = 0
Output.ABECProject = 1

Report = {
  Title = "my plan"
  Width = 1200
  Height = 800
  NormAngle = 10
  PolarData = SPLTH


v3 of the ath4, baffle & cabinet design.

  • made a few tweaks to the ath4 shape to smooth out the DI chart as best I can.
  • pinch at ~2k that I'm trying to understand.
  • with further iterations hope to flatten the DI by ~ 10 degrees / flatten the -3db point.

I'll render a square box too for comparison....

1678832802045.png 1678831124435.png
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