B&C DCX464

Until we see a comparison with bms, here is a brief comparison between some drivers: b&c dcx464 16ohms, jbl d2 wired in parallel, 18sound nd3sa, electrovoice nd6a, with b&c me90, rcf hf950 and jbl vtx f15 horns.


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One can't simply compare inductances alone without taking into account what effect they could have. On a woofer the inductance may vary much more as a function of excursion than on a compression driver (which are usually underhung anyway).
And it is much easier to keep the inductance of a tiny little 1" tweeter low compared to a compression midrange with a voice-coil diameter of several inches. Keep in mind that if everyting else was kep equal the inductance of a coil is increasing with the square of its diameter.


Thank you. Could you please tell us more about the test-setup you are using? Are the horns mounted on some baffle? Is there a high-pass involved? Could you measure impedance, too?
Ah, and one personal request - since I have a slight red/green blindness - most of the colors look very much the same to me - would it be possible to change some of them (or maybe use dotted/dashed lines) ?
Looks promising!

I have a horn for the b&c dcx464. Hihi.
Can the guys from B&C shoot me a message regarding the product details like the exit design so we can properly assess if it likes a fastflare or slow opening horn throat. Also question on the acquisition. Would like to test it. Planning on testing this one and the new Celestion. Grinding out alot of top compression drivers in my place looking for the one that works out best. Id like to believe that the inherent beaming issues with such a wide bandwidth driver is so called now resolved with the new b&c. How we wish it would be true to have a big horn that covers 300hz-18k without beaming. Just the thought is worth testing out if the boys from b&c pulls it off.


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Hi Victorsierra,

Regarding the exit angle of the DCX464, I asked the tech-guys at B&C, and the exit angle is zero ("0").

Best regards

I have a horn for the b&c dcx464. Hihi.
Can the guys from B&C shoot me a message regarding the product details like the exit design so we can properly assess if it likes a fastflare or slow opening horn throat. Also question on the acquisition. Would like to test it. Planning on testing this one and the new Celestion. Grinding out alot of top compression drivers in my place looking for the one that works out best. Id like to believe that the inherent beaming issues with such a wide bandwidth driver is so called now resolved with the new b&c. How we wish it would be true to have a big horn that covers 300hz-18k without beaming. Just the thought is worth testing out if the boys from b&c pulls it off.


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I found some measurements on this site https://www.prodance.cz/data/attachments/BMS4593ND.pdf , which should be similar to mine, the same horn me90, now with a bms 4593 driver , and even a eaw kf394 https://www.prodance.cz/data/attachments/mereni_eaw_kf394+kf394nt.pdf , wich according with Polar response & Speaker Orientation. should have a bms4594nd. I imported the measurements into the rew software, and this should be the difference between these coaxials.

Thanks a ton for the comparison!
As its hard to see for me too, do you mind plotting mid hi of the two drivers with different colours?

How is the sound of it? (Outside the measurements) quality wise.
Joined 2004
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I think you really need to look at more polars to make any conclusions. I've measured BMS 4593ND - this is the HF section on a big OSWG. Not very nice overall, once you see it all -
(0 - 80 deg / 10deg, SPL division is 5 dB). Remember that the on-axis behaviour means very little for the overall in-room sound.


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Joined 2004
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Oh, come on. :) Of course I'm grateful for this. I know of no one else with all these drivers at stack. I only tried to motivate by example to make some more sets of the data, it would tell a lot (and I mean a lot) more... :wave:

- So, is the new DCX worth it, after all? (I just can't say from the data shown - I can't tell what's correctable and what is not.)
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